Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In the Moment


From where I'm sitting, life looks pretty good.

Here's a few pictures taken of me during my delicious shopping adventures with mi amigas, K & K. It's a classic look for me: a mix of black and white prints, in this case polka dots ( I think I could go a week wearing different polka dotted outfits), plaid paired with a pair of spanish red heels. You may recall from a previous post, WE LIKEY THE RED SHOES.


 What I Wore: 
  • Black & White Polka-dot print Indian Sari Tunic.  Thrifted. (Came with matching pants, and they are crazyharemcool)
  • Polka Dotted Scarf (used as sash). Thrifted.
  • Dark rinse Skinny Jeans. Target.
  • Made in Spain Vintage Red Leather pumps. A million years ago, Thrifted.
  • Black/White Wool Plaid Car Jacket, w/ leather trim. Thrifted. 
  • Cuff: Vinyl cuff made of an old record. Cuff's Apparel, Sacramento.
  • Vintage Red Leather Handbag. Thrifted.
You may recognize the coat and purse from a previous post. Well, I wear them both almost daily. You are most likely to see them again. ; )



  1. I share the red shoe love!!!

  2. That polk dot tunic is muy perfecto!

  3. wow lovely look
    your blog is great!

  4. you look fantastic! shoes are adorable - especially their heel! where are these photes taken?

  5. wow those shoes have a great heel.

  6. really, red makes the greatest accessory color!
    i need to wear my red shoes more often...
    xoxo alison

  7. Thank you all for all the swell comments. Marta, The pictures were taken at the Roseville Antique Trove, a huuuge antique mall. I'm going to post more pictures of the shopping adventure tommorrow.

  8. looking forward for the pictures - i love antique furniture. besides, because i'm not sure if i mentioned it previosly, you speak better polish than me ;p you should definitely visit my country in order to practice the language skills :D


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!