Monday, July 5, 2010

Taking Liberties

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
-George Orwell
Does my butt look big? No, friends, don't answer that. I know the honest answer, and for polite company it's best to remain hushed about it. For all the the cush on my tush, I hope my brain looks even bigger, and at my age, I'm wearing my tree-rings proudly, and sometimes those good-time circles come in the form of crow's feet and a full bottom. Still, I'll take the liberty to wear my style fiercely anyhow.

Here are some of the day pictures from my Fourth of July holiday. They were taken at 6 p.m. and so the light is both harsh and shadowy. But it was too hot to start snapping any earlier, and I was getting my hot-dog groove on besides, so forgive the over-exposure, but feel free to enjoy the collection of vintage pins on the decolletage.

It was a VERY mellow day. Just me and my boyfriend, D hanging out, listening to some good tunes, sipping on delicious Anchor Steams and reading magazines. M-E-L-L-O-W. Later in the afternoon, we made veggie hot dogs and served them up with macaroni salad, potato salad, and potato chips. I slurped on Dreyer's Grape juice bars for the dessert. And we waited for nightfall. We waited for fireworks.

To think I waited all day for 10 minutes. At 9 o'clock p.m.  it was finally dark enough to get our sparklers sparkling. People across the street were lighting some of their fireworks up in the parking lot, and random neighbors were shooting off firecrackers, one of which sounded and felt uncomfortably like gunshots. Hats off to liberty, I guess.

Now Wearing:  
  • Red, white & blue reversible sun-hat, Ramsey's Hats
  • Red sunnies, Target
  • "Indian Bingo" beaded bracelet, thrifted (Goodwill)
  • 1960's floral broach collection, thrifted and gifted (various)
  • Butt Ugly label, American Flag skirt/shift 
  • 1960's Italian color-block purse, Bows & Arrows 
  • 1980's color-block loafers, thrifted

I'm going to post my "arty" night fireworks photo tomorrow. Meanwhile hope you enjoy my outfit post, and yes, I wore the same Butt Ugly flag dress as last year.  And yes, I had a lovely day. 

What did YOU do for Independence Day?


jemina said...

Bella, you really do take your red white and blue seriously, and are they matching shoes and bag I spy? WOWZA, this is just so cool, and btw, if you must know, I almost snorted at my monitor when you described your butt ugly shift LOL, you are the BEST, grrrllll :))), XOXO

luciana said...

WONDERFUL. And I love the Dress. these Pictures are gorgeous :)

Missa said...

Oh seriously, how could you NOT wear that dress every single 4th of July for all of time?! It's just that perfect!

I love how you added the vintage pins this year, super fun detail :D

We had an awesome evening, partied with friends and family, barbecued, and watched fireworks, pretty classic.

the Citizen Rosebud said...

BBQ'ing, fireworks & friends: what's NOT to love?

Sara Kristiina said...

Wow that dress is marvellous! :D


TM said...

Wow!!! Bella!!! This dress is great, and wonderfull for that hollyday! I love that vintage pins! Great post you made here!!!

Avalonne Hall said...

What a fabulous 4th of July outfit!!! Those loafers are wonderful! And that bag!!! Everything is just amazing :)

Anonymous said...

The Butt Ugly dress rocks, as do the pins. Wear it all with pride, girl! we all end up with our battle scars to be proud of!

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely! Sounds lovely. I kind of like mellow fourth of July's, to be honest. Running around crazy isn't that much fun anyway. Glad to see you kicked back and relaxed. :)

Marie said...

Love your patriotic outfit and clever enamel pin usage! Happy belated 4th-

Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Purseapalooza giveaway

Unknown said...

How fabulous and festive! Love the dress, also enjoyed a more laid back barbeque at home with some close friends.. :)

Searching for Rosebud said...

Love the pins added to the dress and your liberty theme- You rocked the 4th!

Isquisofrenia said...

you look so preetty here love this dress and shoes and love this whole mellow day
you look very relaxed and comfy!!!
my friend took photos hope she sends those fast hahah

Nav said...

love that dress! so cute!


The Photodiarist said...

You look so adorable. Lovely, in fact. Lets see . . . I was in London on the 4th where no one cares about our independence. They probably resent it!