Monday, August 30, 2010

the Red Polka Blues

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                                                        -Eleanor Rooseevelt

 Summer is almost over. At least in theory. So for one last hurrah, I wore my favorite summer color combo to work. The "cardigan" is a T-shirt I cut in half. The dress is a wonderful vintage piece that I've had in my own wardrobe for over 15 years. I love it now, more than ever. The shoes, the incredible Goodwill score that has gotten so much more mileage than I ever imagined. And sadly, I forgot to photograph the hand-bag: a phenomenal BUTT UGLY drawstring bag made out of a bright linen union jack dish towel. It is so amazing. I'll see if I can show it to you in a future post.


  1. What a brilliant idea. You know what i will be doing right now, look for the right t-shirt to cut. Hurrahhhhhhhhhh!!!!.
    I adore your shoes, and the combination of blue and red is sooooo lovely.
    Last year we were in North carolina with some friend, we used to go to GOOD WILL, neraly every day. And they even have offers, soooooooooo great!!!Nothing second hand in Spain yet!!
    Looking forward to seeing your bag.
    Amor y abrazos!!!

  2. What a beautiful outfit! I like the colour of that cardigan :)


  3. What a cheerfully coloured outfit. Great to lift the spirits in!

  4. Great combo...and a T-shirt cut up the front as a cardi..brilliant! What a totally easy and clever DIY.

    ♥ V

  5. awesome outfit! I love those shoes!

  6. T-shirt cut in half to sweater? You are genius- I just might have to try this myself.

  7. LOVE this dress on you!
    Your DIY cardi is stunning too, what a great idea, clever lady!

  8. happy end of summer! your one last spin in the summer wardrobe is lovely ;) too bad the weather doesn't know what month it is!

  9. I just did another one, a black tshirt this time. So I can wear sleeveless to work. Cheap and easy!

    @ Kallie: Right? Nobody told the weather what season it was.

  10. oh man, ive been missing lots of great posts by you
    this dress looks so amazing
    on the way to sf i saw the sign for sacramento and i thought of you!!!

  11. FANTASTIC DRESS!!! Really fantastic. Now you need to tell us how you finish your t-shirt cardi!

  12. FANTASTIC DRESS!!! Really fantastic. Now you need to tell us how you finish your t-shirt cardi!


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!