Tuesday, September 14, 2010

outfit post: Fortuna Sandwich

"All good fortune is a gift of the gods, and you don't win favor of the ancient gods by being good, but by being bold." 
-Anita Brookner

Feeling excessively vulnerable at the moment. I've got so many things on my plate, my supper's gone cold. Can't quite seem to get a moment to myself, and there isn't enough hours in my play. Something's going break. It maybe me. 

Found out that I'm not doing as well as I thought at my new job. I was hoping to create less stress in my life so I could focus on my creative endeavors but instead my world seems stretched too thin and I wanna snap. Sigh.

There's lots to be stoked about, and I need to remind myself to stay focused on these things. I've been out and about , doing loads of research and interviewing, which I will be sharing with you shortly. 
Been working on a LABOR OF LOVE, a button embellishing project, which is turning out beautifully, and may soon find a new home on a rad new friend! I'll try to get pictures posted of that before too long too. 


And I have all your wonderful, warm and supportive comments to be thankful for: THANK-YOU! This blog has brought into my life a whole new slew of friends and I appreciate each and every one of you. It always makes my day to see what you have to say. 

So here's to the bad days you've got to take with the good. After all, being bold gets the brass ring. And you know I like brass rings, right?

 Now Wearing: 
  • Vintage polka dot scarf as headband, once thrifted
  • Forever 21 striped cotton blouse, thrifted
  •  Christian Dior, vintage cami, thrifted (This & That)
  • Grey twill shorts, Target
  • Vintage Japanese  platform thongs (thrifted long ago)


  1. Hey girl, I love that quote, fits right in with my Mount Olympus snaps!
    I love love love that stripey blouse teamed with polka dot hair band! You totally rock girl! Love anything with stripes!

    Oh, and the floral no. below, so pretty!

  2. Love the spots and stripes on you AND love the blog! xx

  3. It is always hard when you start a new job. You might find it easier as you go along, but above all keep calm. And if you discover that it is not the job that brings happyness to your life, well look for something else.
    I love the mixture of black polka dots and stripes.
    Abrazos siempre.

  4. You've got the right attitude, hon! Hang in there!

    ♥ V

  5. i really like the striped blouse, the polka dot scarf is my favorite out of all your scarves!!

  6. hang in there girl - and PRIORITIZE! After that, delegate. There are so many things that I stress about that just aren't really that important in the long run, you know? Put it all off until you have time, and you will have time later!

  7. I've always found starting a new job really stressful, I find I always get really sick with a flu! Hang in there, I'm sure it will ease up soon enough :)
    I love that quote up the top.


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!