Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Haiku Moving Company

in the eyes of a dragonfly,
the distant hills. 

No matter how far the distance of a star, you can still feel the shine. Such is the case of The Haiku Moving Company. The crafty creation of Sacramento native Kathy Laskey, The Haiku Moving Company is a creative outlet for this artist and wanderlustful spirit who is currently residing in Colorado, by way of a Florida sailboat. She recently sent me a lovely care package, a wonderful little sample of her listed line of goodies on Etsy.
"No matter how far the distance of a star, you can still feel the shine.   Such is the case of The Haiku Moving Company."
The entire package was a treasure, from the random bird collage on, and lining the envelope, to the Japanese newspaper gift-wrapped parcel. Sealed with twine and charm, my present turned out to be the most adorable little travel set of chopsticks!

Nesting in a sparkling ruby vinyl case, embossed with aviary design, these chopsticks are re-usable, and can be easily slipped into my purse. I love the idea of carrying my own chopsticks too. Somehow its seems very eco-conscious as well as stylish! 

You can order your own amazing sparkle-sticks fromThe Haiku Moving Company on Etsy here.


  1. It looks so beautiful and so thoughtful. You deserve all the presents in the world.
    Have a super day!!!

  2. These are beautiful, I have a thing for anything birdy!

  3. such a beautiful post! thanks for sharing, and for putting me on your blogroll. am honored :) thinking of you <3

  4. that was a really pretty poem. dragonflies are so magical. also, that looks like an EXCELLENT etsy store, thanks for the share.

  5. LOVE the name of the shop, sounds like the owners are very visionary :), from the wrapping presentation to the product casing itself, really thoughtful and so detailed. I'm sure you will use them wherever you go to restaurants that need chopsticks for the food. Missing you Bella, Love from my heart to yours, always, J, xoxo

  6. I bring my own bags to the grocery store but I never thought of bringing my own chopsticks to a restaurant. Love it!


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!