Monday, October 4, 2010

Lindsay, Lindsay

I want you to remember this name: LINDSAY RICKMAN
Lindsay Rickman is a fashion designer.  Soft-spoken, petite & sweet, Lindsay Rickman will probably be a 12-year-in-the-making-over-night sensation.
She designs her own label, Lindsay Lindsay 23, sells on Etsy, and has just finished designing costumes for Ballet. If her name sounds familiar on this blog, it maybe because I've mentioned her here, and here

I met her over a year ago, outside the (now defunct) Java Lounge. I had a coffee date with my gal-pal Kerry, and this cute little thing from the next table struck up a conversation. Eventually we asked her to join us and we discovered our common love of fashion. She was wearing some crazy outfit: probably a pair of neon hot pants, a patchwork halter and this amazing duffel-bag made out of some crazy vintage fabric. It reminded me of something you'd see in the Harajuku district in Tokyo, and I told her so. She beamed, and shared that she had made everything but her shoes. The construction of the outfit was incredible, and I coveted the over sized, pop-print duffel bag.  We've run into each other randomly a few times in this past year, but it took me scheduling an interview with her to finally spend some quality time with this local talent.

And I wish I could share that interview with you, but unfortunately, the interview is one of the casualties of my recent computer crash, so I can only leave you with two surviving photos of my photo session with her. For the life of me, I can't seem to muster up a re-write without my lost notes.

However, I would like to share with you a wonderful short video made about Lindsay. As seen through the lens of local film-maker Kenny Vaughn, this glimpse of Lindsay in her studio is as sweet and endearing as the designerl herself. I hope you will enjoy.


  1. looks like she loves colours..
    will definitely check her out

  2. I have this tee and now must go run with scissors :)

  3. I will remember her name. I do love people who brake rules and create wonderful things.
    Such an inspiration.
    Thank you guapa for sharing.

  4. she must be such amazing person - creative and breaks the rules, what i definitely admire! brilliant post, bella! xoxo

  5. She looks delightful - I was wondering if you took the shots, they're great, and I love the way she designed everything she's wearing (except the shoes). Actually, I just met a young designer @ fashion week who's designed a pair of shoes that would be great with that.. pattern on pattern on pattern.

    Thank you for what you just wrote, Citizen Rosebud! I'm guessing also the reason the UK PR's weren't sending you emails is you're not based in London. I guess it came off sounding bragging & I didn't mean it that way.

    But some of them are simply hilarious! Inviting me - in Italian - to a fashion week party in Milan, or today - swear to god - someone asked me to promote a brand of SOAP FLAKES, the connection being 'they're great on vintage clothing'. My favourite tho was the Confused.Com one.

    I'm sorry your interview was lost in the Crash but you had the experience, and the photos, and hopefully you can re-create the interview another time. Best of luck to her - and you. xo

  6. soapflakes, lmao! cuz they're great on vintage. ha ha...

    yep, I took the photos. I had about 20 AMAZING shots of Lindsay, probably some of the best photos of her, ever, lol. Well, kinda serious, because she's beautiful but sometimes tenses up in front of the camera but I got her laughing and the most amazing photos came from that. Oh, well. Just means I need to take more.

    And I bought a back-up drive for the laptop. Which I need to use.

    Thanks for all the lovely comments. xo.

  7. She carries off that (Harajuku) style so well.

  8. aww, sorry about the interview thing
    and she llooks so awesome an dcool!

  9. She is so cool!

    Oh and I didn't move recently, but my room mates moved out so I had to remove their bad vibes from my apartment!


  10. Thanks for the great post! It's exciting to see a young designer doing, making and wearing what she loves. It gives me hope for the fashion industry! It really does.

  11. She's really inspiring, Heather. She has such patient confidence in herself and her talent. There isn't a bone of quit in get a day-job in her. I really look forward in seeing her succeed!


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!