Wednesday, October 13, 2010

(we are) Thrift Shoppers

Check us out! KerryLin Dolan and I all buckled up in her car, getting psyched for our impending shopping expedition into Thrift Town. These photos were taken last summer in the parking lot of the Thrift Town on Stockton Blvd. Today seemed like a good day to post them, as Ms. Dolan just wrote a great post about her incredible Thrift Town score. You can read her post here.
Life, lately has been looking up, and one of the things that has perked up this month is my new blog: Street Style SACRAMENTO. After a year of wanting a good street style blog to represent Sacramento, California, I've decided to start one. The street style here in Sacramento is incredibly diverse and distinctive. I love the way people express themselves here, and want to share it with all of you. So I rode my bike around, took some photos and have been posting them since last week. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. So far, so good. 

The most recent subject of Street Style SACRAMENTO is the beautiful and lovely Audrey Wells from Fringe 21. She not only cheerfully posed for my camera, she also is offering a 20% store wide discount for my Rosebud & Street Style SACRAMENTO readers alike. Just use the code: ROSEBUD20 at checkout and you'll get 20% off your entire purchase. This sweet little offer is good until October 25th, so get up and!
Photo courtesy of FRINGE 21
Photo courtesy of FRINGE 21
2904 21 st Street
Sacramento, Ca
(916) 706-0216


  1. the new street style site is such a good idea and it looks great! congrats =)

  2. I am so glad that you have getting on with this project.I am a follower now of course.
    It makes me soooooooooooo jealous to see you all surrounded by thrift stores. Nothing like that here...No second hand shops, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have to wait until i go to the coast Fuengirola - MáLAGA- where there is a colony of English people, and they have a real car boot sale English style. Or when I go abroad.
    Sooooooooooooo jealousssssssssssss
    Un puñado de besos( a fist full of kisses) he, he

  3. I wish I was a good thrifter, hope you got some sweet duds x

  4. i have just visited your new project (and have become new follower too) and it is such brilliant idea! just can't wait discovering new styles and inspirations! so fabulous, Bella!

  5. Sounds so FUN, one day i must go to Sacramento and do thrift shopping and street style spotting with you hun!
    LOVE always

  6. Thank you Annie, and Marta and Sacramento, I am glad you are following, thanks so much! Jamie, I wish you were a good thrifter too, I can't imagine anyone not enjoying this pasttime ; )

    Jemina: I WOULD LOVE TO HANG AND SHOP WITH YOU!!! Someday, I hope.

  7. I've actually never been here- but my mom LOVES it! This 20% off might just be the perfect incentive to get my bike and butt over there.

  8. You gotta go, Natale. It is a visual and sensory pleasure zone.

  9. loooks so cool in there
    what did you get
    i wanan see!

  10. Oh fun shopping! I love thrift stores, I just hate the fact that it's so hard to find big sizes in them.


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