Thursday, January 20, 2011

outfit post: Tights That Cut the Mustard

I  LOVE Colors: Feeling comfy-cozy in a a green, mustard yellow, black and brown ensemble.

First off: this outfit is much cuter in person. It didn't photograph very well. When I started shooting, one of my neighbors walked past me with his dog. While Princess-the-Puppy scampered about, said neighbor thought he'd show his support by watching me take photos of myself. Uh, not very comfortable, but since I couldn't shoo him away, I tried to pose anyway. I was so self-conscious especially after some "encouragement," in the way of him telling me I was doing a sexy pose, LOL. I know he meant well, but...uh, awkward! So these are the best of the lot, and if you look closely I'm sure you can see the look of discomfort in my expression. 

The outfit on the other hand was total comfort: big slouchy jeans shorts layered over a pair of mustard yellow tights (you can get a pair like mine over at We Love Colors Inc., click here to shop) with brown suede flats to shuffle around in. The T-shirt is probably an antique by now, an ancient Target Tee bought on clearance in the last century, and now on the verge of falling apart. In better shape is my favorite cashmere cardigan, an old standby purchased from J. Crew, back in the day. Super soft and warm- I feel that wearing a 2-ply cashmere sweater is the sartorial equivalent of sipping  a cup of hot cocoa: toasty goodness! And I LOVE this color of  yellow! It seems to add happiness to grey days like the ones I'm having right now in Sacramento. The necklace is from The Clothes Horse, my first give-away prize! I love the wooden heart with the black leather over it. Very simple and easy to wear! The jacket is a recent score at a yard sale: a vintage moss green corduroy jacket that is so easy to wear. I am so into this down-to-earth color of green which is a nice change from my recent diet of black & white prints. What do you think?

The cool heart pendent courtesy of The Clothes Horse is my first give-away prize won ever.

Now Wearing: 
  • Wooden Heart necklace, courtesy of The Clothes Horse
  • J. Crew mustard yellow cashmere cardigan
  • Super old Target T-shirt
  • Lucky brand, brown leather belt
  • Jean shorts
  • Yellow tights (I am now an affiliate with We Love Colors Inc.)
  • Vintage green corduroy coat, yard sale
  • Thrifted handbag, Thrift Town


jemina said...

You are a Darling Bella
I admire your honesty, your positive attitude and I adore you...

To me you always look FABULOUS in every outfit, this one included, I'm sure you look amazing every day

and that pic with Princess the Puppy is priceless, I LOVE it!!!!

Take care dear

mispapelicos said...

I think every blogger goes through that feeling hehhee. i always end up in my back patio hehehe. I love yellow, as you might know by now. Well, I love all colours...heheheheh.
I love your outfit posts sooooooooo much.
You are fantastic.
Mil besos corazón.

Comtesse de ferveur said...

I am a sucker for mustard and all yellows, I just love 'em. So really adore this outfit and that shade of green is perfect with it. I also love that bag you have - great find!
xxx Comtesse xxx

My Heart Blogged said...

I've been in love with mustard colored clothing lately, so I'm in love the outfit. Taking pictures in public is awkward enough, I think people mean well and they don't know what they are doing is a little weird.
My Heart Blogged

Unknown said...

I love it. You look gorgeous! Your coat is amazing, and my new favorite. That is really awkward that he watched you take photos. I hate when people watch me (hence why I take my photos in my back yard).


Anonymous said...

Nice shorts and cardigan;-)

Anonymous said...

Ah how I detest it when people think they are showing there support by standing there for the whole duration of your photoshoot resulting in not a single usable photo. It happens to me many times. I always look away when I see people taking photos. I don't know why the other's can't.

Kudos to you even after that disruption you took great photos and I love your outfit...this colour combination is quite difficult to wear I find....but I love it nevertheless.

Look forward to hearing from you


Tashrin - A Toronto based personal style blog

Copious Couture said...

I adore coloured tights and these don't disappoint! Lovely!


Sarah said...

What wonderful color play here! You've made mustard yellow -- a difficult color -- work in a happy and stylish way, and the wooden heart picks it up so nicely. I adore the rich mossy green coat.

Sometimes I sense neighbors staring at me from their windows if I venture beyond our deep back yard for photos. Eh, whatever. If anyone asks, I'll tell them about my blog. More traffic!

Casey said...

That's one of my favorite colors.
My favorite little maryjanes with the ruffle toe are the color of your tights.
I generally like to pair them the way you have: denim & black. But occasionally I get this idea that turquoise would go really well with that yellow.

ps: coat envy.

Anupriya DG said...

This yellow is my fav color of all times!!! Anything in this color presents a fatal attraction for me! Sigh! :)
I love the way you have brought all these colors together in the outfit.....& Princess-the-puppy is adorable! :))

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I freaking LOVE those mustard tights!! And that coat is just fabulous. Great outfit. :)

the Citizen Rosebud said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments! There is something about that shade of yellow that just makes you happy, isn't there?
I love mustard yellow, and Mrs. Misc shoes sound like something I would envy. Can't wait to see them!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

PS. Following you back! We should DEFINITELY keep in touch. When I saw your coat and tights, I knew we shared similar style. I love a girl who knows how to use color!! :)

the Citizen Rosebud said...

No doubt. The Breakfast on Pluto review cinched the deal, Ms. Fabulous!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

No doubt. The Breakfast on Pluto review cinched the deal, Ms. Fabulous!

Sarah said...

Thanks for the visit! I have indeed been quiet -- still a hard, uninspiring, busy winter -- but I'm catching up on my fav blogs one by one today.

I totally forgot to tell you that I had a dream about your shop in the wee hours yesterday morning. In my dream, it was a balmy early summer evening. Your shop had grown to a complex: part large vintage store, full of bright garments and accessories, and part cafe with homemade ice cream, pastries, and sandwiches. There were glowing cases for the ice cream and sweets, and a white mid-century kitchen setup and a few employees who made the sandwiches to order. I browsed the shop in my dream, then tried to decide among many tasty options at the cafe. The joint was jumping. People had to take food out into another part of the building to eat, so's not to mar the clothing, or they could sit on covered tables outside. But it was so busy on that fine evening that many were just tailgating in parking lot, leaning against their car hoods as they munched, enjoying the soft evening air, the hazy sunset, and the smell of cooling asphalt.

If this business model ever takes off for you, I expect a personal invitation. ;-)

Sara Kristiina said...

You look great :) That coat is marvellous! Aw that dog, I really understand you, I mean how uncomfortable that must felt :D

autumn, coffee and inspiration

Lisa said...


Joy said...

CUTE tights! Love the outfit!

Twenty.Something said...

You look awesome! Those tights are wonderful!!!

A BRIT GREEK said...

You are sunshine in a bottle sweets, mustard looks great on you!

Like J, I also admire your honesty too, that's what makes this blog fab!

A BRIT GREEK said...

p.s glad Jennifer (oh so fabulous) found you! she's awesome too!


Alyson said...

Just found you through Bon BOn Rose GIrls... as a gal who is just starting to experiment with yellow, I'm totally loving your bold tights; very cool! Look forward to reading more of your posts.


Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Eep, I would have felt weird too! Love the colours, especially that cosy looking green cord coat x

Anonymous said...

Ugh I would hate if one of my neighbours stumbled upon my photo shoot and decided to stay. I'm awkward enough when it's just my boyfriend. But I love, love LOVE your tights and jacket. Mustard yellow is one of my fave colours. Honestly, I don't own a thing in that colour but I always admire people who wear it and think afterwards that I must find something mustard! It looks especially good with your green jacket. Nice steal! xx

Anonymous said...

Rosebud--yes, the mustard is a cheery color and the cashmere so comfy. What to do about the neighbor? Offer to take their picture? And watch the reaction...

the Citizen Rosebud said...

funny you should mention that....I did take his picture, and some good portraits came of it. I might post them over on the street style blog- we'll see!


Props to you for suffering your neighbor's nosiness. I would've walked off with a huff and a harrumph...just not very good at people spoiling my plans!


Heather Fonseca said...

Like it! That color yellow looks horrible on me, but great on you. I'm jealous.


Anonymous said...

A couple thing:

1. I love the color scheme. Green, yellow and blue have never looked so good.

2. I wish yellow looked that good on me! Haha. Those tights are pretty awesome.

Unknown said...

I love to see your outfits!
I must go to I love colors........
Oh, Yeah, not supposed to be buying stuff. r and I had "the talk".....
(we have The Talk every 3 or so months)
Taxes are due, bills to pay, blah, blah.........;)
i live in the Land of Perpetual Denial when it comes to money.......
Have some? Spend it, otherwise it will burn a hole in my pants.......
LOVE the mustard !!!!
OK, I may need u to rescue me very soon...........

Arielle said...

there's something about mustard tights that I find absolutely amazing

Meg said...

haha gotta love your neighbour! you may have felt awkward but it made for a nice light hearted anecdote for us all to chuckle at :)
I think the jacket is a great little find it suits you so very much!

Angeline said...

Love the shorts and tights! You wear it so well.

the Citizen Rosebud said...

thanks, Arielle and Meg, and Angeline.
@Angeline: can't wait to post my pics inspired by your style! Next week, I hope! <3

kristy said...

i love it!!!

these are actually colors i don't typically associate with you when i think about your style. i don't mean that in a bad way at all, but i think it just dawned on me how very diverse your color usage is and i think that's fabulous. this is still so you and has such a high element of bella's personal style and i love that.

goodluck in the contest!! do you know when it ends?? i'm going to get my bf to vote for you also. i want you or steph to win it should i can meet one of you two in New York!!! =)

Leia said...

I am so impressed that you managed to continue taking pictures with someone watching! I think I would have burst out laughing (my normal reaction when someone tries to take my picture, naturally), packed up very quickly and run off.

I do love the colors in this outfit. Very earth-y. And awesome (as usual).


Isquisofrenia said...

oh i really like this
the tights make it look amazing!!!

feministified said...

first off, i LOVE the outfit! you look great! but secondly.... i'm totally picturing you trying to take pics with what's his face watching you intently. ohgawd bella, sorry he made you so uncomfortable!

Style Underdog said...

Hey Bella, is there another way to vote for you for the contest. I don't have a facebook account.

Stephanie Loudmouth said...

Dearest, I wrote you a comment yesterday and it disappeared! Anyway, this is the second time within 24 hours that I read about We Love Colors, which is a sign that I definitely need to pick up a pair of tights or two! And it's so funny/awkward about your neighbor. Reminds me of the post I wrote about trying to take pictures of myself outside... You look cute despite the audience! :)