Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Never Too Old: Fashion Bloggers Over 40

The Style Crone shows that fashion still blooms with the over 40 crowd.
 The Fashion Blogger Comes of Age. Would you like to see proof that life doesn't end at 40?  Check out these over 40 year-old women, who are blogging their stylish hearts out around the world. All variety of style is represented, all colors, all ages, and voices. While the stereotypical fashion blogger is a  20-something leggy nubile neophyte, a number of women are defying this  catagory and proving that age is nothing but a number. Meet the +40 crowd, a rowdy and diverse bunch of broads who love their bodies, appreciate fashion and enjoy their life.

V is for Vixen. The Vintage Vixen packs a lot of heat. So stay out of her kitchen.
The +40 Blogger Starter Kit: 

Any 2nd Now
If you are a blogger over 40 or know of one you'd like to share, please leave a comment (on the new +40 blog-roll page) with the blog's name and url, and we'll add it to the blog roll. 

UPDATE 3/15/11: 
                                                                                                                          thanks! -Bella Q
click here: +40 bloggers blog-roll page

A perennial favorite at the Citizen: Revas Rags 2 Roses blooms madly in the Midwest on a budget
Pull Your Socks Up!: This blonde babe from Down Under has style that is over the top.
Doll Designer and Fashion lover, Heather shares her style secrets at The Style Confessions


Anonymous said...

SO proud to be included in this wonderful list of fashionable 40+ femmes. Thanks Bella!

Any Second Now

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Awww Bella you gorgeous woman, thank you so much!!!! I'm so, so honoured to be included in your list as I have so much admiration for your style, attitude, stamina and gutsiness:))). Isn't Vix such a hot fox? And Reva's gotta lotta love to give:) xoxo

Elizabeth said...

Awesomeness. I was wondering when I would come across a better age range in fashion blogs. The more the merrier I say!

Veshoevius said...

Thanks for compiling this blog roll and for saying what so needs to be said! That life and being stylish doesn't stop after 40. When I started blogging I struggled to find anyone over 35 let alone over 40 so really pleased to see some of my all time favourites up there with a whole heap of new stylish ladies to check out!

Vix said...

Bella, I'm truly honoured to be included in your list. Desiree from Pull Your Socks Up is absolutely ravishing and Reva has a heart of gold. I'm looking forward to checking out the other links.
I struggled to find women of my age when I started blogging and I love finding more of us.
Here's a couple more:

mispapelicos said...

Thank you Bella, you are so close to my heart...
Wonderful post my friend.

jessica said...

Ive been reading Vintage Vixen and Statements in Fashion for awhile but Im excited about checking out these other blogs, especially pull up your socks, Loving her look! Thanks for sharing!!

Collette Osuna said...

Thank you for the mention Sweets!! Im on a list of some lovely ladies here.....:)
Rock on over 40's...we are still hangin tough!! Mwah to you ALL:)

AnPhibian said...

Thanks so much for this list. I follow several of the blogs there but hadn't come across many of them. What a great resource!

Unknown said...

Hi Bella! You may include me on that list! The Elegant Bohemian is 44 years old! And it looks like I'm in FABULOUS company! ~Serene

Anupriya DG said...

Three cheers for all of you on that wonderful list! You girls rock!!! Am sure we younger ones have a lot to learn from you! :)

Casey said...

The Style Crone is so fabulous, I want to die.

Fabienne Jach said...

Brilliant! Thanks for the mention and especially for keeping the spirit alive. Oh, those old days are soooo gone! Thank you for being such a charismatic advocate. I know of many of these bloggers but not all. Can't wait to discover them. xo!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I forgot to mention previously that I am familiar with some of these bloggers (I actually did my own search one day for gals in my age bracket, and some of these blogs did come up), but I'm excited to get to know the rest of you lovely ladies. I'm happy to be in good company!


My Heart Blogged said...

I love so many people on this list. I'm so glad to see Collette, and Reva featured on here.
My Heart Blogged

Marie said...

What an inspirational post!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH giveaway

Rosalind said...

What a fantastic post! I definitely agree that style doesn't end at 40 - I love the way my mum dresses, and sometimes I think it takes time for dress sense to mature (much like good wine!)
That first photo is wonderful - what an amazing face she has.

Helga said...

Wahoo!! I popped over to add myself to the list(44!)but there I am!! Great post,we ladies are proof that being over 40 doesn't mean you have to give up on looking fabulous!There are some hot minx' on this list who inpsire me daily!!

Jill said...

Hey Bella, thanks for including me! Also, thanks for compiling this list because I am definitely going to check out these blogs. Some I know, others are new to me, but I'm looking forward to being inspired by all!

Please may I? said...

Wow.What a grea post!

I'm just starting out with blogging and at 40 I think it's a great format to make new friends and share interests.

Thanks for highlighting that at 40 we are not quite past it yet!

X x x

That's Not My Age said...

Hello Bella and thank you so much for the mention. I'm going to check out all the other fabulous bloggers over forty. Thanks & happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

So much awesome! Who knew ladies women over 40 could be so fashionable and fabulous? :)

Señora Allnut said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely links, I'm discovering some beautiful ladies, and enjoying so much different styles!
I'm a 40 years old blogger, and I would like not to be stereotypical in any aspect of my life!!
(it's a difficult word to me, anyway!)
(Señora Allnut)
besos & thanks!

Ofelia said...

Bella, thanks for this list! I'm going to be checking many of the blogs on the list!
I'm proudly over 40, happy, enjoying my life, my family and all my interests. Please add me to your blog list!
Ofelia at

Muchas Gracias y que tengas una buena semana!

A BRIT GREEK said...

Only you could concoct such a wonderful & vibrant post Bella! I recognise some of the names here and some beautiful faces! Wow!

Thank you for sharing some kick-ass beauties!

Have a smokin' day girl!

Ms. Falcon said...

it's so bad to be a mid thirty something in bliblabloggingland... far to old for those young fab fashion girlies and to young to be with these lovely ladies over 40.
great post. love it.

Minister of Style said...

How did I miss this post and your blog??? WTH have I been? Love. it! I'm throwing my name into the ring,

the Citizen Rosebud said...

I'm adding the new faces to the blog roll and looking forward in checking them out.

Thank you friends of all ages for your warmth and support!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

What a great list Bella, thanks for putting it together. Quite a few of these girls are already my faves x

Marta said...

another isnpiring post, bella! you're a star! i wish i would be as vibrant and as amazing as those mentioned bloggers! and there are a couple of my favorite listed, and to be honest, i didn;t know that these fabulous ladies are over 40!!! they do not look like so!!! absolutely amazing!!! <3

ashleyn said...

This is fantastic! I am so excited to see these women still doing what they love even though society makes a lot of women feel like their social and creative life should be stuck to crafts and knitting. Bravo ladies. I will be sure to check out all of your blogs sometime. Thanks Bella! You are one awesome lady!

WendyB said...

Add me to the list!

Unknown said...


I came over to add myself but the BEAUTIFUL VIX beat me to it - THANK YOU VIX!

What wonderful company and inspirational women - I am so honoured to be included this list! Let's keep it going...

Sarah xxx

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Bella for the mention and I am so excited to go to the other blogs that I don't have on my blog roll! Thanks for the update~and will stop by more often! Paula

Stephanie Loudmouth said...

Some wonderful women in this list!

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Thanks so much for adding me to the list Bella!! i am going to check out the ones I am not familiar with! As always, you've done a great job of reporting for us!!

De Vero said...

I really like this post1 fahion has no age I think!

stylenuggets said...

What a wonderful collection of bloggers. Great going Bella

the Citizen Rosebud said...

Thank you Steph, De Vero and Kavery.
And Pam and Christy- it feels good don't knowing we can still style our hearts out? Thank you for checking in and commenting and showing your support!

JTWisdom said...

Hey Bella,

Thanks for including me in the list of fabulous fashion bloggers. I know some but will check out the other ladies who are new to me.

Age is just a number.


feministified said...

This theme was brilliant, Bella!!

And the starter kit? Prepare for me to swoop that one from you in the future.

Amazing group. <3

Unknown said...

Hi my Bella Q !!!
It's me up there !
thanks so much for your well wishes and for supporting me so much.
You are the biggest inspiration I know in blogdonia and I loves ya!
I am slowly getting my style equilibrium back ;)
I took new shots today and got a heapin dose of vitamin D as well!
let's e-chat soon!
I am in catch-up mode :)

Unknown said...

thanks for showing me off ;)

the Citizen Rosebud said...

Reva, a blogroll of any kind wouldn't be complete without your blog on it. YOU DA BEST, AMIGA! xo.

The Creative Bohemian said...

I am on over 40 artist...I'd love to join this company of wonderful ladies!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Bella, I found you via Vix's blog. Lots of my friends and favourite blogs are included but there are lots I must go and visit.

Thanks for putting the list together. I'd love to be included please xx

Dusk said...

Well... Vix, Misfits and Helga are just beyond divine!!! Ageless are all the other fabulous women

Thank you for the links! Um... may I be included??? Do I qualify (in age at least if not in 'fabulosity'??) I'm over 40 now!

The Style Crone said...

I feel very honored to be included on your list and I'm so excited to check out the new blogs that I didn't know about!!! You are a DEAR! The Style Crone

Sarah said...

This is a delightful feature. I hope I manage to get better and better so by the time I'm 40, I'm the confident, striking style blogger I want to be -- then I can really start to have fun!

I honestly don't know the age of some of my favorite bloggerss. I may "feel" that some are 40 and up, due to more mature beauty and general air of "with it"-ness, but I'm not sure enough to nominate them.

Anonymous said...

I'm so behind on reading blogs this week. My belated thank you for including me in such a lovely post!

Idee Fixe said...

Fantastic post -- diversely styled gorgeous women, as well as a topic that really needs to be addressed. The other day I was thinking we should band together and have blog buttons saying something like "Over 40 & Fab Blogger" (needs more thought.) Perhaps it wasn't such a silly notion after all, and we should? Ageism in the fashion blogging community (let's go ahead & throw in the fashion world in general while we're on the subject) is a topic I've been trying to write about for months as I've come across it too often. I don't understand how our younger blogging sisters can be so rude about women older than themselves when they'll be that age one day too! (And should hope to look as great as these women!) Nor do I understand the mindset that doesn't allow for a woman to be stylish after *any* given age. Style is timeless and ageless and women of every age want and have a piece of it. I clock in at 51 and feel blessed not only to have lived an extraordinary life, but also to have the opportunity to share what I've learned and experienced. You've done a great job as well as inspiring me to once again try to write about the subject coherently! I'd love to be added to the list and be amongst one of the most stylish groups I've seen in awhile!
Suzanne aka Punk Glam Queen
Ideé Fixe:

the Citizen Rosebud said...

Thank you all for your positive words and support of older fashion bloggers.

Idee: good to meet you! I have discovered such a grand bunch of women in my search for other +40 bloggers, and I believe it is up to us to set the tone- we have a voice, we have style and we are NOT invisible.

I've added you to my blogroll and you've inspired me to start thinking about creating a network, so that we can connect even more so. Hello!

Idee Fixe said...

Hi! I agree 100% & would like to add that we won't put up with age-based criticism.

We're on the same wavelength as I was going to add you to my blogroll too! (Gotta wait until morning when I can use the computer rather than my iPad.)

We inspired each other! "Network" that's what I was thinking of, thank you I can stop driving myself nuts now. Let's brainstorm, feel free to email me. I'd really like to help with the creation of some sort of network as I think it would be a fabulous way for us all to connect and show the fashion blogging community exactly what you did here!

Now it's bedtime for me, so nightie night!

RedlegsinSoho said...

I'm an over 40 blogger, and blog from the perspective of a non-teen or should that be non- wannabe a teen on vintage matters in London.
Keep up the good work.

the Citizen Rosebud said...

You ladies are now on the blog roll! Thanks for introducing yourselves. I am so looking forward in checking out your blogs!

Luna Tiger said...

Hello ! I'll be 42 the 27th febuary !
My blog is "le vaisseau sélénite", and the adress is :

superheidi said...

Goodness gracious me! I didn't know there were that many great blogging ladies out there of my 40something age. Thanks @Penny Dreadful for linking to this fun list.
Love love love and love it! Thanks again and let this list of kindred spririts grow a bit longer.

Angeline said...

I LOVE this! What a fabulous group of ladies. So freakin' beautiful.

superheidi said...

forgot to ad:

@Angeline, great to find your blog as well. Just got a new job and struggling with my work wardrobe without being corporate.

Luna Tiger said...

Hello again ! there is a bug in the link you made on my blog : it doesn't work because the adress is wrong, the good adress is :
And the name is not "selenite" but "le vaisseau sélénite"
Thanks !

Dusk said...

Thank you for including me in this absolutely fabulous list! I feel 'powered' by it.

Also looking forward to seeing what comes out of this.

...and could we please do something about banning the use of "still" when talking about a 40+ Womazon?

As in... "She's STILL hot" ... "I'd STILL do her" (said by a VERY repulsive, extremely popular Australian radio host about a gorgeous extremely popular Australian actor recently... etc, etc

aaaarrrggghhhh! This arrogance of youth... I don't understand... We all get older, where does this arrogance come from?

I have linked to you in my post. Also... my link is not correct either... :)

Correct URL;

Thank you good Citizen Rosebud!


Joy said...

Wow, what a great list! This will keep me busy for a while! I started blogging right before the new year - I'm 41 (this past autumn) and I would love to be a part of this 40+ community. Many thanks for this great resource - ♥

Oh, my address:

(I found this lovely blog via Sacremento's blog, via By Anika) :)

Thank you again!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

Thank you EVERYBODY for reading this, and getting to know these bloggers! Thank you to all the women who added their blog to the list! I am in awe of the tremendous and positive feedback regarding this often overlooked but growing community. There are so many new blogs for me to explore, and so many people who appreciate this list, that I'm likely to turn this blogroll into its own page. Cheers! -Bella Q

K.Line said...

Love this! How about materfamilias writes:'s super chic.

styling fabulous said...

what a fabulous idea! looking forward to checking out all these blogs! would love to be added to the list...

Splenderosa said...

I think this is waaaay cool, Bella. I'm a serious fashionista (was formerly fashion director of Sak's 5th Avenue), now a jewelry designer & have a happening blog:

Thanks for taking a look,

chicfreakcubed said...

Yay! I came across this post from FBFF and thank God I did. I thought we were few and far between, but I'm going to spend some time this weekend getting to know my fellow "39-challenged" bloggers.


Trystan L. Bass said...

Wow, what a great list! I discovered this thru Already Pretty's link & am floored by such a fantastic directory. I just turned 42 last week & am happy to see more 40-something fashion bloggers out there (I've only been posting for a few months now at ;-).

Sheila said...

Some of my favourite bloggers on that list - I would love to be added. I've been blogging for almost 3 years, and I'm 43 going on 44. I have awesome shoes. Really.

Kari said...

Well, there is me. I have just started blogging, and I would love to get some readers so that I can get some feedback on my outfits! I am 52 (so I am definitely part of the over 40 crowd :-), and trying to figure out who I am again ... I kind of lost me over the years of being a wife (happily divorced for 10 years, but not so happily single), mother of three, nerd, ex jock, and so on ... My kids are now grown, and although I am still a mom, my role has changed. I thought this might be a way to start.

I am the Chronicles of Lady K at

materfamilias said...

Thank you so much for including me on this wonderful list -- and thanks to K-Line for suggesting my blog. I'm pleased to be in such great company -- now I'm off to explore a treasure trove of new-to-me over-40 bloggers. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Bella, I just found your blog, and let me say my toes are tickled to find all these women who like me have been having fun with style for 4 decades now. I'm 45 and just started my blog 2 months ago. Needless to say I'm a total newbie. But so far I'm having a lot of fun blogging. I'd be honored to be added to the list of cool girls.

Peace and light ~ Doreen

Fierce Fabulous Fit said...

Wow,great post!! I will have to check some of these out! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on making LALM!!

styleosophy said...

Thanks for compiling this list!!!

I am also a style blogger in my fourth decade,

Heather Fonseca said...

This is such a great post! I've been wanting to find some other blogs written by older women. As much as I enjoy looking at 20 somethings in cute clothes it's not all that helpful when trying to put together my own outfits.

I'll be going through them one by one! Thanks so much. (And so you know, I'm 41. Eeek.)


Anonymous said...

It's beyond fabulous to know that there are so many over 40 bloggers. Please add me to the list. At 44, I'm just hitting my stride!

Looking forward meeting everyone on the list.