Friday, April 15, 2011

Lemon Drop SWAP

The super-stylish Lemondrop Marie of Lemondrop Vintage came up with a brilliant idea, and I want to share it with you- 

Lemondrop Marie is coordinating an internet clothing swap for fashion/style bloggers. I love her style, so I am ready to take any of her clothing cast-offs, and you can too. 
Are you interested in bringing something new (to you) to your closet in exchange for something you've lost the thrill for? If so please checkout the SWAP STOP blog. 

Why should you join us at Swap Stop?
  • Something new to wear and style
  • Guilt free because you are getting rid of something you aren't in love with anymore
  • Recycling fashion, you are a green shopper!
  • Blog post exchange and opportunity to meet bloggers you haven't
Visit the blog, think about something you would swap and check out what other bloggers are willing to give up! Link up!

Invite some friends of yours that you'd think would be interested- the more, the swappy-er! 
Visit the Swap Shop blog if you wanna play!


mispapelicos said...

I would love nothing better, but Will the swap with me in Spain??????????????

Jill said...

I have to check my closet to see if there is anything swap-worthy. What a great idea. Happy weekend, honeybug!

Anupriya DG said...

Sounds fun! But is it round-the-world???

Ofelia said...

Bella, this is great and very conscious idea!
I'll be checking her blog later on. All the clothes that I don't wear anymore are recycle to my friends, my daughters and my church.
Have a wonderful weekend,

Anonymous said...

Such a good idea!

Anonymous said...

I like this! I will participate, thanks Bella!


Jenmarie said...

I love this idea! I just may have to check this out.

Marissa said...

This is a great idea! I'm lucky enough to have The Swapaholics based here, so I have a live swap to go to next week. Otherwise, I would definitely participate in an online swap.

Nikki Mortham said...

Love this idea!

Unknown said...


My Heart Blogged said...

I saw this before and I forgot about it. I also love the flickr fashion swap group. I just wish more people were active in it.
My Heart Blogged

Unknown said...

so excited about this--gonna dig through my closet right now!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

that's such a cute idea. and i love the name of it too!

Heather Fonseca said...

That looks like so much fun. Unfortunately, I'm super lazy. I'd rather just give it all to the goodwill or a neighbor. (Actually, I do that a lot) but it would be fun to try.


Unknown said...

Love this idea, especially for us second-hand pledgers. A similar thing is going on in Toronto called Uber-Swap but it is in person where you bring a bag of gently-used goodies, pay $5 to get (which all goes to aid Japan) and then take what you like. Amazing!