Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Town

For the past couple of weeks, I've been snapping pictures on my iPhone of my hometown for a friend who once used to live here. I wanted to show how Sacramento has changed over the years, and how it is still distinctively Sactown. In doing so, I started looking at my own neighborhood with new eyes- and instead of chronicling the typical souvenir shots of Sacramento, I started to see the details that make this particular place feel like home. I thought I'd share some of them with you. 
Enjoy my town!

  1. Bella blooms at a bus stop.
  2. Original art by reknown Sacramento artist SteveVanoni
  3. Sacramento loves Craftsman bungalows
  4. Cacti T Street
  5. Potato Vine
  6. Cottage living in Midtown
  7. Living Easy 
  8. Moss!
  9. Art Deco
  10. The Other Side of the Fence
Photo credits: Bella Q
Photos taken in the Midtown, Curtis Park and East Sac neighborhoods
of Sacramento, California. 
Taken on an iPhone


JTWisdom said...

Hi Bella!

Sure is beautiful, awesome photos of your hometown.Your friend is really gonna miss Sacramento when you show her these photos. Thanks for sharing.


Sara Kristiina said...

Oh looks beautiful town! :)

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Love your pictures and love the feel of your pictures!!

My Heart Blogged said...

The moss picture has such great detail I love the pictures, and I can not even believe they are from an I phone. I really need to upgrade.
My Heart Blogged

Fashion Limbo said...

Sacramento looks like one really interesting and beautiful place. Nice shots, great that they are not the typical postcard but more your own point of view.

Ofelia said...

Bella you look so beautiful in the first picture!
Pink really suits you well.
Very inspiring and detail pictures. Great photography skills!
Have a lovely and creative week,

Violet Folklore said...

I *love* your town RQ. These are beautiful, and make me miss it there so much!

WendyB said...

You're very good with the foliage! I feel like watering some of those plants, they look so dimensional.

Marissa said...

Very nice! Before your FTF Community post, I really knew nothing about Sacramento, so it's nice to see some images. I'm also loving your floral sunglasses. :)

Unknown said...

I love this post.
I enjoy seeing the "reals" where people live!

Fashnlvr said...

I feel like I was walking down the street beside you!! I love nature and architecture pictures. They are always so interesting!
Thanks for sharing!!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

I've been feeling a lot of love for my hometown lately. I really want to share it with all of you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I feel like I'm in your neighborhood.


the Citizen Rosebud said...

Thank you Laura. Wouldn't it be cool if you visited one day because of this post?

Equine Bovine said...

REPRESENTIN'! Great post RQ!! Beautiful pix.

Santina said...

It's nice to see where you live in a new light. I feel like I'm doing the same now that my time here is coming to an end. I appreciate everything just a little bit more than I did before.

What a nice gesture - you're a good friend, lady! I'm really impressed with the quality of these iPhone pics!

Anonymous said...

Now, I want to come drink a beer or at the very least an excellent coffee with you in Sac-town!

mispapelicos said...

Lovely photos Bella. One day I will see it all with my eyes, I am sure.

Marta said...

these photos are so lovely! i hope that i will visit your wondeful and inspiring city one day!!! <3

Collette Osuna said...

Love the truly looks beautiful there...lucky girl! I woke up to SNOW!

Pearl Westwood said...

Thanks for taking us on a tour of your town, Id love to live in the art deco house!

Anonymous said...

I love the iPHONE. the quality of the pictures is just too good to be true!

I would love to visit sac one day.

Heather Fonseca said...

Nice shots! You really get a feeling for your neighborhood!


Oh to Be a Muse said...

i didn't know you had cacti in sacramento. since i've moved to arizona, all i see are cacti--everywhere!

lovely photos of Sacramento.

Anupriya DG said...

Ooohh! I've been eyeing a similar pair of floral framed wayfarers in Aldo Accessories since a long time!! Great shots Bella really liking this town of yours that I see through your eyes....would LOVE to visit it some day! :)

Nikki Mortham said...

Dang girl, every time I go to leave a comment I have to keep scrolling farther and farther down... you are getting so popular, congrats!
I love taking pics around sac, there is always some interesting nook or corner I've never really noticed before...

the Citizen Rosebud said...

LOL, Lil Bits. You flatter me.
Yeah, we have an interesting hometown in a way- unique and then again, so oddly familliar. I love Midtown!

Anonymous said...

I love these kinds of hometown love posts. Makes me think I should tote my SLR around and do the same for Minneapolis!

I really love the mossy one. Actually I really love them all. Much better than touristy shots.

Unknown said...

Wow, I really enjoy these pictures! I feel like I got to know you a bit more by seeing these. I can see how it feels like home, its quite lovely. Heart you!!

Leia said...

Wow, your town is so different from my town! The cacti are so cool. Thanks so much for sharing - it's such fun to be able to see a snapshot of someone else's home without leaving the comfort of my bedroom! :)

I really should take some photos of Bangladesh...


Anonymous said...

Wow, great pics!! i cant get over how good iPhone photos come out!! And I feel the same way about where I live and how it's changed over the years .. but there are def small details that make me think of the ole days :)
