Friday, July 1, 2011

Seriously. The IFB Links Ala Mode Weekly Round-Up

Bella Q, the Citizen Rosebud is trying on a few fancy new hats.
Hey world: I'm officially a professional blogger! I've recently been selected, along with a group of top notch local bloggers to write for the fashion/style section of CBS Local, and let me tell you, it is an honor! I just submitted my first article, slated for a July publish date, and I am looking forward to sharing my love of local with the world. 

I am also thrilled to announce, starting in November, I'll be adding the position of Fashion Editor to my resume. I am absolutely honored to have been asked by the publisher of the long running alternative arts magazine, Primal Urge to re-start the fashion section as Fashion Editor. I'll be working with my good pal, textile artist and major Sactown fashion icon, thee LINDSAY RICKMAN and we are devoted to representing the indelible and original style of our hometown. Here's the ad, Primal Urge made to announce the coming attraction- hey that's ME! 

It is ALWAYS an honor to make IFB's Links Ala Mode Weekly Round-up and this week is NO exception. With Vahni,(Grit & Glamour) offering us bloggers some words of tough love, AND a list of exemplary posts, written by bloggers I admire, respect and many I consider real pals, making this week's LALM list with my"Spin It, Spinster," post, has been the icing on an incredible week of cake.

Hey blogger. Get over yourself. Seriously.

Edited by Vahni of Grit & Glamour
This week I'm fresh out of love and rainbows, so there will be no kumbaya intro. Doesn't mean I don't love y'all, but I have got to tell you that lately, I'm a wee bit peeved by the fame-whoring and big-noting going on in the fashion blogosphere (and Twitterverse). Who of us doesn't want brand endorsements and blogging fame? We're all stars in our own right, and there is nothing wrong with ambition. But no one likes a self-absorbed, one-sided braggart. And no one likes an ass-kisser. Period.
Have you given props to someone other than yourself lately? Is every status update about hyping you? Is everything in your life now about the blog? As Emily of Ruby Slipper Journeys wonders in her post, are you capturing reality on your blog or manufacturing it? If any of this sounds like you, you might be on the road to becoming a full-blown fame monster. Maybe it's time to check yourself.

A Challenge

If you're destined for blogging fame, it will come through dedication, professionalism, and genuine respect. Through interaction, supporting your community, and authenticity. Let's take blogging back to its roots. This week's roundup is chock full of posts teeming with creativity, wit, and wisdom. I challenge you all to not only read and comment on at least 10 blog posts, but to share them as well. Find something that resonates with you and tweet it, like it, stumble it. All those hearts and thumbs up weren't made just for you.

Links à la Mode: June 30th

Women's Shoes Sale at Shopbop: Heeled Sandals, Wedges, Platform Sandals, Pumps, Ballet Flats, Clogs, Heeled Boots, & Gladiators Sandals.
If you would like to submit your link for next week’s Links à la Mode, please register first, then post your links HERE. The HTML code for this week will be found in the Links a la Mode group will be published later today. ~Jennine


  1. Congrats on your new gigs! We love your attitude and prose, so expanding your audience makes sense. Good luck.

  2. What a beautiful hat! You've really had a knock out week. Congratulations.

  3. Congrats doll, you're going to rock it!

  4. Congrats and well deserved!

  5. Love the hat doll!! And congrats on the fame!

  6. You look so gorgeous and girly in that big hat! Congratulations on your new jobs and, of course, your selection as an IFB Links a la Mode for the week. You are one of the best, baby!

  7. Congrats again, to you dear Bella being fashion editor. I'm so happy for you, & can't wait to read more of your beautiful words. And a big hug & congratulations for making LAM round up! :) Happy weekend of full celebrations.

  8. Congrats to you again Bella! I am really excited for you and your accomplishments! The future has great things in store for you :)

  9. Oh my gosh, SO many good things happening for you and all well deserved! You look absolutely lovely in that hat and I'm so proud of you and happy for you. xo!

  10. Congrats on the new gig- well deserved!!

  11. I am so ENVIOUS of you right now. Congrats to you!!

  12. Congrats, a lot! You deserve it! :>

  13. This is so exciting, congrats on this major bit of news!

    Loving the hat B. Hope you're smiling through the weekend!

  14. Congratulations Hun I'm sure you will do a great job.

    Loving the hat, very chic.

    X x

  15. I am soooooooooooo glad that everything can see what I saw the first time I set my eyes on you, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  16. While I am super excited to be in the LINKS A LA MODE with you...I am more excited about all of your news here!! CONGRATULATIONS! Fashion editor! How great! You are such a good writer, Bella...this is really no surprise!
    Keep it up. girl!

  17. FAB! U! LOUS! Bella, that is awesome! You are a perfect example of being true to oneself and reaping the benefits! I'm thrilled for you!!! Big Bear Hug!! ~Serene

  18. I'm so excited for you Bella! This is major!

  19. CONGRATULATIONS on all of the exciting news you shared in this post! I've only known you for a short while, but couldn't be prouder!

    I just DIE for you in the first picture! You + fancy hat = MAJOR GORGEOUSNESS

  20. Way to go girl! All your achievements make me so so so proud!! And this week's LALM list has some of my favorite bloggers up guys SO deserve to be a part of that list! Keep rocking dear Bella! Mwah! :)

  21. YAH, YAH, YAH, my Bella!
    Yo have worked so hard to make all this happen, with your talent and tenacity you will be the first female President!
    LOVE You!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Yay! I am uber stoked for all of your up and comings! You deserve it all... you work hard! xoxo

  23. Congratulations darling Bella! Much much deserved happenings!
    ...and I love the caption to your hats image :)... new hats indeed... you [will] wear them oh so well, as you do the one in the image. And oh my... such a sultry gaze...

  24. That's incredible news. I'm very pleased for you and you certainly deserve it. Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration :)


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