Friday, September 16, 2011

outfit post: Causual Friday

Going for Casual: simple tee and shorts paired with vintage bolo tie and suede moccasin booties.

I've been feeling direct,
my cause and effect

I've been looking to simplify my life while at the same time adding complications to it. Because complications come with pleasure buttons, but simplicity comes with peace of mind. I'm coming to terms that my past decisions & present actions have consequence. I'm taking my lumps. Where I intended to go, and where I might end up may have different street addresses; it is my most recent desire to start matching up intent with destinations. Today, I'm dressed for necessary and sufficent; after all, it is causual Friday.  There are places I want to go, but I'm not always sure how I can get there.  All I can say for sure, is that I want to be where I can feel happy, and positively affect the happiness of others.

Hindsight being 20/20, I'm glad I scored these booties for $5 at Goodwill
Now Wearing: 
  • vintage Kennedy coin bolo tie, Goodwill
  • old tee, GAP
  • thrifted shorts
  • suede $5 booties, Goodwill
wishing you all a happy Friday, folks and a grand weekend! 

(EDIT: I've just been informed that I am Sprinkles in Springs Blogger of the Month. What an honor and a wonderful feature! Please check it out by clicking HERE.)


  1. You already affect my happiness :-).

    I love the black top with the bolo tie. The booties are adorable but aren't they hot in this weather?

    "I've been feeling direct, my cause and effect." I'm going to find a way to insert that into a conversation today, giving you a credit!

  2. Sounds like you have much on your mind. I hope it works out the way you are deserving of much happiness as well as all honors which come your way. You are very talented, Bella.

  3. Congrats on the feature. This matching intentions with desire is a life-long process. The fringed boots were a great find as was the bolo. Love the sign on the fence!

  4. Great booties!

    (And, being the pedant I am, I can't help but mention that the word casual has only one "u".)

  5. Love the shorts - they're adorable! And I dig the boots so much. I'm so jealous! <3

    xoxo Coco
    Muffin Top Baby

  6. i like to live contrarily and usually dress up for fridays. fridays are a party and i never underdress for a party.


  7. Great casual look, Bella. Your outfits always look just right, and just like you.

  8. Coming to a place where I can be happy is my main goal too! I used to have these grand ambitions when I was younger ... wish I could go back and tell my 20 year-old self that the only thing that really matters in life is to be happy and true to oneself. Well, I figure better now than never!

    Your blog already has a positive effect on other people's happiness I think -- it does on mine! ^_^

    And I am sooo loving those boots!! Your whole outfit is very cool -- kind of a Kate Moss walking around the streets of London feel to it.

  9. You looks great hun. Dress the way you want and makes you feel happy and confident is a great mantra to have.

    Hope you get where you want and need to go, whislt your on your journey enjoy your ride!

    X x

  10. What can I tell you that I haven´t said already. You are amazing. Off to check the blogger of the month, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    Love u.

  11. Well deserved honor! It seems that plans can change on a dime! I know that wherever you end up, it will be in a beautiful place. You already affect my happiness with your radiant self. And, the boots are amazing!

  12. lovely boots..they look so comfy!

  13. YEAH COngrats...I love your bolo necklace.

  14. Blogger of the month? Blogger of the decade more like!
    Loving those tasselled booties, wish I could find something as fabulous. x

  15. your whole simplifying while complicating reminds me of your interview for Sprinkles in Springs blogger of the month. that was such a great interview by the way!

    love the boots.

  16. I enjoyed reading this post :) And I really like your shoes!


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