Thursday, November 3, 2011


You are not invisible-YOU are beautiful

Last February, I post a blogroll about 20 in number.  You see, I'd been blogging for a couple of years and felt the "odd man out," being almost twice the age as many of my fellow blogger buddies. I wanted to see if there were any other fashion bloggers out there who were like me, over the age of forty. They seemed few and far between, and few were aware of any others. But I knew they were out there, gathered up a list, and I posted it.
Reva of Reva's Rags to Roses getting her chic on
I almost didn't bother to post it. It would have been easier to just put the roll on my sidebar. I didn't think many people aside from me, Reva, Sacramento and Pam L would be interested.

Turned out, I was wrong. Turned out, there were lots of bloggers who were interested. Some of them over 40. Some of them under 40. All of them craving to see real women all of ages bravely show off their style.  Bloggers who were over 40 added their blogs in the comments, and I kept adding their names to the blog-roll. To this date, that post on +40 bloggers has gotten over 10000 hits. And every day, it gets around 100 more. 

The post was updated so many times that I decided to give the +40 blogroll a PAGE of its own, and that original list of 20 bloggers, have grown into a (still growing) list of well over 100. That's one hundred women (and some men) who do outfit posts, who write about fashion, who are actively online and seriously know how throw down some serious style. 

I feel good. 

So, I've decided to go a bit further. I've also decided 

to highlight my favorite 40, 50 and 60 year old folks with a monthly + 40 blogger spotlight post. There will still be the monthly updated blogroll, but I'm also going to share with you, my view on the best of the best of the over forty crowd. Which is probably YOU

Two of my sponsors this month are +40 style bloggers. They are: 
Susan Tiner explores self expression, personal style and craft on Style Made By Hand
Heather Fonseca is a doll designer who also blogs over at The Style Confessions
If you know, or are a fashion/style blogger who is over the age of forty, please leave a comment with your name, the blog's name and its url. And be sure to check out the freshly update + 40 Blogroll HERE.
                                         -Bella Q


Collette Osuna said...

Ohhhh my sweet lawd Bella!!!! I couldn't be more proud of you and all that you have accomplished with your rockin blog !!!
I'm also touched beyond belief that I am on this 40+ blogroll list....I have met soooo many amazing bloggers through your sweet little area here in "Bella Blogland" that I cannot even begin to mention them all....we may be so far apart in distance, buy YOU lady, are ALWAYS close to my heart!!

Unknown said...

oh bella,
Thanks soooo much and I am so proud and thrilled that you have done all this for all of us!
I too thought I was the odd chick out in the beginning, but thanks to you and soooo many, I feel right at home, finally!
I love you my Zen Master, Bella!

gabrielle said...

i hope someday to be on the 40+ blog roll. we probably wont be blogging anymore, just think talking in our hover cars. (lol, im not that young)

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Sweet Bella, thanks so much for shining a spotlight on our 40+ community...I agree it is growing and I am one of those having so much fun! I love the caftan you have on today! You are the best!


I look forward to being 40+, still blogging like you with such impeccable style. What are numbers anyway, especially when they come wrapped like a beautiful soul as yourself. :-)

Vix said...

I blogged for ages never revealing my age, not because I was ashamed but for fear of it alienating the younger bloggers. I'm so glad you outed me as a Forty Plus blogger, I've met the best people (including you).
You are our pack leader and I adore you! xxx

DeniseAngela said...

I had insomnia the other night & was going through your new page & visiting these fabulous 40+ bloggers. Thank you for taking the time making a page for everyone! Such good karma you give out with your future plans on spotlighting these women....btw love what you are wearing!

superheidi said...

Great, greater, greatest ideas, you rule!

mispapelicos said...

I am soooooooooooo proud, my dear friend. Crazy we haven´t met and you are already part of my family...

Shybiker said...

Yay! You should "feel good" 'cause you're doing a public service -- and not insignificantly you are changing people's attitudes toward the ancient (like me). I applaud you!

Unknown said...

One of the (many many) reasons I just love your blog is the fact that you show how style and individuality do not have to be shelved once you hit a certain age! It means a lot to me because I too will be turning 40 this coming February (2012). Sometimes that feels really weird because I just can't relate to the way most women my age dress ... and I'm a pretty conservative dresser, I think. But I'm not that into "classic" styles and I often feel as if the looks I'm innately drawn to -- bohemian, creative, inspired by different cultures, etc. -- are considered questionable for women over a certain age.

I mean, it's like you're allowed to dress either chic/expensive/ladylike or modern/urban/couture-y ('a la Stacy London) ... OR you can get your Cougar on and dress as indecently as possible and be like Samantha from Sex & the City. It's depressing. Especially because I'm quite happy to be getting older and entering what I truly feel is the prime of my life.

Which is why I'm so inspired by your blog and the way you dress! I think this world just desperately needs representations of other ways to dress and have style regardless of age. Makes me feel a lot less "alone" in the world! ^_^

Helga said...


The Closet Shopper said...

I'm amazed at how many of us there are. I felt like the odd man out too when I realized that most of the bloggers were 25 or younger. But then I met you and so many others. Thank you for doing this. Thank you so much for including me!

Much love to you,

Señora Allnut said...

I'm so glad you've had that great idea, and you made a so good job, you're Fabulous. And it cheer me up every time I can see a girl on her forties rocking an outfit!, so delightful and stylish girls all over the world!!
besos & forties rock!

Marissa said...

This is awesome! I noticed your posts about this on Facebook, and I love that you're doing it. Blogging is a strange, strange world. At 28, I've never felt old until I attended IFB. Babies everywhere! It's so important to recognize that style is not synonymous with youth.

Gina Briley said...

You are doing so much to promote us, and I'd love to be included in your roll.

theequinebovine said...

Go, Bella Go! xo

Sarah said...

Great work, Bella! I'm pretty new to the blogging world but already I see what you're saying about the age bias. Keep at it, ultimately I think it'll be work like yours plus the great content of 40+ bloggers that diversifies the blogosphere.

Unknown said...

This is amazing Bella dear!!! I hope to still be blogging (or something similar) when I reach 40 so that I can be on this list!

Heather Fonseca said...

Bella thank you so much for this. I was so happy when I found your blog, because, honestly, I do still feel like I'm one of the few older women out there blogging about fashion. We are underrepresented not just in blogging, but also in the fashion world in general. It seems like most clothing and fashion magazines are geared toward women in their 20's and early 30's. Sometimes I want to scream "What about the rest of us!!!"

Keep up the great work!

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

You KNOW I'm up for it Bella! Pull Your Socks Up! was created to inspire fellow over-40s who don't give a toss about dressing your age. Age-appropriate is for pre-teens - not me! xoxoxoxoxoxox

Kitty said...

I'll third what Vix said!!!!

TJR said...

So glad to have your site. I have been blogging about my misadventures in fashion after 40 for almost 2years. Until recently I felt pretty isolated. So happy to e-meet you.


Susan Tiner said...

Bella, what a great idea!

And thank you so much for highlighting my blog in the first post of this series, what an honor.

Anupriya DG said...

I've always loved reading some of these fabulous females on the other side of 40......& most of them inspire me tremendously, YOU included! My blogging experience wouldn't have been complete without you guys!!! Mwah! <3

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

40 is the new 20 baby...Y'all rock!

styleosophy said...

Hey Bella Q, thanks for being you, and thanks for this list (and thanks for putting me on it)! Us 40+ fashion lovers aren't invisible, and this growing list more than proves it! (and I moved from Wordpress to a self-hosted site,

Liesl said...

Love that you are featuring bloggers over 40...that is FABULOUS! I have felt similar since I'm in my 30's, so, I ma so empowered and inspired by you and others like you! Thank you for this!

Liesl :)

Anonymous said...

Bella this list is fantastic and I'm so happy to be a part of it. You bring so many people together in the spirit of creating a better blogisphere.

We're just getting started at 40!

Sasha Maria said...

I love this list and am bookmarking it for future reference! Though I'm an under 40, I really appreciate it. It's annoying to see subtle (and sometimes not so much) messages in the fashion world that once you hit a certain age you're not part of it anymore. This list is a great thing. And you're amazing. :)

Idee Fixe said...

Fantastic! I'm fast approaching my 52nd birthday and I still get a thrill when complimented on my style. Style will always be a part of my life as it has always been. And every woman on that list is amazing! Thank you!
PS you left out the last 'e' on Fixe for my blog, no biggie!

AnPhibian said...

Thanks so much, Bella, for supporting us all. You are the best!

Anonymous said...

Bella, you are fantastic. I’m proud to be in such great company!

40+ AND FAB!


The Style Crone said...

Great idea Bella. Your creativity continues to flourish!

doradadama said...

Amor I'm pushing 40 will be 38 this year,Aye ...Aye!!
OMG! You dont look your age at all.
awesome idea.
I love all my blog bitches!

Sheila said...

Thank you so much for shining a light on we +40 bloggers! I am not ashamed of my age, and I am proud to represent my age group in being loud, fashionable and out there!

You're awesome, Bella! Thank you!

Unknown said...

So proud and honored to be part of the list and so excited to see it grow! Love our community and thanks Bella for putting it together. Look forward to the monthly spotlights!

Jamillah said...

I love that you're doing this Bella. I want to nominate Terri, Rags Against the Machine. She's amazing, so super stylish and braver than me in trying new things. She is also a hardcore thrifter which I adore.

JTWisdom said...

Great group of people on this list. Awesome job Bella!

Heather Fonseca said...

Congrats on making it to the IFB links a la mode! I'm on the list this week too with my nail polish review making it a double whammy for me, thanks to you Bella.

Thank you again for posting about me here. Lots of hugs and kisses.

Lissy said...

Wow how have I missed this list all this time?! I too am a 40+ fashion blogger so I'm thrilled to have come upon your list.

Poppy B. said...

How have I not known about this? I clicked over from IFB ... I'm totally middle-aged and have been blogging about beauty, fashion, and style for a while now--and mostly feeling pretty isolated. Yay you for starting this! Feel free to add me:

The Beauty Boomer

Carol ReMarks said...

Hey there. Thank you for this! I am going to read these style bloggers over forty and hopefully add them to my blogroll on my brand new style blog. I, too, am over forty. This is great! I came in via the IFB newsletter. Great job!!! And THANK YOU!

Carrie said...

Hi Bella! Thank you for this post and fabulous information. I seriously thought I was the only over pushing 50 fashion/stylist blogger out there who still cared about fashion! Wow! I seriously was thinking to give it up. This gives me hope! I am so excited!
XO Carrie

Kara Endres said...

That is such a great feature of your blog. Way to bring the community together, Bella! xx

DeeDee @ Decoding Dress said...

Bella, this project is beyond wonderful! I need to make some time to just click through the list. 40+ and fab!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for gathering us "mature" folks together!

Unknown said...

I am so close but not yet there. It's nice to see the spotlight on over 40 fabulous women.

Heel in Mint

Malcriada said...

Rosebud! Where have you been all my life?! Or rather where have you been for the past 4 months since I've been blogging??

I'm 39, a newbie personal style/fashion blogger, and am about to spend the next few days perusing each and every one of these lovely ladies' blogs and being stoked that I'm not alone. I get endless inspiration from my younger sisters out there, but we definitely need some representation for us Gen X'ers (wow I used to LOATHE that term but it comes in handy these days).

Thank you!!

Erica Bunker said...

Hi! I discovered your blog while looking for other style bloggers over 40! I think it's great!

Anonymous said...

Because of you, I've met some wonderful bloggers who I consider friends now. Thank you so much! You rock!