Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Love: Meet the Sponsors

Thanks to the following for their support: 

and a very special thank you for the generous sponsorship from:
The Lazy Revolutionary

I'm so happy to be working with such a great group of wonderful people, many who, like myself, are creating blogs, sites and products that feature up-cycled, recycled and vintage materials.  

Here's a quick introduction to some of this month's sponsors:

Luckie You Vintage: Luckie You is an online vintage and retro apparel shop that hails from Atlanta, Georgia. Luckie You specializes in sweet romantic dresses and accessories from every decade. When you shop Luckie You, be sure to enter Rosebud at check-out for 10% off your purchase.

Funkoma Vintage:Funkoma Vintage is really more than vintage. Funkoma sells vintage clothing + furniture and hand-made clothing all under one umbrella website: This Seattle/Tacoma based seller also sells a charming line of hand-mades over in their Etsy shop called That Yountville Girl. I love the tagline: Original Designs for Nice People

Lindsay Rickman : Lindsay Rickman is a Sacramento-based textile artist + designer. She also happens to be one of my besties. Recently, Rickman has been busy creating custom clothing for various stylists around town, modelling, and moonlighting as an actress for a friend's thesis film project. Coming soon to Lindsay's ETSY shop: her newest line of of totes and rag dolls, using her signature patchwork re-working of vintage notions + fabric.

Howrah Bridge: Howrah Bridge is a charming line of accessories that are created from various fabrics + buttons. The line is the creation of  our very own "Polka Princess", who blogs the personal style blog, Chappals vs Stilletoes.  Howrah Bridge accessories are original, fun + quirky, perfect for adding a spice of color to your outfits. my newest lovely sponsor! 

Adrienne is the blogger behind What Lola Wants
What Lola Wants: Adrienne is a  +40 personal style blogger and her blog is What Lola Wants. Named after a girl she admired in high school, What Lola Wants is Adrienne's personal blog that is filled with her personal style, which is less country (she's from Tennessee) and more rock-n-roll. With Adrienne's love of comfortable fashion, it's no surprise that she also happens to have an online shop of women's apparel that's infused with a rock-n-roll edge.

Thank you readers + sponsors for your support!


  1. Not quite 40+ yet (I'm 35), but looking forward to it :)

    Thanks for the shout out!

    What Lola Wants


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!