Friday, March 30, 2012

That Vintage Mohair Sweater

Color Me Sentimental. Flame hair, electric blue dress, and a monster sweater made of memories.
Color me a sentimental fool.
I was already a fool, but now I'm sentimental.

Last week, I tweeted about it:
My charming boyfriend had just gifted me a vintage concert T-shirt, and a vintage furry mohair sweater.  "I don't wear them anymore," he explained, "and you might like them." Yes. Yes, I do like them. I like the perfectly worn-in + thin Joan Jett and the Runaways concert T-shirt, a cotton blended gem from the late 1970's. The sweater too, was liked immediately. It felt comfy.

And seemed familiar. "I haven't worn this in years," said charming boyfriend. "These are from my Sac-town days." Meaning he wore it a million years ago, when he used to live in my hometown of Sacramento, California, around the time we knew each other. When we had hung out at his house, sipped Sierra Nevadas out of the bottle, and listened to records. You know, and stuff.

"I remember you wearing a cardigan," I mused, I remember that when we first kissed, future charming boyfriend was wearing a mohair sweater.  I didn't remember the color of it, only that it was a vintage fuzzy thing. I remember the color of his hair (bottle blond with dark roots) and I remember the color of his eyes (a bright halogen blue) but not the color of the mohair sweater. And, I remember the kiss.  I so clearly remember that first kiss: it was soft and sweet + electric.

I don't remember the color of it, only that it was a vintage fuzzy thing.

 "This must be it," he says. It had been his only fuzzy mohair sweater. Not that he remembers what he was wearing 15 years ago, during our first kiss- that moment is colored differently for both of us.  Such are the ways of love, mis amors- Cupid isn't contracted to shoot both parties with the same sized arrow. But this ol' girl feels ELECTRIC when it comes to that boy. And sweetly sentimental now that I'm wearing his sweater.  

"I so clearly remember that first kiss: it was soft and sweet + electric."
Now Wearing: 
  • vintage '60's mohair sweater, gifted
  • vintage handmade plaid cotton dress
  • vintage leather belt
  • cream and hearts tights, on clearance, Target
  • brown non-leather booties, Target 

Speaking of Rosebud love: 

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Melanie said...

Your hair colour - I can't get over it, I love it so much! Nothing like wearing one's partner's clothing to feel nestled in a cloud of love. I love what your're wearing, the blue with the earth tones.

mispapelicos said...

How wonderful to see you so pretty, so in love and so happy.
Loving everything you are wearing, my dear Bella.
You are in my post today.
Have a brilliant weekend, my friend.

Unknown said...

looks great, Love it <3


Unknown said...

Sigh ... lovely. Makes me wanna fall in love all over again. SO happy to see you SOOO happy :-) Love the mohair sweater

Unknown said...

Oh so perfect... I would love to wear a vintage mohair cardi, gifted by a love, with in built memories of love and electricity.

Beautiful story, Bella, beautiful pics, beautiful smile.

Sarah xxx

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

You are as cute as the high school girls I teach when they are in love! Keep your sentimental journey going on......

Vix said...

Ahhh, that's taken me back to snogging a boy in a mohair sweater back in my teens! What a lovely tale, that cardi is all the warmer for it's sweet memories and how it's been passed on with love.
You look beautiful, I didn't think your hair could be more perfect but it is. xxx

Unknown said...

How lovely it is to be in love! This is such a cute post! I love your red hair Bella!!!

Curtise said...

What a delightful story. It's amazing how life - and people and things too - can come back around. You look very happy and beautiful, and your mohair cardigan is warm and fuzzy with love! xxxx

Isabel Bianchi said...

I´ve just discovered you thanks to Sacramento´s blog and I´m glad I landed here!
Really nice dress! Love the color!
Nice to meet u!

Marie said...

sweet! the memories and the dress!

doradadama said...

What a precious love story amor.
how special and your still going strong.
You look so sweet in blue plaid dress.'60's mohair pretty sweater,love the feel of mohair.
your hair stands out even more with everything you wear.

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Aww, cute post, love it. And I love your frock and your man's cardi, I love wearing my husband's jumper (and his dressing gown, when I get the chance)


Anonymous said...

Your description of that kiss gave me the goosebumps...and now to have the sweater to wear all the time. How delicious.

Thrifted Shift said...

Oh! How sweet! I have absolutely no idea what my husband was wearing on our first kiss! That's such a great story!

Sasha Maria said...

Made me smile. Your story is enough to make anyone a tad sentimental.

PS. I do love the sweater!

Kitty said...

I don't remember the cardi (or the kiss for that matter!), but I love it too. Such an awesome colour that won't match anything, LOL.xx.

Monsterchen said...

oh i just found your blog via sacramento and i fall instantly in love with your unique style and your gorgous red hair!
i hope you have a great weekend darling!
love and kiss,mary

Anonymous said...

Lovely story Bella!
Oh, to be in love...(I love my hubby, but you know what I mean...the young love..)
You look gorgeous and happy! I'm so glad!!


Veshoevius said...

What a wonderful recollection of a first kiss (and a warm fuzzy momento you can wear to boot!) - LOVE that hair colour on you!

Katy Rose said...

I'm so happy this sudden move and the charming boyfriend are all working out for you. Your posts are all so cheery! Yay for you!! - Katy

Heather Fonseca said...

What a delightful happy post!!

Bella, your hair is red! Did I miss something? I'm a little behind on my blog reading but i didn't think I was that behind!

Señora Allnut said...

lovely & sentimental outfit, always love a cloth with a story to tell, and you look so pretty with the sun in your red hair (also in your eyes!)


I love this sweet and warm post. It's great to see you so happy ... there's nothing like being in love and getting the benefits of your mate's wardrobe!

-I adore that plaid dress as well. :)

Jean at said...

Aaaaahhh. I LOVE this. I've been married to my husband for 17 years and remember that first kiss (under a street light in Montreal!) like it was yesterday. And yes, I remember what I was wearing (leather motorcycle jacket, wool wide-leg Navy pants, and Doc Martens.)

The sweater is a treasure.