Red is for Lift-Off: Exploring the wild blue yonder in a red hot 1960's vintage coat |
Perhaps this change has been a long time coming. And I suspect there's more to it than just the reason given. Our lives, or more specifically, MY life, sometimes plays the role of a river, charging ahead with unpredictable twists and rough turns, and sometimes shifts + makes a sudden change of course that, upon examining, is best to just trustingly adjust to, and stop asking questions about the whys, the wherefores, or hows of it. My life has taken such a turn, and instead of over-thinking as I'm wont to do, I've decided to charge ahead + take the plunge. This is the result from a set of circumstances that took place one year ago, and one that I'd have never predicted.
In short (and when am I ever short about such things?): I am moving.
I'm leaving the confines of my hometown, my midtown stomping grounds in Sacramento, California, and returning to a former city of residence, the evergreen town of Seattle, Washington. In fact, it's already done. Packed and put into storage are my belongings, quietly boxed up and waiting to be relocated to an eventual new home. Meanwhile, this old girl overstuffed 2 suitcases full of ragged black T-shirts, a motley collection of waterproof + walking shoes, sweaters of various materials, 3 Karina dresses, an armful of tights, and a handful of what-the-fuck-am-I-doing anxiety attacks. Yep. Taking all the necessary objects with me while I fly into Seattle and scout out my situation.
And why am I doing this?
Short + sweet: I'm doing this for love. For a heady rollercoaster of a heart trip that began nearly 15 years ago (and a river in itself), full of twists, turns, and returns, with the boon of a surprisingly happy ending.
Life in Motion: wearing an easy-to-wear dress from Karina Dresses makes the journey a confident + assured one. |
I'm not sure what else I should tell you- or how much of it is interesting to anyone other than the parties involved, but suffice to say, a little over a year ago I had ran into an old flame + felt a rekindled spark. And the next thing I knew, I was gasping over said gent like a giddy school girl, and when (finally!) he kindly returned the affections, the way I took in my life shifted. Things that I had thought were important, became less so, and some things, like being as near to this man as possible, became an all-consuming, burning objective. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage this, as this impulse is all from the heart, with little words-of-wisdom from the head, but I'm sure this is the best + brightest decision that I've ever made in my life.
So I'm on a new journey, starting with this plane ticket set to Seattle. My flight starts from the Sacramento International Airport and lands on the tarmac of Sea Tac. I'm discovering new avenues to explore in myself, reconnecting with all sorts of hopes and dreams as my heart rekindles its flame. I'm not sure what to make of it, other than the best of it. I invite you to join me on my journey- no longer confined to the outlines of individual style or fashion whimsy, but a personal exploration of living. Whatever the outcome, friends, I'm certain its going to be one hell of a ride.
See you at the gate.
-Bella Q
Oooh! I like, no loove the color combination!!
Eeeek! B, this is wonderful news!!! I am soooo HAPPY for you! So you're making the big move huh? I hope you get settled and enjoy every moment in Seattle... Can't wait for you to share some new snaps with us!
LOVE the red hair and coat by the way!
Much love as always.
I write this as I listen to your wonderful music clip, which I have to say adds a whole new level of poignancy to your post. And glimpsing the images of the tarmac and terminal...Wow. So good-bye and hello. It's going to be an adventure!!! I wish you the very, very best, lots of love and happiness. (By the way, I adore your coat! And that dot thing.)
You write so beautifully and openly, and look so gorgeous in your bright red as you head out on your next adventure.
Good luck, I'm wishing you much happiness.
I think "I'm not sure what to make of it, other than the best of it" sounds like an excellent motto to live by. xxxx
so happy for you! having just moved country myself, i can attest that it is scary and exciting and fun all at the same time!
Oh, Bella, I am so excited for you...who doesn't love a love story and an adventure!! Life is short so go for it, girl! Cannot wait to read posts from Seattle! You look gorgeous in this red coat and your eyes are so stunning..he is a lucky man! Have fun!!
Bella you look so gorgeous in that red coat and I am so happy for you! I wish you all the best in your new adventure and can't wait to read your posts from Seattle. XO, Jill
Girlie, I am so excited for your new adventure! Our little meet-up before you got back in touch with "the guy" feels like yesterday, and I'm so happy for your happiness. xoxo
Love is always its own reason. I'm thrilled for you! And...Seattle!!!!!!
Bell! I'm thrilled for you! I can't wait to hear about your new life & love! Be well!
Woooooeeeeee, good luck girl!
Say hello to Mount Rainier for me; I lived in Tacoma for 4.5 years before returning to my old Kentucky home after a 29-year-long absence.
Congratulations with everything, madame! Big hugs! xoxoxoxoxo
Congrats on the move and the love!
Awesome. I hope you love your new area and that you settle in nicely.
I am SO happy for you!!! "believe and it will be" Buen suerte, amiga!!!! Prolly butchered the Spanish, but you get y drift. ) xoxoxo
YAY! I'm happy for you! Very exciting and romantic : )
When it comes to love, I'm a big 'ol softie. I cried when I read this and I'm smiling at the same time. I'm so very very happy for you.
But, on a selfish note, we never got to meet! I'm very sad about that.
Bella - I'm very excited for you; making a leap into a new life, a new adventure! Go for it girl--I always say it's better to regret something that you did, than something you didn't do (and since you can't change what you did, there's no point regretting it either!)
Ahh! Congratulations, Bella woman! (You also happen to be moving to my dream city - okay, maybe it's second on the list under Paris - so I hope you'll tell me if Seattle is as charmingly melancholic and delightful as I've imagined.) As for the leap you're taking...fantastic. Really. I'm excited for you, and inspired by your wherewithal to follow the impulse of the heart. Every time you start to feel anxious (and I'm a master of that, in case it wasn't painfully obvious when you met me!) I think stopping to realize that by simply have the brass to try is more than a lot of people have. And it's what a lot of people regretted never exercising too, I'm sure. That in itself should be persuasion enough for us to do the things that scare us? It's like that adage by John Shedd, "A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."
Good luck with everything! Not that you'll need it, because you're bound for only the greatest in life. xo
Wow Bella. How exciting! It sounds to me like a good decision. What better reason to move than for love? I have moved many times in my life, often to different countries and it's always an adventure. No matter where you go, there is always a time of adjustment but after a while you will find your place. Experiencing something new keeps life interesting! I look forward to reading about all your new adventures. Seattle is such a good place for fashion too!
So happy and excited for you Bella!
Whoo hoo! Congrats! You did it. Best of luck on your journey. You will rock Seattle, no doubt. Cant wait to watch as you discover the city and all its treasures! The Citizen in Love, what a great chapter.
This is thrilling! I know that I was bowled over by a love I did not see coming in my early 40s. May the whole world blossom before you.
Wow! How exciting. That's exactly what happened to me two years ago. Left California for love. Best move EVER!
Awww....so happy to read this post!!! Rock on sister!!! Love doesnt always come around...you need to act on this!
You are going to do great....and you will be together and happy!!!
I truly couldnt be happier for you! whatever happens.....it was meant to be:)
Oh my god, this is amazing! What fantastic, totally brilliant news. Best of luck Bella, and well done you in totally going for something you wanted xxx
Bella - Good for you! I love how you didn't overthink this but went with your gut and your heart. Your attitude about the whole things is so refreshing - no matter what happens it will be an adventure. Hopefully this turns out to be the best decision you've ever made! I'm so happy for you. - Katy
i love it it´s perfect.
It sounds like this move is going to be a positive, and interesting experience for you! One of the things I am starting to appreciate about life is that you don't always know where it is going to take you - there's always another curve in the river, as it were.
I love your airport outfit & your gorgeous red hair!
What a beautiful and inspiring post to read on a Sunday evening, UK time. You are such a vibrant, special person who reaches out to many, so I'm just going to add my voice to everyone else's in saying hearty congratulations on following your heart and letting it lead you on into a new home, new life...
whouuuu, love is here to make us change and move and I think you'll be ok and wish you luck pursuing happiness!
And love your red head and red coat, and your bright smile!
For love and passion! There couldn't be a better reason to move. No wonder you're wearing red. Thank you for sharing your process of the heart and waiting to hear about your new life. I'm sure you will create a masterpiece.
No wonder you look so beautiful. It takes courage to jump and you'll never regret it, no matter what. Life is meant to be lived. Congrats!
All the way over the pond and down south I'm so so excited for you. I love hearing things like this and wish you all the love, joy and happiness the universa can pour into your life
Ooooo that the fabulous red coat you tweeted me about......gorgeous love it! What a beautiful romantic story......congrats to you for following your heart!
I am so excited for you and your new adventures!
te amo in red ,but always love your mean-ass eyebrows.
love makes you do drastic shit.
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