Monday, July 30, 2012

Four + Twenty

 "I don't know which to prefer- the beauty of inflections, the beauty of innuendos, the blackbird whistling, or just after." -Wallace Stevens
Ballard Blackbirds (Photo credits: Bella Q)


  1. Faantastic quote. I love Julie London so I must listen to this song. The British blackbird has the loveliest song when it's not shouting "pink pink pink" (it really does) - you can hear it's pretty call on the Beatles song Blackbird xxx

  2. Love the silhouettes. You know, that clip made me think about the stark difference between entertainers then and now when it comes to background stage scenes and entertainment. Not saying today's entertainers aren't every bit as talented, but back then I think you had to have something to be on stage or you didn't make it. Those performers had to be the whole show and there was really nothing to share the spotlight with them. No big lights, no fireworks, no video screen above them. It was all on them. That kiss at the end makes me wonder if those two were involved or if it was part of the act. Do you know?


  3. What a wonderful quote :) I love birds, and you captured their essence beautifully.

    What Lola Wants

  4. Love crows. We have a "murder" of crows in our hood. My neighbor has been working on an art series with them:

  5. Wonderful quote, and wow, Julie London was sultry and fabulous!

  6. Blackbirds do have a beautiful song, it's one of the few I recognise.
    Gorgeous images, gorgeous voice. xx

  7. Love the pictures. I posted a photo yesterday of crows on a wire which looks remarkably like these.

  8. Love the quote, love the photos! Cool post made even better with the addition of Julie London.

  9. Does anyone who hasn't lived in Seattle understand that Ballard has a Black Bird that is even stronger and smarter than any other Black Bird? (And that's saying a lot!) Most of Seattle's 5 year old's have been stalked by a Black Bird who ended up snatching their snacks right out of their hands. And while they are tougher than most cats, they will avoid any house (and whole block) with a cat that is a threat.
    Loved Julie London as the nurse on Emergency. I remember how surprised I was when I realized she was also the singer. Very talented, and probably nice too. Her ex cast her in that TV show, after all. (Jack Webb from Dragnet.)

  10. Always love the Wallace Stevens 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird and my students always puzzle over it...

  11. Ms. London is a sultry goddess. She must be wearing a waspy. Regardless, what a gal. If I try to sing like this I just sound drunken and stupid. The end smooch is lovely. I love the simplicity of this clever and symbolism-laden bird. Great photos.

  12. lovely quotes amor!
    I do love blackbirds, sucj intelligent creatures.

  13. Great quote. I love the photos, I love the song too. Julie London looks so sultry and her voice is beautiful. I love love love love jazz and especially old standards.

  14. Delicious. A post that goes beyond the superficial and takes us on a trip to the inspirational. XXOO


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