Monday, October 8, 2012

Outfit Post: Ginger Plaid

Crisp but bright days are dazzling the Seattle population. Remarks about how rare this sort of October are being liberally sprinkled over the general conversations infusing this corner of the Pacific Northwest. Indeed the light is bright but quite unlike any summer sun. Bright and almost golden, it looks "magical" and timeless, like a proverbial Golden Age. And I do feel a bit golden- after a few weeks of stressful mishaps, things are on the upswing. 


Fall means shorter days, and richer colors. I crave my "redhead colors" of ginger browns, various greens and golds + rusts. This outfit consists of yours truly sporting a ginger plaid cotton dress. I'm liking the retro style neckline, in spite of it profuse "showing of the girls." A cute vintage butterfly pin was attached to offer up some semblance of modesty- but still quite a bit of a show, don't you think? 
No matter. I am celebrating my womanly body, and am done with hiding it.

99% Thrifted. 100% Rosebud.
Now Wearing: 
  • Moraleyes Seigal sunglasses, buy HERE
  • vintage boyfriend mohair sweater, gifted
  • "like new" plaid cotton dress, Value Village
  • vintage butterfly broach, thrifted
  • vintage floral tapestry handbag,  Goodwill
  • hand-made Russian novelty ring, Crimson + Clover
  • "like new" Merrill walking shoes, Value Village

Linking up to Patti for Visible Monday


The Closet Shopper said...

you are the cutest!


Lindsay Rickman said...

So cute! I ove the animation! XOXO

Sheila said...

Love your twisting! You look wonderful!

Veshoevius said...

Great dance sequence! It looks like the perfect dress for dancing in. The dog photo is very cute - is that your dog?

Curtise said...

It's a lovely frock, great colours for autumn, and there is nothing wrong with a little cleavage action!
Happy to know things are on the up - bathe in that golden light, Bella! xxx

Sara Kristiina said...

I think your dress here is so cute! Great look, Bella !:)

Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell said...

Value village must be one cool place. This is a perfect fall outfit. Love those shoes, they remind me of vintage bowling shoes, something I have always wanted.

Susan B said...

Fantastic plaid!! "Redhead colors" are my favorites too. Glad to hear things are on the upswing for you.

Marie said...

Always loving plaid and the sunglasses are fab.

Marie @
Lemondrop ViNtAge

I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.

Lynn Hasty said...

Look at you! Love that twisty dance! Love the plaid too. Aren't the golden days of fall the best? And it sounds like you all are having exceptionally beautiful ones!


Unknown said...

It has been a lovely fall hasn't it? I say live it up with sundresses and lightweight clothes as long as we can! I love the details of this outfit -the ring and butterfly pin are just darling! Happy sunny Monday, Bella!!! ~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style

Krista said...

I love this sweet lil fall frock and the girls look delicious so show them off! You look adorable! The video was sweet and I can tell you are a happy girl, that rocks! Enjoy these last few days of sunshine.

Helga said...

Yay!!! Love a fun video!
Gorgeous frock,fabulous pix,divine details!
Golden,beautiful light, it's a good omen! XXX

Señora Allnut said...

so pretty dress and funny video, love your fabulous smile!
And also love that golden light inspiration and beautiful photos!

Patti said...

Love the dancing! And of course the dress and the jewels. You are fab - thanks for linking up!

Stephanie Clayton said...

Cool animation!
Plaid becomes you - and it is such a great classic.
I can picture that golden autumn light.
Did you get my email? :)

- Odyssey Home

thorne garnet said...

Love how the photos are hoping around. Crap, something else I'll have to learn how to do.

Anonymous said...

Love the happy dancing! You are too adorable! I'm a little jealous that you're wearing a's gotten quite cold here all of a sudden. Hoping it'll warm up.
How about that doggie looking up at you? So cute!

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

You are such a good writer, Bella..loved the opening about Seattle and you look cute and fun as always!

citizen rosebud said...

Thorne that was my first gif- ill have to share the easy free link I used with you.

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

Amazing dress and great shoes - you look fantastic!

Tami Von Zalez said...

What a fun .gif!

Anonymous said...

I love the dancing gif, you are gorgeous!! The dress is beautiful and I like the grungy cardigan and the shoes that remind me a bit of saddle shoes!

Melanie said...

I looove your twirly dancing! This is wonderful for a joyful autumn day. You are beautiful and the dress feels so right. I'm glad life is on the upswing. Your girls are enjoying the sunshine. What could be wrong about that?!

mispapelicos said...

I love it all, but the:
99% Thrifted. 100% Rosebud is so me, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
You look, and I can feel you happier than ever, so enjoy every second.

Vix said...

This makes me very happty, twirly dancing, body confidence, sunshine and Madras (one of my favourite Indian cities) check! xxx

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

I love your dance sequence you gorgeous woman, please do not change a thing - "done with hiding it" - thank you and AMEN!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Kitty said...

Great to hear things are looking good for you!! You're looking very happy and carefree here, the dress really suits your mood.xx.

Kaffesoester said...

You look so lovely in this outfit! The dress is very cute, and I love that ring! I'll go and have a look at Crimson + Clover. The animation is really great - I hope you'll post the link you mentioned!

Anonymous said...

I love the dress and if you got em, flaunt em like the magnificent Helga!!
I'm ready for fall colors!

The Goodwill Fangirl said...

I'd show them off, too, sweetie! You are really beautiful. Love the butterfly pin (which more highlights than hides th' Girlz :) and the gif.

Tamera Beardsley said...

Woo Hoo! what an incredible opening image...sheer artistry my dear!

And a double WOO HOO to no more hiding...and celebrating the bodies we have! You my dear look both sensual and alluring...and even more importantly...Happy!

Unknown said...

Thats my girl !

Jenmarie said...

Those shoes are too much fun and I LOVE that little animation of you! Such happiness :)

CityScape Skybaby said...

Love that pretty dress with the big cardi Rosebud, it's such a carefree look, especially with your smiling face and twirling dancing. xx

Anonymous said...

Fun! I love to see the animated Bella. The pin is a great touch.
x Laura

Unknown said...

HI! I am your newest follower, and I'm glad I found your blog... I love this outfit and i love the GIf you made too!

Excited to see more :)


Janelle @ GlamorousMama

Unknown said...

Love your video Bella!
