Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Love Fuzzy Heart: Now Playing

Now playing-
It reads
like a rambling haiku 
as writ
by lower case alphabet afficiando
e.e. cummings: 

rita hayworth shoulder bed
bad taste clothing - fashion
over forty- fashion over
40 blog

love fuzzy heart
this is your life:
man in red plaid

40 year old lifestyle blog
40 year old style blog
blogs for women over 40

This, being the most recent
Keyword Search,
the cha cha line of words + phrases
of how people found me
here on the web. 
This blog. My life. 

How succinct and telling-
Rita Hayworth, 
a man, a plaid, and love.

And piled on, my all aged obsession 
with being over 40. 
Forty, forty. Over
and forty. The litany 
forty-forty-forty- it sounds a bit like a train
gearing up for a hill. Over 
and forty, forty, forty. 
Are we yet
over the hill? I feel

Steely and determined to climb. 
This search, so very much me-
the keyword assertions so baldly bold
with my gaseous ambitions
tethered to the gravity of real life;
pedestrian panderings
on the Life Quixotic

Now playing the visionary version
a virtual silver screen
starring this girl 
cast as a lovable but zany, 
madcap spinster, doing her turn
as the Latina Lucille Ball
meets Rita Hayworth meets 
Isabella Rosselini

a handsome stranger. 
And there you are, man in red plaid.
There you are. 

Thank you all for your kind comments and messages. I feel so fortunate to have stumbled onto such an amazing community. I felt isolated and fearful, and the positive messages are so touching and encouraging. Thank you. 

Also a thank you to the powerhouses that stepped up and took the SHOP SECONDHAND FIRST pledge! 
A big hug and a shout out to the very first who took the pledge and posted about it.

They are:
Lovely Adrienne, The Rich Life (on a Budget)
Beautiful Sara, of Ladylike Delicacy
Penny-Rose, Spinning Tops and Polka Dots
Kat, Bliss Overload
and Ally, Shy Biker

If you get a chance please read the wonderful posts about taking the pledge: 

If you'd like to take the pledge, you can do so by signing up HERE.

There are few posts in the pipeline for next week, and I hope you'll enjoy them.

I'll be taking a blogger's break in December- and focusing my energies on my online shops
Feel free to email me for a special deal on anything you're eyeing HERE or HERE. I can offer 15% off any purchase over $35 as a reader's discount.
See you next week.                             
                                                                                                    -  Bella Q


Debi said...

This is gorgeous. I love search engine haiku. So creative. And what a beautiful photo of the heart-shaped leaf. Did you take that?

Still loving my Vegan Citizen shoes.

Happy Holidays, Bella.

lasophia said...

Go chase that money baby! Can't wait to see those shops up and running. Best of luck Bella.

mispapelicos said...

We might be far apart, but I can feel your pulse.
You know I am hugging you right now.

Unknown said...

I love that.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

I'm a new 40+ blogger .. looks like I've found home :-)


Kristy said...

Very pretty heart shape leaf! Love it!

Beryl said...

Not a clue what a "search engine haiku" is, but if I was as young as 40, I might. Love the picture of the yellow house with those regulation Seattle green recycle bins out front. I thought about you today, when my Seattle friends complained to me about the weather, after years of telling me that it wasn't as bad as I thought. Keep dry and take care of yourself!

Krista said...

Love the picture of plaid man:) enjoy the upcoming time off, I hope you get too!

Veshoevius said...

Love the search engine haiku!

Kaffesoester said...

Great poetry Bella! You really have a way with words - I love it!

I'll be taking the pledge asap! Thank you so much for the support in this regard!

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

I think I can. :)

I am a big fan of mysterious search terms. This has got to be the most beautiful piece of writing about / incorporating them I have seen. Thank you, Bella! Enjoy December.

The Style Crone said...

Your creativity is a gift to us all. May your December be energizing and empowering!

Anupriya DG said...

Aha! Those search keywords sure do lead to you! ;)

Bloom on, lovely!

Jean at said...

Your poetry and beautiful energy flow out, enriching and sustaining us, as we find our own creative paths and voices. I see glorious things in your future, Lovely One!!

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

that must be a beautiful song!

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