Sunday, December 30, 2012

Outfit Post: Better Red Than Dead

Something about that survey stuck in my craw- and I've been wearing red lipstick ever since. Taking it to a whole other level, is this outfit of red on red on red. On red. It's as if I'm on fire. Hoping clearly to heat up my day- baby it's cold outside!

While a Seattle winter is much milder than what friends back East, or living in the Midwest are experiencing, it is a whole lot chillier and wetter than what I'm used to from living in sunny California. Knit hats has become essential; ahem, I even wear them indoors, what a goof! And essential also is the art of layering. Here you can observe me in my habitat wearing layers- a cotton blend top, a thick wool sweater and for water resistance, my bitchin' moto jacket number 2: a like new fire engine red, synthetic leather IZOD biker jacket. 

Now when I think of Izod, I normally think preppy, as in Izod Lacoste and those little collared tennis shirts with the alligator on it.  I used to wear them in high school- you know, along with L.L. Bean whales on a turtleneck, Crazy Horse Shetland wool cardis, Levi's 501s, and Sperry Top Siders. Yep. I was a prep, would you have guessed? That of course was a million years ago, when cave men were hunting wool mammoths- something I could use about now to crawl into for warmth and shelter. Brrrr.  But behold a new Izod- something sort of um... sporty cool?

Well, different. A little google search turned up some fashion history where Izod is spun off one way, and Lacoste into another. Izod is now a sporty label, hence a good amount of cool biker jackets. But MY red one is hot, hot, hot.

The best part of my outfit however truly warms my heart. I am wearing two of the wonderful gifts sent to me by the gloriously gorgeous and talented Jean of Dross Into Gold. This women and I were swap partners in Lakota's Annual Xmas Blogger Swap- and boy, did I luck out! Jean sent me such wonderful items, including a boat neck striped top with a hand embellished flower at the neck, and these red shoes that fit me like a glass slipper! Thank you Jean for such wonderful things- I cherish each and every one!
Now Wearing:
  • red knit hat, online on Amazon
  • vintage rhinestone brooch
  • vintage red wool sweater jacket, Goodwill
  • awesome striped top, gifted, Jean (via FHC Xmas Bloggers Swap)
  • IZOD Red Synthetic Leather Moto Jacket
  • skinny jeans (6 years old)
  • red skimmer, gifted Jean (via FHC Xmas Bloggers Swap)

I'm joining Patti + pals and linking up to Visible Monday


  1. You look so HOT in red! It suits you. And I LURRVE that jacket.

  2. Scrumptious jacket, I love the blazing heat of all the reds, which are outrageously gorgeous on you. Isn't Jean just the loveliest, what marvellous gifties!

    I adore the tale of your preppy past! :)

  3. You are gorgeous hot!!!

    I think about that "infamous" red post ever since....I'm so on breaking the rules too!

    Happy New Tear!


  4. You look really good in red ! I do love red mixed with black and white stripes !

  5. Hello, Lady in Red!
    You're looking smashing in your hot red ensemble! Pretty shoes from Jean! She looked gorgeous in your scarf as well.
    Happy & Healthy New Year!

  6. you look stunning in red!! gorgeous jacket and hat!! Happy New Year!!

  7. You look great in red! I had a chuckle over your izod high school clothing description (been there, done that!)


  8. Gaw-jus!! Red is so you, love that jacket. Come over to Visible Monday later with this fab look, if you have a chance xoxoxoxo.

  9. That survey had me seeing red too. I'm more of an eyes lady but I have found my red (MAC Ladybug) which I wear occasionally.
    My 'seeing red' moment was the comment about minis and knee-high boots

  10. Red suits you so well, Bella! I often wear red lipstick, always have, always will. Cool jacket, and what gorgeous swap gifts from darling Jean.
    Happy New Year to you and your man. xxxx

  11. You look red hot, lady! Happy New Year. Very best, TNMA.

  12. You look great! And, that survey is ridiculous. If anything, I think getting older frees a person up to wear what they really want to. Let's keep on breaking the rules!

  13. I agree with all the other great ladies posting look fabulous in red.

  14. You were made to wear red!!!
    LOVE the jacket and wow did Jean spoil you!!!

  15. As I have always said....RED is made for YOU! :))

  16. You do look amazing in red! I am going to have to teach you something, though: knit hats are called toques! :) You're a Pacific Northwester, you need to be using the correct terminology.

    Toque has a long "ooo" like in moo or (made-up word) mook.

  17. Where ever did you find that jacket cause I need to go there today!! I remember you mentioned that a biker jacket felt too "biker" for you but in red it kind of mellows the edginess, doesn't it? It looks so great on you, red is definitely a staple color for you.

    I have a stairwell just exactly like that in my yard which inspires me for a future post. Is that your place in Ballard??
    We must meet in the new year Bella!

  18. Red red red!! Love it! Jean picked awesome gifts for you. You look fantastic. I love the cableknit under the cool jacket. Textural joy.

  19. red hot girl!!! i looooove that jacket! how gorgous you look!
    darling i wish you a happy happy new year!
    big kiss mary

  20. Red is your colour! You look stunning and sexy in that sultry ensemble. Wishing you a very happy 2013!

  21. Yep I've been wearing red lipstick everyday too and it's been bringing out all the bolds and brights out of the closet. It's warm over here and watching all your posts with your winter wear I'm actually longing for a little layering!

  22. You are totally on fire!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT MOTOJACKET!!

    I wear those hats inside, too. It's cold here. (Mine is pink and my grandma made it for me- cute and dorky at the same time!)

  23. I always forget you live in Seattle. I hope to visit there someday; I've never been. Love that jacket!

  24. The jacket and the shoes are just too wonderful! But of course, you know that. You look grrrrreat!

  25. I understand wearing the hat indoors - Seattle is all about the hats, functional ones, not the fashion only kind. Real Seattleites don't even own umbrellas. I love your red outfit - you look splendid in it! Hope you are enjoying all the fun things to do in December.

  26. Incredibly awesome gifts to go with such a rad red jacket!

    Have a Happy New Year!

  27. That is just gorgeous! Red is one of my favorite colors. Looks awesome on you!

  28. The color red looks fantastic against your skin color.
    Red is one of my favorite colors. Is also the color of Saint Michael and I grow up wearing red in his honor because my mom was/is very devoted to him. My mom believes that wearing red when dealing in business attracts money and prosperity.

  29. Red is such a great colour for you. Don't ever give it up! I just love the colour combo of red & blue.

    Happy New Year!

  30. Never, in a million years, would I have guessed about your preppy past. Red, synthetic leather, biker jacket -- wow, some of my favorite words combined into one amazing garment. You look incredible in that color!
    Living in New England, layering is a way of life, too. In the dead of winter, I often go out with so many layers, it's almost impossible to move.
    Happy New Year to you as well!

  31. I love the red on red look. That red jacket is gorgeous and I really liked how you layered the striped shirt under the red sweater. I love to layer clothing. Interesting history on Izod and Lacoste. I didn't know that.

  32. I've lived in Sweden's cold climate my whole life and are gradually being prepared for winter now (soon 42), but it must come as a shock to move from California to Seattle. You can do fancy outfits excellent though!

  33. Funny I too have been wearing red or hot pink lipstick since reading your post on the idiotic notion that one shouldn't wear specific colours after a certain age. I love your red on red on red on... outfit! Not a goof, here in NY when I get chilled, I wear a hat inside too! Happy 2013, Bonne Chance! XXX

  34. Nice jacket Bella - i love red
    Friggin cold here and tons of snow, a real nightmare, lol

    Happy New Year to you Darling !

    Ariane xxxx

  35. I love all the red on red on red. You look great in red. I love that red leather jacket too. It is hot!

  36. You are totally rocking this red leather Bella! I bet Seattle is brighter because you are there. Have a Happy New year!
    Lots of love

  37. On FIRE, bay-be. Glad that stupid survey got you all red hot.
    Happy New Year!

  38. Rocking the red and sticking your fingers up at the "rules". Inspirational as always!
    Happy New Year and thanks for being year-round fabulous! xxx

  39. You look awesome, love that jacket!! Hope you have a gorgeous New Year doll xx

  40. Red moto jacket + red toggle sweater = killer.

    Happy New Year!

  41. This is perfection, Bella. The saturated red in different textures, the accent inspiration photos, the Frenchy b&w top, the dark skinny jeans leading to the wonderful red make me want skinny jeans for the first time! Have a bright 2013.

  42. You look amazing in red! Keep rocking in 2013!

  43. The perfect color to end 2012 with...and even to start 2013!! Thanks for being one of my inspirations last year, Bella...let's have some fun in the new year!

  44. The title should read, "Drop Dead Gorgeous In Red"! It's an amazing color for you - very referential Betty Boop in the best sense!

    Happy New Year, Bella. Thanks for letting me play in your clubhouse ;-)

    Spashionista (Alicia)

  45. Bella, you look spectacular in red. I love this outfit. You have the prettiest shaped lips and red looks fab on you. I also adore your eyebrows, so expressive! Happy New Year dear Bella!

  46. Red is one of my absolute faves as well, it looks sooo good on you! Your last blog post prompted a good friend to show up for our regular Saturday coffee date wearing red lipstick! I was thrilled, of course. Keep putting your awesome self out there and providing wonderful inspiration and encouragement to the rest of us - Happy, Happy New Year Bella!

  47. Red looks so good on you, Bella! And yes, living anywhere after Southern California is a shock to the system. I underestimated how hard it would be to adapt. (I miss SoCal so much!)
    Great post. We should all use that article as inspiration to wear everything that they said we shouldn't.

  48. I call it Bella Red. Don't be fooled, there is no substitute. Happy new year!

  49. I really love this look, it's so cheeky, must be that hat, it looks so fabulous on you. You look great in red

  50. You are so festive and beautiful in red with the marvelous gifts from Jean, who is indeed a gift herself.

  51. YAY!!!! You look awesome in red (as I knew you would!!) and I'm so glad you are able to wear the shirt and shoes. I love the way you've got this whole look put together. That jacket is especially fabulous on you.

    Have a good blogging break and I'll look for you after the 15th. Sending love for 2013!!!!

  52. What a fun jacket! You look great in red and I absolutely love red lipstick. It truly makes everything better. xo


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