Friday, December 28, 2012

Outfit Post: Seattle Starling

Imagination takes flight in a practical fisherman's knit cardigan sweater. (Photo credits: Bella Q)
Grey knitted on grey, with clouds tumbling over your head, like a dirty white crest of surf washing in on a Seattle tide. Winter here is a a study of heathered, charcoaled, jetted, and slated greys. And some days, that can't help but color you. One can't pounce about in fancy silk frocks when it's wet and cold and rainy. You're going to want to feel toasty, warm, and better serving to that is the practical sweater, some leg cover; anything to get you out the door and onto the street ready to get about, to go somewhere.

I've been wearing jeans in what seems like forever, and I'm not a pants sort of girl. So I'm exploring all sorts of ways to stay warm and dry in a skirt or dress. It has to be done quickly- there's not a lot of time, or space (small, small closets) to sort an outfit out. Garments need to be selected, donned, layered and dressed.

I feel a dullness to all this practicality- what comes to mind are those drab yet shiny birds you see everywhere, the starlings. I admire their tenacity, their capability to thrive in city living, and for their bright yellow beaks that commonly accessorize their otherwise plain-as-jane wardrobe: an oily overcoat of drab dark feathers. I guess you could say that today, I'm feeling a bit like a starling.
Say YES to the dress! Shop Karina Dresses at

The pictures, taken at dusk, show the light at 4:30 pm. Like a bird taking wing, I'm ramping off my exit, off to explore the neighborhood, by way of a walk. Not very fashionably dressed, am I? But I'm suited up well enough for the purpose. I kind of like the fisherman daughter's look I've been sporting lately with my two new knit caps. It may look a bit drab like starling's feathers, but there is plenty of shine on the inside.

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Now Wearing:
  • wool fisherman hat, Amazon
  • vintage floral brooch, thrifted
  • vintage fisherman knit cardigan sweater, thrifted
  • striped shirt, Buffalo Exchange
  • over-the-knee socks, similar HERE
  • black patent lace-up boots, consignment shop



Suzanne said...

I love those boots! The whole look is great but the boots really make it for me.


Idee Fixe said...

Great outfit, gosh those boots are hot on you! You won't believe this, but back in the 80s I bought the very same vintage brooch! We're brooch twins! Heehee! Stay warm (its a trousers day in NY today) XXX

Melanie said...

You could wear a burlap bag and still look fabulous because you are a rare bird - your colour comes from the inside and people see it.

Anonymous said...

What a great cozy sweater!!
I think you look FABULOUS!
Have a great weekend!

Adrienne Shubin said...

Very cool boots...and I dig that sweater! You look stylish and hip walking around your neighborhood.
Have a wonderful Friday!

Anupriya DG said...

LOVE them boots, hon! you've layered up so well!
Wish I could flaunt skirts as well....but it's unnaturally cold here this time, can't think of going for anything but denims or heavy woollens!

Kristy said...

Love this look! I love wearing over the knee socks with a pair of boots. Awesome!

Gracey the Giant said...

Oh, this is a great look! And I think I might (fingers crossed) have the pieces to re-create it. You look wonderful.

And I adore the starling picture.

Happy New Year!


Curtise said...

It's a great look, Bella. You may need to be practical for keeping warm and dry, but I don't think you have sacrificed your style at all! Love the boots with the flirty skirt and cosy cardigan. xxxx

Señora Allnut said...

Wouuu, nothing better than a knitted piece over a striped tee to make you feel warm on a perfect seaside style. Love your floral brooch, and love your skirt and boots!, that boots are dynamite!
Sometimes, when I walk my little city streets, where everybody wears black and brown coats, I would love to carry a great sign over my head saying 'Aware!, There's Color Inside!'
besos & color

Stacey said...

Love this look! Your layers work perfectly, and I've always got a soft spot for boots & high socks. You look gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Nothing drab about that outfit! I love fishermen's sweaters, and it looks great with stripes. You're an excellent example of how to add the right touches, like the stripes being visible at the neck and below the sweater, and then the brooch to match. It's perfect!

Sheila said...

I love the boots, the chunky sweater and the flirty skirt - so cute together.

I rarely wear jeans (only at home these days), so I wear a lot of bright slips and tights under my wooly skirts. And that starling's not just drab - they have iridescence on their feathers!

Patti said...

I love starlings, and all birds. At our former home, they woke us up every morning and now I miss that. You look terrific, natural and confident in your chunky sweater and fab boots. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

You are a bright spot in grey Seattle!!! I love the outfit!
I really need a fisherman's sweater!!!

Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

my gosh those boots are amazing

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

DRAB???????? You must be absolutely kidding! I love every single thing you're wearing for your dusk walk!! The brooch on that gorgeous, cozy sweater, the flippy-but-warm skirt and the BOOTS!! Aah the boots **sigh** xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Gorgeous outfit - love the cardigan and especially LOVE the gorgeous brooch! Sarah xxx

Unknown said...

I am a lover of all birds and the starling is a beauty in its own way. I love your look and you are far from plain. What a fashionable way to explore the neighborhood.

Vix said...

You look magnificent, stylish & stand out! Love the fisherman's daughter look on you! x

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Cute blue skirt and love the warm look of the sweater.

I went shopping yesterday and didn't find a thing! I think the wiped out racks were un-inspiring.


Miss Simmonds Says said...

love the chunky knit with the flared skirt and boots, lace up patent boots are always wonderful. You look so cosy!

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

Beautiful writing, beautiful outfit, the birdness of it all, miraculous in the extraordinary!

Sewingadicta said...

I admire your way to keep you warm! I live in a warm climate and this is a relief for me ... I would be a disaster if I lived in a cold climate ... Oh Lady! You look great! I'm dying for your boots ....

CatieBeatty said...

What a cute look. I'm such a sucker for stripes. And that sweater is both gorgeous and cozy!

Starlings are one of my favorite birds. I have an affinity for birds people hate, haha. Unlike pigeons (my fave), starlings are very pretty and make a gorgeous liquid sound, almost like dripping water.

Great post, as always.

The Style Crone said...

I love the photo in the 4:30 pm light, as you shine forth from the approaching darkness. You may be feeling like a starling, but I don't see you as drab. It's all in the details, and you always have plenty of those.

Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell said...

Oh I do love those boots and the sweater and the... Oh I love it all!
It is too darn cold here to wear skirts. When the wind chill is below or close to zero, it is too cold for skirts. I cannot imagine what it is like to be in a cold rainy place all the time.
I have been craving a fisherman's knit sweater but cannot find one that is flattering. Yours sure looks good on you.

Megan, said...

you have the best style, I don't know why I thought I was following you before! Now I can keep up again!
Xo Megan,

Rosalind said...

What great descriptions of your layering - fisherman's daughter meets starling. (Which reminds me also how much I love the collective noun for starlings: a murmuration). The climate sounds very similar to here, but you embrace it with style.

Meghan Edge said...


Ahem, I mean, you look beautiful. And THOSE BOOTS. ;-)