Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Outfit Post: The "NEW" Black

What's Old is New Again. The New Black Outfit was 75% Thrifted.
According to the latest issue of Harper's Bazaar, we've got a "new black. "

Remember the movie Funny Face? Not only was it a fun fashion romp featuring the gamine charms of Audrey Hepburn, it was a movie with some great memorable lines. One of them being the petulant declaration of "the new black."

The new black has since been declared by many a fashion editor: navy, white, pink, camel, nude, you name it, it's been it.

And this season, according to the Harper's Bazaar article, the NEW black is...


Vintage Black Sequin Sweater and Ferragamo pumps are Classic Examples of the NEW Black.
Black is the new black. Somehow I'm not surprised. Like many people, I've  been sporting my brights and mixed prints, yet craving the deep dark soul comfort of solid black. My pullover, a vintage version of sequins meets ugly sweater, seems more charming in its "blacker than midnight" glory than it could ever be in a more luminary hue. And what color can beat black in a pair of vintage Ferragamo pumps? Nothing, that's what.

So whether you're freshly enjoying this uh, new, I  mean old, I mean new/old trend, or, more likely never stopped, here's to the this flash-in-a-pan/never left it but it's back again, "it" color, BLACK. (Now aren't you glad you wear what you want, and don't listen to the dictates of the fashion editors?)
Now Wearing: 
  • Black knit hat c/o JACOB
  • Black vintage cotton sweater, thrifted
  • Skinny Jeans, similar HERE
  • Black vintage clutch, thrifted 
  • Salvatore Ferragamo vintage suede pumps, thrifted
Linking up to Lindsay's Living Thrift Shop Love


Unknown said...

You are gorgeous, as always, Bella! I wore the red version of that sweater at my 18th birthday - with a raspberry beret to match! Sarah xxx

Patti said...

You're fabulous! And thank the Goddess, black is the new black, b/c I have been stockpiling it for years! : o

Unknown said...

Bella! Black may come and go, but it's a staple in my wardrobe! I would even say my wardrobe is built around it! And it's absolutely your color!!! Hugs gorgeous! Serene

Megan G said...

Bright colors have certainly dominated! Black has and will always be chic and in style. Fuufuu on stylist who need to have a New Black.

Anonymous said...

This is a granny sweater is the most amazing way possible. I am thrilled to hear that black is back. Hooray I am fashionable again.

check us out? follow us back?

Suzanne said...

I'm waiting for the new young to be old ; P

Love the beret.


Becky said...

You look fantastic and I love the sequin sweater! The V-neck asymmetrical front is great :)

Dina@VintageAdvantage said...

Looks great!! I love the beret, too...
It's funny that apparently black is the new black, because I've been craving black lately!! I used to wear soooo much black and at some point it just started going away, and right now feels fresh for a comeback!

Meghan Edge said...

Oh god. I think I just fell in love with your sweater. This outfit is fabulous.

And how funny- I was just watching Funny Face today. Fred Astaire is my favorite.

LV said...

Bella, you look gorgeous in that sweater. Your red lips make you look like such a siren. Very cute look!

Jean at said...

When I look at this wonderful outfit I'm reminded of the adage that says if you wore it the first time, you shouldn't wear it when it comes back around. Obviously I'm not talking about black, but rather the glamorous 80's sweater that you're sporting!! I love it!!! You make it look contemporary and cutting edge, the way you've styled it.

I see things in the thrift stores that I'd love to put together for edgier friends. They'd make it work whereas I wouldn't. I did the 80's for real, so maybe I'll concentrate on influences from earlier decades, with a nod to the 80's when it suits me. SO MUCH FUN!!! That's really what it's about. I will never, ever give up my black, head to toe or otherwise, pundits be damned. I know you're the same, and I love you!!!

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

If this is the new black...then I love it!! I really think this blouse is gorgeous on you and I love it with the hat! This is a great piece for your wardrobe, Bella!

Shybiker said...

How funny. Love your clutch and bracelets.

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

Fabulous shoes! But oh man, black being the new black explains the odd responses to my all-black ensembles which feel to me like relapse, lol.

Ofelia said...

You look so chic! Those pumps are amazing and I think this one of the few times that I see you in jeans.

Anonymous said...

You are right--as much as I sport(ed) the bright colors and clashing prints, there is nothing like the simplicity and sharpness of black. Black will always be the new black for me!


Anonymous said...

Black, pink, red, whatever - we should wear what we want, with aplomb. And you look great in that pullover with jeans!

joyatri said...

I spent a couple decades JUST wearing black and have gone completely the other way now. But, as you say, it's comforting to wear it now and again. I like the sweater's contradiction of loose shape with a sexy asymmetrical v-neck. Very cool!

Jessica said...

haha yes black will always be the best! you always have the greatest finds!


Unknown said...

Aside from my love for the movie, the "_____ is the new black" is just silly! Black will always be the consummate classic. And on that note, this sweater is all kinds of fabulous! Interestingly, in any other color, it could look dated. But in black -timeless...

PS Proudly sporting the Secondhand First button in my sidebar now. Thanks, Bella!

~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style

Heather Fonseca said...

I've been wearing a ton of black recently. Maybe because it goes great with red lipstick maybe because it is just so comfortable and comforting. My black clothes are always there for me, and they make me look slim, love that about black. Love your look too! That sweater is very fab.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this black sweater! It can go with anything!

I found you on Bloglovin and I'm so glad I did!
Kate from Clear the Way

Bohemian Chick said...

You look great, Bella! And thank God black is back. Whether it's in or out, it's always popular in my closet!

Ulla-Marie said...

I never get tired of 80's vibes (strange english?)

The Cranky said...

So black is back? Oh goody, then I can wave my maxi BLACK Searle (nyc) coat for $6.59 score proudly!

Oh wait, I was doing that anyway.

Curtise said...

Ha, having just done an all black outfit, I suddenly find myself fashionable - how did THAT happen?! Don't fashion people think and write the oddest things? "The new black is... Err, done all the other colours so it will have to be... Black!" Yeah, whatever.
Anyhow, you are rocking the sweater and looking cool as always, Bella! xxx

Jennifer said...

Black has always been a major staple in my wardrobe. You really rock this one.
My closet resembles a morticians closet with shots of colour in accessories.
So glad it's never left me.

Unknown said...

Black is black - i want my baby back - love black and i Always Will . Your sweater is fab!

Veshoevius said...

hahah - black is the new black! Only in fashion as they say. Just when I decide to embrace colour too - doh!
Fabulous jumper! You look very beatnik with the jeans and beret.

Louise Mc said...

Beautiful jumper, you look great. I couldn't be bothered with wearing what someone else dictates either, how can you express yourself if you're just following someone elses guidelines? No thanks. X

Señora Allnut said...

love your 'sequins meets ugly sweater' black fabulousness, and pretty black accessories!, you rock any 'new black' trend wearing your vintage pieces with great style!

CityScape Skybaby said...

I've always had plenty of black in my wardrobe so I'm going to be "in" for a little while, yay! You look great in this outfit Bella, those shoes look a gorgeous velvety black from here and the black jumper sets your red lipstick off perfectly. xx

thorne garnet said...

"Think pink"

"Pink is the navy blue of India"

Geez, I love the fashion press! I guess bangs are going to be a new trend now, too.

Unknown said...

Thank goodness. I've been loving black all my life. My closet is a wasteland of black. I just love it. You look wonderful as usual. Love that top.

Anonymous said...

Love the outfit Bella!! i'm glad i could care less what fashion editors think!!
that sweater would be hellacious tacky in colors but is really cool in all black!

Kristy said...

I am so glad that black is back! It has always been a staple for me although I've moved more to pink the past several years. Love your sweater!

Unknown said...

Bella, you look great as usual. I'm pleased black has made a comeback... again because I never stopped wearing it. Never will!

Jane W. said...

Hurrah! I knew it would come back!

That red lipstick is perfection on you.

Anonymous said...

I always go crawling back to comforting old black. Nothing else ever makes me feel quite so confident.

Amazing sweater, and I envy you the pumps very much!

À LA MODEST said...

Oh yeah, geez, I hate that line. Something is the NEW something. I like how this post makes fun of that. :)

Oh, I love ugly sweaters. I usually find Alfred Dunner men's vintage sweaters to be the coolest when I go thrifting (cool to me, ugly to some). Yours is a beautiful disaster. It rocks.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Good old same... we are all gonna be trendy at almost no cost.
I love your new black sweater, Rose. You are absolutely in!
Anne Touraine (Playing with Scarves)

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Fabulous! Half my wardrobe is black, I'll finally be in style ;-)


Beryl said...

How can you resist a sweater that you look so good in, even if it is sort of funky? It looks like you are having really good January weather there. Yeah!

mispapelicos said...

That top is pure black fabulousness, my dear Bella.
Love always.

Miss Simmonds Says said...

Funny face is a great film, though I never listen to what Fash Mag Slags have to say. Ok maybe I'm interested in what they say but don't ever follow their advice. Anyway.... You look stunning, the jumper is wonderful and I really like it with skinny jeans too. You look great in black xx

The Goodwill Fangirl said...

All right, black is back. I'm pretty sure you said that :P

I love this sweater because it's sparkly :)

You won my last giveaway (the stars dress) - I just need an address to mail it yo you.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Love that top, the design is super and how it shimmers is awesome!! xx


You're adorbs in that first shot!

Yeah, black is the new black. Well, as I sit here typing in jet black from head to toe, I can honestly admit that black is ALWAYS the new black for me. I'd be LOST without it. It's part of my soul, and there is no color that is more versatile, wearable, or statement-making. But if it's hot for spring, well, that's good for me cause I have a closet that is 75% NOIR, baby!

Flora Cruft said...

You look gorgeous in that cute black jumper and beret, adorable.

glam.spoon said...

You are so right. If that sweater had ANY color it would be in the ugly bin, but in black? It's tres chic.

Ileane Smith said...

Bella - I don't need to go shopping then because my closet is full of black things - many of them I never even wore because I have so many duplicates. lol

Monsterchen said...

beautiful as always, red lipstick looks so good on you and i love your new black jumper! gorgeous!

The Style Crone said...

You and black with red lipstick will always be striking, no matter the trend. I don't intend to quit black any time soon, no matter the trend or my age.