Monday, January 7, 2013

Think: Pink

Instead of suffering through yet another inane session of celebrity sighting in a droll slide show of who wore what (I'm talking at you, Huff-Po,) let's focus on some REAL star power, and put the spotlight on some people who ACTUALLY deserve some headlines.  

Case in point: this gorgeous gaggle of pink vigilantes otherwise known as the Gulabi Gang (or Pink Ladies) who enact justice when their village police fail to do so. Led by a fearless woman, Sampat Devi, a former government health worker, these pink ladies show up to extract justice when a man beats on, or abandons a wife. Crimes against women, are often overlooked by the authorities, so the Pink Ladies take the law in their own hands, often forcefully, and with bamboo sticks.  "If they don't take her back and keep her well, we will resort to other measures," Devi says. 

Clad in bright flamingo pink silk saris, this boisterous band of women definitely inspire, and by so much more than what they are merely wearing.  However, you'll appreciate the powerful statement of their bright and bold uniforms, and while I've never been a fan of pink before, these women have got me seeing this hue with a whole new respectful view. With their fierce and brave brand of justice, the Gulabi Gang of Banda have definitely got me tickled about pink.

You can read more about these pink Heroines by clicking HERE.
Edit: Anne has shared their website with us: 
Thanks Anne!

Linking up to Patti and pals for Visible Monday


  1. I love reading about women who stand up and change the world! Hooray for them, and while it may have become a trite and overused adjective, they are truly Fierce.

  2. After the appalling story of the gang rape - and murder - in India, I hope the Pink Ladies start getting more support. It's horrifying the way women are treated in some places, and we are so lucky here by comparison.

  3. I love these ladies. They are badass pink! That photo appeared in my FB feed and I found their site:
    (not sure if BBC site has it, thought I'd put it here so people can go directly to the source).

    I too have a fraught relationship with pink. Working 5 years on Barbie fashions will do that to a gal. I am recovering, as my love of my hot pink shawl proves.

    Thanks so much for posting about the Gulabi Gang! Think Pink!

  4. Thank you for posting the link, Anne!

  5. Thank you Bella for adding depth to our blog world!

  6. Pure awesome-ness. We need that everywhere. Maybe those ladies could pop over to Ohio and deal with that Rape Crew situation, you know what I mean? 'Cause that stuff happens here, too.

  7. Seems like India is undergoing a massive cultural shift at the moment - there's been a massive outcry over that horrendous Delhi rape. More Pink Ladies required.

  8. love that brave ladies all dressed up in pink saris, changing their world together with their great attitude (and a bamboo stick!)
    besos & pink

  9. I read about this...these ladies are fierce & right on to them! I'm all for women standing up for's vital to us really!! With all of these things happening in the world..we need to take the bull by the horns and make our own way!! They look beautiful too...I love the traditional attire. Definitely thinking Pink!! Have a super week doll :) x

  10. I love this picture of these women. They are look so fearless. Pink can be powerful.

  11. I think they're wonderful! What brave, fantastic and courageous women. Love all that pink too, on a shallower note, it does add an air of vibrance and forcefulness but doesn't look militant xxx

  12. Powerful Bella. Certainly in light of what's happening right now in India. They are so brave and look absolutely stunning in these saris! Here's a true admirer.

  13. Why aren't we hearing about these brave women on the news? These women should have our support as they risk their lives to protect other women. Bravo!

  14. Hooray for courageous women who stand up for what is right. They are truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing this with Visible Monday xoxoxo

  15. Anyone who thinks pink is for sissies. should look to these fabulous women. It takes real courage to do what they are doing. I cannot imagine what they face daily. Those of us born in the USA should be thankful every day for the rights and priveleges we take for granted.
    Thank you for sharing this Bella.

  16. Love it. Sometimes we have to stand up as women and not take it anymore. Thanks for posting this Bella, it made my day! xoxoxoxox

  17. Thanks for posting this Bella Q. I had heard of these ladies before. It reminds me that one person standing up can make a change and several people standing together can change the world.

  18. Happy New Year, Bella!

    I'm particularly happy to see this post, especially in light of the horrific rape of Jyoti in India, and the Steubenville rape in the U.S. Violence and abuse is horrific, no matter who the victim is, so it's nice to see women (especially those who don't have the blessing of the U.S. constitution behind them) standing up for their rights.

    I have been deeply affected by the nature and circumstances surrounding the Jyoti rape case, and it really makes me sick. I hope they hang all those b*stards. The only, and I mean only positive thing about it is that it has sparked women's rights in India, and they have set up new courts to fast-track rape trials, which are prolific, in the country.

    Keep rockin' on, babe! So glad the risks you took last year are paying off.


  19. Excellent post. And while I am a bit nervous of vigilante justice (because what happens if they get the wrong guy?), after the horrific rape/murder of Jyoti in India, I'm far more inclined to side with the Pink ladies now. I'm glad you're giving them some much-deserved airtime...thank you!

  20. These women are doing dangerous and heroic work that speaks volumes about the big cultural changes on the move in India and the rest of the region.
    Great post, Bella. You're a living example of brains and beauty.
    Happy 2013 ... may be all be better at the end of it than at the beginning!

  21. Thanks Bella for bringing these fabulous brave ladies to our attention!!!
    Who needs to see what a bunch of airhead celebrities wore??

  22. This story has been making my day. Bright, saturated pinks is among my favourite colours, and it's so pleasing to see these gutsy women wearing it.

  23. Pink has never looked so powerful. The determination in the faces of these women speaks a thousand words. Thanks Bella!

  24. Reading their name, Pink Ladies, reminded me of the film Grease...except, ya know, these ladies are way more bad-ass. Thank you for sharing the work of these awesome women!

  25. I just saw a statistic that there were 600 cases of rape reported (most aren't) and only 1 conviction last year. WTF?! Thanks for shining a light on these ladies.

  26. Thank you for posting this Bella, I hadn't heard of these ladies but, reading about them, I admire their bravery so much. xx

  27. Good for these women!I also read about the rape victim on this side of the pond, absolutely awful!
    Thanks for posting this Bells!

  28. What an amazing group of women, inspiring stuff!

  29. These women are incredibly brave and thanks so much for sharing their story!

  30. How bloody FABULOUS!

    Happy New Year, angelcakes! XXX

  31. Damn, that's just awesome. Thank you for sharing Bella!

    What Lola Wants

  32. Thanks for posting this Bella! I shared it on my Facebook.... your writing is fabulous as always!

  33. Wow these ladies sound awesome! #girlpower


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