Monday, February 25, 2013

Rosebud in a Red Hat

Blooming in a Red Hat

This morning, I'm typing this at my desk in an old mohair sweater and flannel pajamas. It's is cold and grey out, and I've got no inclination to go outside. I need to remind myself that Spring is right around the corner, and flowers are on their way to save the day,  budding into a warming landscape of bright and lively colors.  In the meanwhile, I imagine myself planted somewhere deep in the heart of a meadow, at one with a field of nodding poppies, soaking up the sunshine, bright as a blossom, and happy as a rose. 

There's something about a red hat that wakes up your spirit, isn't there? Which remind me of this verse by Jenny Joseph, the poem that inspired the blossoming of the  Red Hat Society.

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.


Kathleen said...

That's a beautiful, vibrant hat!

Señora Allnut said...

My dear lady, reading your post and this fab poem cheers up my day so much than a red hat would do, you're a springtime dream always!
besos & red hats forever

Lucys Lounge said...

I love a red hat. this one is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Bella. Cheers to spring!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

That poem always does make being old sound a lot more appealing. Luckily your red hat doesn't not suit you! I'm unconvinced that Spring's around the corner though, it's like the bloody Arctic here.

Anonymous said...

Bella, this has got to be one of my favorite posts. It is amazingly beautiful. Simple yet beautiful. I can so relate to the gray outside so thank you for brightening my day. I couldn't agree more about a red hat. I found one at Buffalo exchange in downtown Portland last week and my first thought was Bella would LOVE this! Can't wait to post it.

Unknown said...

love the hat Bella - you can't beat red
Yes Spring is just around the corner!

Keep smiling and wear that hat!

Ariane xxx

Patti said...

Wonderful red hat for a gray day (or any day). Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday xoxoxox

Krista said...

Red makes me feel alive and a red hat is something obviously missing in my wardrobe:) Here's to Springtime walks in warmer weather!

The Style Crone said...

You own red, and even more so with a hat. I see that are two hats in the second photo, with its blossoms blooming as brightly as you.

I've always loved the Jenny Joseph piece. By now I'm old enough to hoard things in boxes, and mostly the boxes are filled with hats.

Anonymous said...

When I grow up I want to be a confident bright red poppy. One who knows her potential and is not afraid to show it. Not afraid to let the world have it's way with her. For now, I let the sun shine on my bent stem and hope for a reason to lift my head.
I can feel your soul Ms. Q.

Unknown said...

Dream-You looks lovely in red and white and under a sunny sky. Thank you, Bella, it was good to read that poem again.

Unknown said...

Love the hat and the poem , the spring is around the corner - and it makes us begin to hope again .

Beryl said...

Are all those great red hats yours? Hats are such fun!

Unknown said...

Sigh! That background you're "standing in" makes me so wistful for warmer, more colorful weather. I'm ready to drink lavender lemonade and have a tan! Hope you're well, Bella!!! ~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style

Ulla-Marie said...

Thanks to the image, it will probably go a little faster. I'm wearing yellow today and think that it probably speeds up the process.

Vix said...

That's a fab hat, you look wonderful!
I wish Spring would hurry up and get here soon, it's snowing yet again this morning! x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hat, perfect for dreaming a poppies field in full bloom with my eyes wide open!
I love Jenny Joseph's poetry, lovely, ironic and a little bitter!
I hope spring would arrive here soon!
Love xxxxx

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Beautiful! Bright and rosy thoughts right back at you, my dear! xxx

Frocktasia said...

Fabulous hat, just the thing for strolling though a field of poppies.
Here in London the sky is grey and the air is cold and damp, spring feels a desperately long way away at the moment.
Och, another month and we'll all be busting out the spring florals and putting away the bulky coats...can't wait!...xXx

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Great way to remind all of us that Spring is coming. I know living in Seattle must be tough...but you were sent there for a reason and it just might be to be a vibrant, shining light in the grey!! Carry on, Bella!

Sharon said...

Hi there! A lovely poem and bright vibrant picture to share with us, thanks!! I can't wait for Spring, it's cold and wet and not very motivating xxx

Unknown said...

I love the red hat, especially loving it with the sunglasses! Nice photo. May have to put that on my Pinterest page! I think we're on the same wavelength. I wore a red hat last night out with friends. Makes you happy, doesn't it, to wear color! Debbie

Kristy said...

I love the poem and the red hat! I've already started "practicing" too.

Anonymous said...

Red is most definitely your color, Bella!
I'm not waiting until I'm "old" I shall wear my purple and red now! ;-)

Spashionista (Alicia)

Flora Cruft said...

What a lovely and inspiring post, and just the reminder that I needed that yes, surely Spring must be on the way soon. You look wonderful in red, and those photos are a dream!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Krista--a red hat is missing in my wardrobe!!
You look so cheerful and happy in your red hat and shades!!
Today is a 33 degree rainy icy day AGAIN and i can't wait for spring!

Miss Simmonds Says said...

that 20s sort of beret.... do you own that already? cos if you don't you should. You own red hats

Luna Tiger said...

Amazing and fun ! This picture is so arty !!!

Unknown said...

Red is my favorite color after violet. You look fabulous in your red hat!