Monday, February 4, 2013

The Woman Who Wears It

Over the years I've learned that what's important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.     -Yves Saint Laurent
I love wearing a "black floral" dress. It seems every year right around this time, I start pulling out my floral frocks, and the ones I love best have brightly blooming floral prints over a solid black background. I love the romance of it, the perfume of it- of feeling as if I were a fragrant bouquet; when I wear a black floral dress, I feel wonderfully womanly and wildly feminine. 

Floral Frocks That Rock: 

I'm a big fan of the dress- it's a garment that can convey feminine comfort and confidence. I feel most myself in a dress, especially in a dress that allows movement, and poetry- and for me, no frock has more poetics than one blossoming with flowers.
You can be sure that you'll be seeing me blooming madly this coming spring, in my growing collection of black floral dresses- willfully flirty and impetuously romantic.  I've picked some of my favorite internet finds to share with you, in case you're in the mood to bloom madly too.
Flower the Leader Dress

Flower the Leader Dress

A wonderful vintage version of black floral can be found over at Violet Folklore's Etsy shop, too. Here, red roses bloom madly on a black 1960s Joseph Magnin maxi dress.

If maxi's not your thing, you can frolic in this super short vintage black floral romper: 

Black Floral Romper by LS Vintage

New Floral by Elegant Bohemian on eBay

Even better if you have a some black floral in your own closet. After all, it's less about the dress, than the woman who wears it. 

Linking up to Patti and the gorgeously must-see ladies at Visible Monday.


Meghan Edge said...

I love this floral dress on you! I loved it when you pinned it, so I stuck it on my Style Ideas board and then other friends of mine started repinning it. You look gorgeous!

Is your necklace made from tee shirts? I love your necklace. Did you make it?!

Ofelia said...

I love this flowery dress and the green tights on you!

Helga said...

Looking foxalicious,darling Bella!
I adore a black based floral, and am looking to add a few more such frocks to my collection!

Silhouette de Femme said...

Beautiful on you & love the black floral.

Patti said...

So, so gorgeous -- I love a dark floral too and you're making me want to wear some right now. Thanks for linking up the beauty to Visible Monday!

Unknown said...

I have the same thing happen to me every February. I start coveting florals. Is it the need for Spring or the effect of all the valentine's day adverts? Does it matter?

Love your dress. So perfect.

Unknown said...

I was definitely the fan of the floral but it's been awhile since I've worn it. I'm seeing it everywhere-fashion, decor- and I especially like it with black.
Perfect look on you! Thumbs up!
Cheers, Heather

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Why don't I have a black floral frock? Why, why, why?!! I can see your point about choosing flowers on black, it must feel right for this time of the year ... spring bulbs are thinking about doing their thing, but it's still very cold. The perfect wardrobe choice:) xoxo

Suzanne said...

That dress is fab but the way you've styled it is the best. Those green tights and necklace! So hip : ) ...oh and let's not forget that "piss off I'm an intellectual loner and you're in my personal space" attitude...that of course makes the whole ensemble perfection.

I tip my hat to you.


Shybiker said...

Gorgeous dress, playful tights. A winner!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I love black florals! I have only one thing - a black floral blouse that is a tiny bit too small. Although I have an idea for how to wear it...maybe tomorrow.

I love that picture of you - the hair, the jewelry and tights, the background. All blooming madness!

Becky said...

You look so beautiful-- I love this whole look! Black florals are my fav :) I think it's because they are the perfect combo of sweet and tough. I just can't be too fem! It's not me <3

Anne M Bray said...

I have some black ground, big pink roses nylon spandex yardage that is screaming to become... a bodycon dress? a pencil skirt? a bathing suit? I got it for cheap ($1/yd perhaps) at a fabric jobber in downtown LA.

Also have a vintage circle skirt in the fix-it pile. Needs bigger waist. The roses are the size of luncheon plates!

Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

you look so fierce sexy in that top pic!!

Curtise said...

Florals on a black background have a bit more oomph and sexiness than many softer ditsy prints. Your dress looks fabulous, and so do you! Love the green tights. xxx

Veshoevius said...

What a wonderful quote! I love a black floral print and you look wonderful in yours!

Frocktasia said...

Great frock and I'm loving the green tights. Your hair is the most amazingly vibrant colour...x

Vix said...

You look stunning, I love that dress worn with those rocking green tights and your killer hair style. xxx

de|constructed said...

You look amazing Bella!


Señora Allnut said...

hurrah for black floral dresses, love all of them!, and I'm waiting for watching you blooming madly in all your glorious floral frocks!
besos & vestidos

CityScape Skybaby said...

Black floral has always been my very favourite pattern and I love how you've teamed it with bright green tights Bella, it really brings it to life. My favourite going out outfit for years was black floral dress, black tights and black boots but you make me want to pop some green in there too. xx

Claire Justine said...

Love your dress and tights :) you look great, I'm off to find a flowery dress now :)

Anonymous said...

So so pretty. I am also grooving on that look these days. I love the pop of green with your look! Xo

Musenkind am Meer said...

You are dilly and crazy and I love it!

Greetings Cornelia

The Dainty Dolls House said...

You look stunning!! Yes, I agree, floral on black backgrounds on my favourite too, I have some that I wear @ I just love them :) xx

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

Stunning photo - you are fierce! Gorgeous dress, and fantastic green and gold accessories. That is a beautiful painting beside you, and I love the juxtaposition of your expressions.

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

I love this post! You are right, Bella, the woman who wears the dress makes the difference and that is probably why that top photo is so feirce!! Great job...I love what you did with Patti's button...very cool!

mispapelicos said...

Always spot ton, my dear friend.

The Style Crone said...

'Sizzling' is the word that comes to mind. Black floral becomes you and you own that dress. Makes me think that spring is really going to happen and I'd better check for florals in my closet.

Franca said...

what a great selection of dresses!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous dress on you--you look amazing!!

And NOW I think I NEED a floral on black dress!!

Jenmarie said...

I love dresses too! In fact, I prefer dresses and even pants over shorts during the Summer.

Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell said...

While I am not comfortable in shorter dresses I did find my comfort zone last year in maxi dresses. I'd love to have a floral maxi.

I have always loved floral prints and the more vivid the colors the more I like it. Your dress is beautiful and it looks so good on you.

Beryl said...

What a lot of cute dresses, especially the one you are wearing. Nice with those tights.

ZalinaW said...

Love the look. I am no way a girly girl but I could rock this dress with some construction boots and good old denim jacket and great statement necklace. I got to get to the thrift store and find my flower power dress before Spring!

Anonymous said...

Bella, it's just not fair for you to look so cute in your pretty little dress!
I love the rambling rose. I tend to be pretty picky about florals because they can make you look like a couch from the 90's if you're not careful (yes, I had one).
I have a floral dress and oxfords but both are for warmer temps than Nashville is currently experiencing.

Spashionista (Alicia)

Unknown said...

You look gorgeous, Bella! I do love a floral - I especially love the one with the velvet belt!

Sarah xxx

Anonymous said...

Bella, perfect post for the month of February. You are the ideal model for a dressed bouquet. Abolutely stunning and very poetic. I can't get over how wonderful your phrase, "wonderfully womanly and wildly femine" is. I believe I will be repeating this often.


Florals are a favourite of mine, I really like that Midnight Rambling Rose style! xo /Madison

gracefully50 said...

Bella! You look SO pretty!
Love that quote!

Unknown said...

Oh no, YOU are rad!!!

Unknown said...

This dress is so pretty on you. I love all those beautiful colors. Very cool with the green tights!

Adrienne said...

You look amazing, I love the dress on you! I too have a weakness for floral dresses. Thanks for sharing!

What Lola Wants

Jill said...

I really like this floral dress on you. I don't own anything floral in terms of clothing but now I want to check some out. Thank you for joining us for Date Night looks. I love that sequin sweater of yours! XO, Jill

Kaffesoester said...

You're so sexy and feminine in this dress! I love all the colours on the dress, in your hair, tights and necklace - fantastic!

It's funny, late Sunday night I ordered myself a black dress with red roses on... I'll post lots of photos of course!

Miss Simmonds Says said...

I love you in black floral dresses, they go so well with your uplifting hair. You looking stunning! xxxx

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Fabulous pattern (black with floral).


pao said...

You look great, Bella! I love floral dresses and skirts too, black background or not - as long as the floral is big and colorful. You just have to funk it up - like with green tights. Well done.

Unknown said...

I've always enjoyed that YSL quote. I think he really appreciated women.

Crazy RAvens Studio said...

You are so fierce in this little dress. What a photo! And a great quote.

The Goodwill Fangirl said...

You look stunning. I love your photos - what are you using for editing. Pic Monkey? You have convinced me I need a black floral frock. Wait! I have one! Happy, happy, joy, joy dance!