Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dots + Flowers, or What I Wore to Hang with Ari of Advanced Style

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasant opportunity to meet up and spend some time with one of my blogging heroes. It all started with a short email- in it I had suggested the next time he was in Seattle, that we should meet for coffee. 15 minutes after I sent the email, I got a phone call. It was Ari, who just so happened to be headed towards my neighborhood, and was wondering if I'd like to go to Value Village and do some thrift shopping with him. Would I? 

Ummmm, is the pope Catholic?

In a matter of minutes I was dressed and out the door, ready for an impromptu shopping excursion with Ari Seth Cohen, founder and main photographer of Advanced Style. He was adorably dressed, and sweet as can be. And we had a blast cruising the men's department at Value Village. Let me just say, he is alert to every snappy dresser in the vicinity. He pointed out several snazzy older women while we were there. And Ari's got a great eye for vintage! Thanks to his keen eye, I picked up a couple of great vintage mens ties, a gorgeous 1950s paisley vest and a sharply tailored 1960s blazer.

Ari gave me a quick update on some of his upcoming projects, including the Advanced Style  documentary, and told me about this fun new publication: an Advanced Style Coloring Book! Now you can color inside or outside of the lines, on some of your favorite Advanced Style ladies. It's now available on Amazon, and if you click on this link I'll get a little commission from your order. It's a stylistic win/win, so order yours today.

I had such a great time with Ari, and was not surprised it was the one day that week that was sunny. I tried to dress accordingly, wearing my spring time thrifted floral rayon skirt, my newly acquired vintage baby blue rosebud sweater and brand new polka dot pussy bow blouse. Ari and his Advanced Style blog always inspires me to dress to express, and it was a blast to do so in person! 

Tell me, what would you wear to meet one of your blogging heroes? 
Now Wearing: 
  • vintage handknit sweater, Trove Vintage
  • polka dot top c/o JACOB
  • vintage polka dot + punk cuff, thrifted
  • vintage floral rayon skirt, 
  • vintage booties, Thrift Town


Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

how much fun, Bella!! And you looked perfect for the occasion! I bet is was such a great afternoon.

Ulla-Marie said...

Wow x 2! Really!

Susan B said...

Isn't the blogging community fabulous? How wonderful that you two were able to meet up. I love that sweater and skirt together.

Patti said...

Wow, how cool is this! You two are a great shopping team, I think. Love your sunny look. xoxoxo

pao said...

Sounds like it was simply meant to be! And you look positively Spring in your ensemble. I love the rosebud sweater with the floral midi. And the b&w dotted top adds just the right amount of pow! How cool - when bloghood legends collide.

thorne garnet said...

Polka dots and floral, I'd never would have thought that looked good before. It does. I would be a nervous wreck if I ever meant any of my blogging heros. Probably try on every thing in the closet and hope for the best.

That's Not My Age said...

Ari is such a lovely person, so friendly and warm, and a real inspiration to us all. I've met him a couple of times and he's great to hang out with (I actually went to dinner once with Ari and his mum!).

gracefully50 said...

You look gorgeous in florals and polka dots!
Glad you had a terrific time with Ari!

Anonymous said...

Amazing timing for that email! Sounds like a great way to see Value Village through new eyes. I love the way you've styled this outfit and took pictures with a backdrop that flatters your outfit. You are so creative, girl!

Anonymous said...

How cool!!! First--love the outfit--especially the sweater!!!
And to get to meet Ari of advanced style--how awesome is that??

CityScape Skybaby said...

That sounds so fun Bella, and you looked so pretty for it. I love flowers and polka dots together and you mix them really well. I also wanted to say thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, I really appreciated it. Looking forward to hearing the rest of this story! xx


I really like your outfit, so pretty!

Sheila said...

Oh, how exciting! I love what you wore.

I'm actually going to be meeting one of my blogging heroes (heroines) this weekend! I won't say who...but she is a Vancouverite.

Unknown said...

You are beautiful and lovely in dots and florals!

Becky said...

WOW!! How lucky are you??? So jealous of your little excursion with Ari. Love the floral skirt and I will probably buy a coloring book!
Becky :)

SeƱora Allnut said...

love your awesome smiles!!, two of my favorite bloggers together for a thrifting excursion, it sounds like heaven!!, so glad you've met Ari, I admire him so much!!
And you look delightfully floral, lovely colors and dots!
besos & blooming

Anonymous said...

Lucky duck! Thrifting with Ari sounds like a day of laughs, mind-melds and inspiration. Very cool.
x Laura

Sharon said...

Hi there-I adore your outfit, you look amazing and the cardigan is gorgeous! Thrifting with Ari sounded awesome too! xx

Unknown said...

Oh what a great Joy to met Ari!
You look fab - love the outfit .

JPotMont said...

I love the Advanced Style blog - so cool you got to meet Ari!

Also, if I ever see you on the street, I want that sweater! ;-)

Autumn said...

Your outfit is adorable...OMG that sweater!

Idee Fixe said...

Your outfit was perfect! The pic of the two of you is so precious I'd frame it, both of your sincerity and love of life comes through in the smiles and in both your eyes. What fun to go thrifting together! I'm glad you had the opportunity for a serendipitous adventure! XXX

Helga said...

FABULARSE print and colour combinations, darl!
I'm so excited and envious that you got to hang with Ari!!! I'd be all over him like a rash, he's so cute.
I have met a few of my blogging heroes now, and wearing good, sturdy knickers is key to comfort and protection.......!!!

GeeGee said...

Just perfect! I would wear something similar.

Forest City Fashionista said...

Ari is so much fun - how cool that you got to go thrift shopping with him! I can't remember what I was wearing when I met him two years ago, but I'm pretty sure it involved black, and a hat....

Anonymous said...

Can't think of better ensemble combination for this fun get together. You both look adorable. What a fun, spontaneous afternoon. Just ordered my coloring book, kind of sad I have to wait until October to begin my coloring.

Lucys Lounge said...

i love your outfit. very clashy. i'd l'd love to meet ari. i'd love to meet you. love lucyx

Veshoevius said...

I love the cardigan! How great you got to meet him!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of your thrifting with Ari I can barely speak. his is one of the best blogs in the stratosphere. Can't wait to see your thrift haul on the blog.

Frocktasia said...

Ari and you are both blogging heroes of mine. I'd love to go thrifting with you two, how fab :)
You look lovely, polka dots and blooms ROCK!

Beryl said...

I forgot, he is from Washington State, isn't he? Sounds like a perfect day!

Unknown said...

oooh, Bella! You dressed perfectly, in YOU! I'll bet he was great!
Send him to Cincy, we have lots of older chickas!

Miss Simmonds Says said...

you lucky thing, he's quite inspiring, I should start complimenting well dressed older ladies. I adore your cardigan, I would definitely permanently "borrow" it from you.... the skirt is awesome too, mixed patterns are just the best. xxxx

Vix said...

I don't know who was luckier, him or you! You looked utterly fab, a glorious injection of Spring sunshine and clashing prints. I bet he wished you were 20 years older so he could snap you for his killer blog! xxx

Claire Justine said...

I bet you had a great time :) I would never have thought to put polka dots and flowers together you looks fab, love love love your outfit :)

Krista said...

This is how I felt when I met you! How cool is this! I can't imagine you two not having a blast! I adore what you wore and the rosebud sweater is precious on you!

Adrienne said...

Ari sounds like a super cool dude! Love the pairing of the polka dots and floral :)

What Lola Wants

Flora Cruft said...

You look so gorgeous in your flowers and spots, I love that combination, and how great that you got to spend time with Ari! Two blogging legends together!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, what would you like me to wear when I meet you, Bella? ;-)
You get to hang out with the most interesting people. I'm so glad you got to meet Ari and had a good time shopping with him!
By the way I'm absolutely mad for polka dots.

Spashionista (Alicia)

Unknown said...

Well girly! It would be you! So'd I'd wear something that I could spill coffee on and it wouldn't show ....because I KNOW we'd be laughing and talking so much, I'd be spitting coffee everywhere! :) Hugs girly!! Serene

Ofelia said...

You look beautifully happy!
How lucky to had met Ari and that he was such a sweetheart with a great vintage eye is just the icing in the cake.

Melanie said...

The two of you together at VV must have lit up the store! I love what you wore. I met a blogging icon today too. More on that later...

mispapelicos said...

Love, love, love.

Angie said...

you lok so special in your hand knit light blue sweater and floral skirt.So unique pattern mixing1

The Goodwill Fangirl said...

Oh, gosh, Bella, you've given me food to worry over for ages - what would I wear to meet peeps way cooler than me? Definitely not anything I have to wear to work :P

I love that you got to meet Ari - what a great time you had!

Anne M Bray said...

So cool! That sounds like a fun time!

When I come up to Seattle, I want you to take me to VV too!