Monday, March 11, 2013

Lounge Lizard

Now Playing: Rocking in an ethically made Burgundy Brocade EDUN Blazer
I knew when I left the house in this get-up, I wasn't going for invisible. In fact, I needed a rock-star day- you know, when ya wake up with the urge to put on heavy eye-liner and drink a beer with breakfast. I felt loosey-goosey, and so ambled out in the daylight in my "Lounge Lizard" attire. I was going for the jazz-musician-on-a-job-hunt look, and this Edun burgundy brocade blazer was the hair of the dog for me. With the saxaphone in the pawn shop, in bad need of a double Americano and a Lucky Strike, I'm lurking around the studio, trying to rustle up some crumb or my next gig. In reality, I'm headed to the corner market, and maybe a peek in The Daily Planet and see what's on the clearance racks. Sometimes, you want to dress for the life in your head, and not the one on the table.

Now Wearing:
  • Space Cowboy mirrored aviators, available HERE
  •  EDUN pre-loved blazer, available HERE
    • vintage silk tie, thrifted
    • nude lace camisole, thrifted 
    • vintage 50s camel hair sweater, thrifted
    • vintage Lucite rose bracelet, Beats and Bohos
    • jeans, citizen's own
    • vintage metal belt, available HERE
    • glitter toes, Modcloth
    EDUN has left the building. Thank-you-very-much.
                   Linking up to Patti and The Not Dead Yet Players for Visible Monday


    rc said...

    I have those jeans, and I LOVE those jeans. You are looking so feisty, gorgeous and sassy! *Wet smooch*

    Anonymous said...

    Your hair looks fantastic here Bella, and that jacket is adorable. Looks like you've really been busy loading up your etsy shop and ebay store. Let me know if you ever get around to listing that vest. I was going to text you yesterday as we drove through Ballard but I didn't get around to it. I'm still in love with it though.
    I totally hear the "dressing for what's on the table." If I did that every day though, I would wear jeans and a hoodie way too often. The life in my head is so much more interesting. ;)

    Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

    Yeah, I know the rock star day (and that includes the beer with breakfast, haha!). You look amazing - that jacket was seriously taken up a notch by the rolled up sleeves :)

    Sheila said...

    That is a sweet, sweet blazer! You look so perfect for your "inner life."

    Jean at said...

    Damn you look good. The perfect combination of girly/masculine styling. This may be my all-time favorite outfit of yours. You look AHMAYZING!!!!

    Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

    You look so cool, Bella! The whole look is perfect for you!! I love rock stars...always wanted to be one!

    Becky said...

    Sexy style and 'tude-- love it.
    "heavy eye-liner and drink a beer with breakfast" ahhhh those were the days...
    Becky :)

    Unknown said...

    Ilove it--you seemed to really get into character! Love the photos; very old brit.

    Forest City Fashionista said...

    I love this look on you - you should have a guest gig with John Lurie! It is soo much fun to dress for the life in your head....

    Patti said...

    You exude the attitude! Love this jacket and jeans. I remember beer for breakfast but it seems in a galaxy far,far away . . . : >
    thanks for linking up to Vis Monday.

    gracefully50 said...

    Okay, you are really rockin' in this awesome outfit!! Love everything about it! So edgy and chic!!

    Lissy said...

    This post made me laugh out loud! I love the idea of dressing for the life in your head. I was running around Whole Foods and Target today in some metallic cheetah print pants and I got more than a look or two.

    Thanks for the laugh!

    Ofelia said...

    You are dressing for the life you are living and for the one that you imagine and somehow the both make sense!

    Anne M Bray said...

    Very copacetic, ya dig?

    Anonymous said...

    You are such a bad-ass! What a cool outfit, every inch of it. And I love the line about dressing for the life in your head. Sometimes I need to embellish the life in my head a little more, too. I guess that's where the beer for breakfast comes in.

    Lisa said...

    Such a cool chameleon you are!

    Please may I? said...

    Fabulous look hun, adoring the jacket. Being invisible is boring and who wants to be boring?

    X x

    Adrienne Shubin said...

    What a cool chick you are! I love it. Great blazer by a great company.

    Pull Your Socks Up! said...

    "Sometimes you want to dress for the life in your head, not the one that's on the table."
    I love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox

    Sharon said...

    Hi there! Adore this outfit, especially the jacket! Am surprised you're selling it as it looks gorgeous on you! xx

    The Dainty Dolls House said...

    Brilliance x

    Amber of Butane Anvil said...

    Wow, Bella! Fantastically cool. I'm a big fan!

    Vix said...

    That's how I feel every morning!
    I love this look on you, your hair is looking so gorgeous lately and that posh jacket is a stunner! xxx

    Shybiker said...

    Hey! You dress better as a man than I do! That just ain't fair!

    Anonymous said...

    Totally freakin' rockstar FANTASTIC!!! Wow!!

    Unfortunately i can't fit the clothes I'd wear for the lifestyle in my head-LOLOLOL

    You are such a gifted writer with the imagery you bring forth!

    Ulla-Marie said...

    How nice that you have the ability to use clothes that express way for feelings. There's no doubt that you are a true rocker today.

    popcosmo said...

    Crushing on the jacket, and you nailed the rocker vibe! Have a great day, wherever it takes you in reality or fantasy...

    Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

    This is an incredible look. Sexy cool.


    Katy Rose said...

    LOVE this look on you. The jacket goes perfectly with the jeans. Total rockstar. - Katy

    Unknown said...

    I love your inner rock star! I believe totally in dressing for the part you want and feel. Otherwise, some days, I'd be donning a straight jacket.....
    big hugs

    Lady of Style said...

    Bella, you are never invisible! And your brocade jacket is fabulous!

    Lady of Style

    Unknown said...

    Dressing for the life in your head...well said! I love this one today! Great outfit and fun post. BTW, you gave me my best comment yet when you said, "Well played, Lemonade". I tried to return the rhyme and compliment! Have a great week. Debbie @

    pao said...

    Very Well Done, Bella. You made my day with your smart and sassy pic and post. Thanks!

    Anonymous said...

    That jacket is to die for and you were born to wear it! You look so hip, Bella. Can I be your groupie? ;-)

    Spashionista (Alicia)

    Diane @ Haute Flashion said...

    After laughing out loud through the post, I am now speechless. Just brilliant!

    I have a bad habit of going thrifting and buying clothes for a life I wish I had. I guess I just need to bring those dreams to life!

    Diane @ Haute Flashion said... rock! Or, would it be jazz? I have proudly posted your widget, and I added you to my inspiration list. How could I not after this awesome post!

    You also win a prize for being the first blogger to comment on my blog name. I was starting to think that no one got it! So thanks for the appreciation!

    Anonymous said...

    Beeeautiful girl, I love what you do. The tie is mad cool. Just like you.
    x Laura

    Flora Cruft said...

    Wow you look so good Bella, the louche jacket and tie rock star look suits you down to a T! Very 70s Patti Smith and very sexy!

    Unknown said...

    This is what I think of as a "force of nature" outfit. That's just what you are ... today and every day, dear Bella.

    Miss Simmonds Says said...

    Love your lounge lizard look... Especially the blazer, it's stunning! Also love you in a tie! Xx

    Charlotte Issyvoo said...

    Your post reminds me of this post I did a while ago, when all I really did was go for coffee, but what I wrote about was being a private detective, circa 1970s, who got himself in a little trouble over a gambling debt.

    joyatri said...

    I'm a sucker for brocade so I in love with that jacket. You really pull off androgynous-chic well!