Monday, March 25, 2013

Outfit Post: Animal Instincts

Seattle Fashion Blogger: Trying my Hand at the Official Fashion Color of Seattle: Olive Green.

Put this in YOUR diary: this was the outfit that I finally felt like a real Seattle style blogger. Why? The elements are pure Pac-Northwest. No shocking sun-drenched brights, no short shorts or skirts, just a bit of punch to what seems to be the official color of Seattle, olive green. You will see loads of army green, olive drab, whatever you call it, but that color of green on twill that one associates with the military, you will see it all over the fine denizens of this fair city. Usually paired with fleece, and some running shoes.

Well, here, I am wearing it. Only no fleece, and definitely NO trainers.

Meeow! A Lightweight Cashmere Scarf Adds Animal Appeal to a Spring Ensemble

Everything that I'm wearing today was gifted or thrifted. This army jacket with a flattering (to me) empire waist was something I jumped on when I saw it as a consignment shop. The shirt was given to me by the handsome boyfriend, it's true TRUE vintage, and now one of my favorite T-shirts ever. The skirt is new to me, a Goodwill find, but you're probably too busy checking out the AH-MAZING giraffe print pony-hair boots to be reading this paragraph. Thank goodness, they are from Goodwill too. I paid a pretty penny for them too, but I still think they were worth it!

I'm all-over mixing animal prints for Spring, and one animal print that I'll be wearing all season is the new and gorgeous cashmere scarf from L'affaire Cashmere. I've long admired Pseu in hers, so when I had a chance to order one, I jumped at it. This scarf was beyond my expectations. I've worn cashmere scarves before, but this one is tissue thin, super soft and lightweight, so that it flows like a liquid. No bulk, and while it keeps the neck warm, it is lightweight enough not to overheat you on a sunny day. So, a PURR-FECT layering garment for Spring. 

I love how leopard and other animal prints can be so versatile- you can play pin-up va-va-voom, rockabilly, red carpet starlet, glammy rock-n-roller, punk rocker or sophisticated world traveler, and still feel yourself in these fun, nature inspired patterns. Expect to see more of us playing with animal instincts this spring. We'll be a veritable and fashionable zoo!

Now Wearing: 
  • Prada 16PS c/o Sunglasses Shop
  • H&M army jacket, thrifted
  • Animal Spirit cashmere scarf c/o L'affaire Cashmere 
  • vintage Joan Jett concert T from boyfriend
  • olive twill jacket, thrifted
  • Bruno Valenti pony hair booties, Goodwill

Linking up with the fabulous Patti for Visible Monday 


Susan B said...

There's nothing (olive) drab about this outfit! Actually I love leopard paired with olive green. Isn't that scarf just the best?? I wear mine multiple times per week.

Sara Kristiina said...

leopard goes with anything, you prove it! I love the first pic, so glamorous! :))) <3

Anonymous said...

You found those boots at the Goodwill? They're gorgeous!
I happen to be wearing olive green today. ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the animal with the olive!1 Those boots are fan-freakin-tabulous!!

Ah Joan Jett--saw her in 1975/76 with the Runaways in a local club. We were both underage!

Unknown said...

Love love that rocking outfit - the boots are so fab! Got a soft spot for Army green clothes and cant wait to start wearing my green jacket , The t- shirt is pure gold! Seen Joan play live in my hometown back in the 80 's! Eventhough i was moore of a punk kid .

Patti said...

I'm wearing olive today too. You started something, Ms Seattle! Love your new scarf and boots - they are taking your greens to a whole 'nother place. Thanks for sharing with Vis Monday. xoxoxo

Helga said...

LEOPARD!!!! heaven, darling! XXX

Tilda E. said...

I LOVE olive green and the way you are combining it with animal prints is just perfect! Plus the rock T---you are fab! Caught Joan Jett a couple of years ago---she still rocks :)

Becky said...

omg!!!! Those shoes!!! WANT!
Becky :)

Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

I desire to own that skirt!!

Crystal Hammon, ABC, MLS said...

Really? I haven't spent enough time in Seattle to know that. Olive green, huh?

I'm loving the leopard print...speaking of which... you really set me in motion when you suggested a LP skirt to go with the blouse I bought on your Etsy shop. You were the very reason for today's post...which I'm about to make.

Lady of Style said...

Olive with leopard is really classy!

Lady of Style

Vix said...

Those leopard boots are sublime! Nothing you wear could ever be described as drab. xxx

Unknown said...

I really like your outfit and I will follow you.

Lisa said...

I love this outfit!

Anonymous said...

I am festuring olive on my blog too today. Maybe it is a Seattle thing. Regardless, you make it rock! Say no to trainers :)

Idee Fixe said...

This outfit is all kinds of wonderful on you! I think leopard is a neutral it honestly goes with anything! The tee and boots are beyond amazing, lucky you! XXX

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Awesome olive! I have a pair of olive green pants that just hang in my closet because I haven't got a clue what to do with them .. I may just copy this outfit!


Anonymous said...

OMG. I don't know where to begin. The VINTAGE JOAN JETT and the Blackhearts tee (no FREAKING WAAAY) makes me weak with envy, and the BOOTS! Square heels and very on trend! This outfit rocks, and I am also jealous that it seems to be warm enough in Seattle for you to bare that wee bit of bare leg. If I tried that here in Scotland right now I'd likely lose a limb.

Unknown said...

Hi Bella!

Adore you leopard boots!

Ariane xxxx

Forest City Fashionista said...

No Drab here!! I love how you've combined the olive with the amazing t-shirt and animal prints. The leopard print scarf looks so pretty draped around your face in the first photo! The boots are too awesome for words. An all round flattering, and super stylish outfit!

Anonymous said...

I've been a Joan Jett fan since I was 15. The Runaways were my peers and role models so I LOVE that tee! Of course, you look anything but blah in your olive outfit ;-)

It's interesting that olive drab is so popular where you are because camo is everywhere here in the South. I have camo sequined espadrilles but that's the extent of my "drabness".

Spashionista (Alicia)

gracefully50 said...

Totally chic!
This may be one of my fav outfits of yours! Love the leopard scarf & boots! Def elevates the outfit to a whole new level! Meow! :)

The Style Crone said...

You've never looked more beautiful. Seattle must be a fit for you in every way. The animal print pieces play nicely with the olive drab! I don't know how much longer I can resist the cashmere scarf after admiring both you and Pseu in this luxurious piece.

Anonymous said...

You look great, and I bet you fit right in at the coffee shop down on the corner. That is such a great outfit - I would be so comfortable in all those things, and I would love to see those boots on my feet!

Melanie said...

Thank you for not going totally Northwest native like here. The animal instincts have saved you brilliantly. I hope your Sacramento soul can keep up the good fight like you're doing.

Shybiker said...

I love rock and roll, put another dime in the jukebox, baby, I love rock and roll...

Ofelia said...

A bit green olive and a bit of rock and roll. Really like the idea of wearing an entire gifted and/or thrifted outfit. I seeing Joan Jett 3 times; the last time was 3 years ago and I must tell you that she still rocks like the first time that I saw her back in '83.

Jean at said...

I love olive green, drab, whatever you want to call it. Moss green, army green, etc. The leopard keeps it totally fab, and you're right about those boots- I was ogling. Good thing we're not the same size. You'll NEVER be a fleecy PAC Northwesterner. Even if you chose to wear it for some sartorial reason, you'd make it work in a totally cool way.

Ulla-Marie said...

Carina has seen Joan Jett live - so did I at a rock festival 1989. I wonder if Carina and I visited the same concert? The shirt is wonderful and even better when I know it's true vintage! Although my style is not very grunge, I like the look sharp and you make your own version. Always the best thing to do!

Frocktasia said...

Love the leopard boots, I think you look fab!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bella,
The combo of olives with animal prints is great...! Very organic!!

SeƱora Allnut said...

wouaa, you've pulled up that olive color to the coolness with your pretty booties and that scarf, both are fabulous but I love specially that booties!!!
you're lovely and chic!!

Sharon said...

Hi there! You look lovely and it must be so nice to be rid of fleeces! I love olive and leopardprint combined, you've done it so stylishly xxx

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

I am with une femme...i love olive paired with leopard! These booties are amazing..and you look uber cool!

vintage honeybee said...

I love the joan jet tee!

Unknown said...

Yup ... you are so right. Looking like the North-West baby you are. And could your hair look any more gorgeous?

Gabriala Brown said...

LERVE this! Love you in animal print Bella Q! Can I borrow those booties? xo

Miss Simmonds Says said...

more urban jungle chic, love it, animal print always looks good on you x