Floral Revival: Grunge Era Floral Doc Martens Blossom for Spring |
As if to encourage Spring and leading by example, I've been wearing some form of floral for over a week now. Observe this ditzy print thrifted floral skirt ala grunge floral, paired with a blooming like mad vintage 90's era floral printed
Dr. Martens. The term, I've learned to describe this look, is "punk/grunge revival," and since I was old enough to wear it the first time, perhaps I best step away from them now? What is it about Seattle that makes you crave all things 1992? I've been eyeing army jackets, tattered concert Tees, beanies, plaid, plaid, and more plaid, and a whole array of classic Docs.
Kind of revives my spirit, you know?
Ah, the 90s. The good times. :D
No! We who had it the first time have the "first dibs" (?) on embracing the grunge look again.
I love those floral docs - how cool!
I went through grunge the first time, but didn't really embrace the fashion. I do love plaid and Docs, though!
If you mean wearing flannel shirts, I never stopped. But then again, I've been wearing them since I was a child - and that was a long time ago!
Love the floral docs.
I'm with Ulla-Marie (as so often happens!), and those are great shoes. The early '90s are ever-close to my heart!
You make flowers blossom from every step you do !
Amazing florals Bella! Ah I loved being a teenager in the 90s!
Those are great.
Sounds like Seattle is sucking you in and I don't think that is a bad thing at all. I adore those DM's but the grunge look was never my thing and I think living in Portland has actually made me rebel more when it comes to clothes. I do not want to be another girl wearing Freye boots and flannel. Ew.
Oh wow! Those shoes go so well with Krista's post. Love them!
I just spotted some floral Doc's on the Nordstrom's website this morning, so yours are right on cue. These shoes are giving me Spring Fever!
LOVE em, and no to packing it away ;)
Ya know i love's my grunge! I was working in a 'head' shop in the 90's with blaring alternative music, patchouli smells everywhere right in the middle of Short Vine, where all the tattered little twenty-somethings hang out and bummed change....
ah, those were the days!!!
You and me, must hook up....
super big hugs
Love doc's and some grunge , 90's revival!
I agree with Ulla's 'first dibs' philosophy!!!
Becky :)
Oh mama! Your floral Doc Martens shout out S-P-R-I-N-G!! <3
I've always felt that I'm a Doc Martens girl, but they've never fitted my feet. These are so cool, and I'd probably not take them off again should I ever get a pair! Can't wait to see what else you'll pair them with!
Oh my god, it's a trend. I was wearing my purple and black zebra Doc's today. If there's a grunge revival, will music get better?
Bella..this is fun..I just adore your free spirit.
I lurve those floral Docs!
I get amazingly nostalgic about the 90s, sigh. I went and saw Mark Lanegan and then The Afghan Whigs last year and it just brought it all back. Half the crowd at those shows were old-timers and half were 20 somethings. I did see some Docs :)
I got my one and only pair of Docs in the early '80's. They were the oxford style in classic black leather. They wore like iron and lasted for years. I finally donated them because I was tired of them, not because they were worn out. I wore them with a few treasured Commes Des Garcons pieces that my friend (who worked in the CDG boutique in NY) got for me, along with some things I had made. I felt very cool and rebellious, after all, this was the "Dallas" era of major bling, shoulder pads, and pumps. For me, grunge was just another extension of non-conforming/bohemian style, easy to incorporate. I will forever love my non-corporate clothes, and the fact that I have the luxury of being able to dress any way I choose. I just saw some floral Doc boots with ribbon laces. I might have to indulge. :-)
that floral d.martens are a so classic piece than you can wear them forever!, and they're still rocking the world!, love your floral punk-grunge revival, it's really fabulous!
besos & punk
A big YAY to a floral revival!
I really like seeing girls wearing ditsy floral dresses, camo jackets and DMs, it's like seeing myself twenty years ago, those were the good old days and they deserve occasional revisits for sure...xXx
Man, I love those Docs. I'm not surprised you've been reminded of all things grunge living in Seattle and all.
I live in home of Heavy Metal so it's all long hair, leather and denim...can you tell? xxxx
I never owned docs..never wore "grunge"--guess it was because at that time I was the mom of a kindergartner and was dressing suburban -mom (during my trying to fit in days)
However--I would TOTALLY wear those shoes today!!
I'm still kicking myself for giving away all my Docs, seriously what was I thinking? I really want them all mack now, especially the floral ones. I loved how you took me down memory lane today, and the combination of the two florals is just screaming SPRING!
I have the grunge era combat boot Doc Martens. I wore them last week but I'd much prefer the ones you're wearing!
Spashionista (Alicia)
Love them.... Floral DMs are the holy grail
Did you get those at the Buffalo Exchange in Ballard? I was admiring a pair just like that at that store. :)
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