Monday, April 15, 2013

Leaping Leopard: The Blogger's Neutral

Let's make it official, shall we? Leopard print IS the blogger's neutral. But don't just take my word for it. Take Judith's, and Eboni's, and Jen from A Little Bird Told Me. And scores of others, including the Menopausal Supermodel vivacious and delicious as seen HERE. The list could go on and on, because you may have noticed, fashion bloggers treat leopard as a neutral. You may be surprised by how easy it is to wear. Looking so fierce, has never been so easy.

#SHOPSECONDHANDFIRST 80% Thrifted. 100% Leopard-licious.

I'm a lazy kitty. In the past, I have paired my animal prints, countless times. With florals. With polka dots. With stripes. And with plaid. But today I am giving the meow factor a power boost by WEARING LEOPARD FIVE TIMES in one outfit. Fearless? Meh. Fashionable? Maybe. Fun? For FUCKING sure.

Tell me, kittens, how do YOU wear your leopard?

Looking In While Standing Out: Leopard Makes You Feel Confident and Visible So Have Fun with It!

Now Wearing: 
vintage leopard pillbox, similar HERE
vintage polka dot earrings, HERE 
vintage Sears wool coat- $49 (convo me)
animal print sleeveless top, Goodwill
animal print cuff, Buffalo Exchange
vintage cut-off mom shorts, D.I.Y.
leopard leggings, Similar HERE
Rock + Candy sneaks, GNW

Linking up to the lively Patti over at Not Yet Dead Style for Visible Monday
Monday Mingle with the Bon Bon Rose Girls 
and Whatever Works Wednesday at Small Town, Big Wardrobe


bluehuewonderland said...

You are making me smile--multiple animals are a bloggers best friend!

gracefully50 said...

Haha! Brilliant & fun!
I have a weakness for leopard print so this is just perfect!! I wear leopard in shirts, belts, pumps, booties, sandals and flats! Ooh, scarf & bag, too! :) Yep!

That's Not My Age said...

Fab outfit and you're right, leopard has become a neutral - I love it with red!

Sheila said...

I adore leopard - I did Leopard Week on the Huffington Post's "Real Women Wear Leopard" in 2010. I'll be wearing a leopard dress soon.

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Oh honey - sold and sold!!!!! Pile it on baby, MORE IS MORE!!!!! xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoox

Vix said...

If it's worth's worth overdoing! I have leopard boots, coats, knickers and tights. More is always more! xxxx

SeƱora Allnut said...

love your fabulously leopardized and confident attitude, you look gorgeous!, love how you wear all that leopard accessories, and love your leggings!!
And I'm enjoying all that inspiring ladies outfits you've linked!, delightful!!
besos & fabulousness

Anonymous said... I always say, there is nothing in life that can't be made better with the addition of a little leopard print.

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Love the jacket, Bella! That would make me jump up in the air!

Patti said...

Agreed! It's the new meme: leopard is the blogger's neutral. Will you make a badge : > Love your look, love you xoxoxo

Suzanne said...

Meoow! : ) No one will mess with this kitty!

I love me some leopard. It makes everything a bit wild and sexy...and who doesn't love that?


Shybiker said...

Very cute. I'll wear leopard on any piece of clothing.

Ofelia said...

I love it!
If you some leopard prints; send them free and be as leopardy as possible.

Krista said...

Your so cute! I love the picture of you jumping- lets go play and ditch work today shall we! I totally agree leopard is a neutral that goes with everything but you took it to a whole new level and now I'm dying to try!

Kathleen said...

I agree. Leopard is a neutral.

Becky said...

Agreed! Neutral! Love the hat and cut-offs!! Wish I could still fit into mine...
Becky :)

Anonymous said...

Copycat - pun intended - I'm wearing leopard this week, too! It is just an instant dash of chic no matter how you wear it, and you wear it well ;-)

Spashionista (Alicia)

Ann, Heather and Sheila said...

Too true about leopard being the bloggers' neutral. I think we all love it in one way or another. You're braver than I am to be sporting the leopard leggings but you do it so well!
Heather from Friendship, Life and Style

Unknown said...

Ha! I had to go back and count all the leopard I could find! Hey man it works!

Flora Cruft said...

Yay this is one of my favourite ever outfits of yours, you look fabulous, so cool! I do love a bit of leopard print and you carry it off with such panache!

Anonymous said...

I believe I'm still laughing or smiling about this amazing outfit. I'm also wondering if I were to put on some leaopard tights if I could jump and leap as well as you can.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

I love this look .. stopped by after seeing your pic on Patti's link up.


Curtise said...

Lots and lots of lovely leopard! Of COURSE it goes with everthing, and it looks fabulous with denim shorts and a leap of joy! xxxx

Forest City Fashionista said...

You are rocking the leopard in all it's feline glory! I must be the odd man out as I think I have one small hair piece in leopard and that's all. It's never been a print I've thought to wear, possibly because I don't wear prints very much? It certainly looks great on you, so maybe I'll give it another chance.

ZalinaW said...

You are leopard out! And I love it. The tights are really cool and I can see spicing up many outfits.

Bohemian Chick said...

You are looking fantastic! Leopard is definitely a good print for you. I love leopard print more than any other. I love you're lipstick, too. What's the name of it?

Melanie said...

You're such an ANIMAL! I love that first photo of you jumping. If we could all shift into your defnition of neutral the world would be a better place.

Please may I? said...

That is so true, I never bat an eyelid when I wear it but my family often comment. Not that it stops me!

x x

Willow said...

However did you manage to style an outfit with six leopard print items so wonderfully? You look fabulous, this definitely is a very fun ensemble! These photos - especially that first shot - bring a smile to my face. x

pao said...

Oh, are your wearing leopard? It's such a neutral, I just noticed the cut-offs. AND all the energy zapping around you as you leap off the page with joy!!!!!

The Style Crone said...

So much creativity in one post, and I'm enjoying your expression of pure joy! It's contagious! Leopard lovers rejoice, as you celebrate the versatility and timelessness of my favorite neutral!

Anonymous said...

I love it! It looks good, but it's also like a parody (cue Macklemore music) and very self-aware. Just wait till I post a pic of you in your leopard dress! I hope I got the booties in the picture.

Unknown said...

Not a look for the shy and retiring, but who wants to shyly retire. Go Bella ... if you're wearing leopard, may as well do it as it should be done.
So cute.

Anonymous said...

You can NEVER have too much leopard!!

Anne M Bray said...

Ah, should have waited to draw this look! But then you wouldn't have gotten onto my Lucky post about office appropriate wear. Well, unless your office is THE CAT HOUSE!!!!!! MROW!

This is such fun. Saw your lovely leaping face over on Patti's and smiled. No, I PURRED!

Of course I have lots of leopard. I've also designed lots of leopard prints for panties (sadly, mostly for all our markets EXCEPT the US).

One of my best leopard pieces is my badass medical sleeve made by Lymphadivas for my lymphedema. At night, dudes in clubs think it's a tat. Hahahaha.

Lisa said...

You are simply the funn-est gal.

Miss Simmonds Says said...

Are you really over 40? I think you're lying! Today you're my style icon... I love the jean shorts with leopard tights and, well, all the leopard.... leopard is blogger neutral, most of us own some and it looks great on everyone and adds pizazz to everything. You look totally awesome today! xxx

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

RAWR! Loooooooove the leggings!

Unknown said...

How'd I miss this one ???
Oh yeah, I was crazy!!!
Great jump shot ;0) They are TOUGH!
Off to bother 'DarkUFO' again...
Hugs and thanks so much!!!

Mrs. D said...

I just love leopard print so much!!! I particularly love the hat, I'm definitely going to look for a similar one, I need something like that in my leopard collection!