Monday, May 13, 2013

Gingham Khan

Gingham Khan: The Plaid That's Gonna Take Over the World
If you're afraid - don't do it. If you're doing it - don't be afraid!”Genghis Khan

Just like Genghis Khan, Gingham Khan is taking over the world. I mean what feels more fresh + wholesome than a pile-up of prints including this classic summertime plaid? Or what could be more edgy and fashion forward than these very same vanquishing hordes of gingham checks? After all, this IS black, white, and checkered, peeps, which is  very, very-FASH-ISH circa this Spring 2013. Oh-so au currant,  and I, my friends, am wearing it.

Just like Genghis, Gingham rules and takes no prisoners 
Now Wearing:
  • gingham cropped raincoat
  • vintage 1950s cotton sundress
  • vintage fabric belt
  • Koret bubble hem skirt
  • vintage arm candy
  • vintage 1950s cotton polka dot gloves
  • Sofft leather booties
Linking up to the pillaging Patti for Visible Monday


bluehuewonderland said...

Love it......yes,yes!

blue hue wonderland

Sheila said...

Smashing mix of black and whites - love it!

Patti said...

Oh, baby, this is some fan-tactical style right here. Black and white and gorgeous, thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

Kristina said...

I'm loving that skirt. It's something I would wear...albeit I'd probably pair it with something a bit more safe...I'm boring like that.

Ofelia said...

You are right about the black and white for spring; I love how you adapted to your taste.

Shybiker said...

Very nice. Unusual and arresting.

Suzanne said...

I want to keep this so I can always think, "now what would Bella do? " She'd say more is more and add on some more baby!

Just love it. You can really rock this with your confident swagger.


The Style Crone said...

I love Shybiker's arresting! Which includes the polka dot gloves that add the perfect touch to your black and white pattern mix. Your hair is looking particularly beautiful today.

Adrienne Shubin said...

A great retro and bold pattern mix, Bella!
Well done!

Anonymous said...

Another brilliant mix of patterns, you never cease to amaze me. Where O where did you find those polka dot vintage gloves? They are the icing on the cake for this ensemble.

mispapelicos said...

Perfect clash of prints, ahhhhhhh
Always glorious, dearest Bella.

mispapelicos said...

Perfect clash of prints, ahhhhhhh
Always glorious, dearest Bella.

Vix said...

That skirt is fan-feckin'-tastic with the gingham jacket. What a wicked combo!
Gingham Khan - I'm off to get my elephant, let's conquer the world with our pattern clashing! xxx

Unknown said...

Great combo! The dress and the jacket are made to be together!

bohemian vanity said...

What an amazing pattern combo! I deffo like it! That raincoat is a dream and you look sooo fantastic!!!
Have a wonderful day dear! xxxx

SeƱora Allnut said...

always a fan of your b&w mixed prints art!!, you look fabulous and love that gingham trench and pretty skirt, so great layering!!
really inspiring combo!!, black&white is always a fav!
besos & visibility

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Wonderful, love the prints xx

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Oooooooh you've got me going weak at the knees ... a Chaka Khan fix, words of wisdom from the marauding Khan and GAH!! Mia Bella looking so glorious!! xoxoox

Mrs C said...

Oh, Chaka.. let me rock you! That song was one of my faves in high school and still a loyal number on my iPod! Looking great in the black and white combo!


Debra said...

Love it. I love gingham. Black & white is always a classic.

Debra@A Modern Translation

Unknown said...

Looking so on-trend, but in a Rosebud way, which is way cooler ;)
Hugs,Hugs and more hugs

Lynn Hasty said...

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I love it!!


Anonymous said...

And we are ready to serve our Gingham Khan, I adore this outfit and the quote! Your skirt is fabulous and you look amazing, the red background is perfect for this black and white combination, you reminded me of Twin Peaks Audrey Horne!
Love xxxxxx

Gabriala Brown said...

Love this Bella Q! I have a black and white gingham top tucked away here... but it will be on my body shortly. You are my gingham inspiration... xoxoxo

Megan said...

I love the skirt. So awesome. It looks great with the gingham!

Anonymous said...

Great contrast of the modern Sofft booties with the vintage pieces. I especially love the polka dot gloves.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

You take the best pics! Love your outfit against the red background.


Anonymous said...

I love this--I'm a gingham fan as it is and in black and white??? FANTASTIC!!

Kathleen said...

I'm a big gingham fan!

Krista said...

errrk double take what the??? Yah that works and looks amazinggggggggggg:)))You need to be on a cake!

Unknown said...

I love the pops of color with /our monochrome patterns. I love pattern mixing and you do it so well!


Anonymous said...

The great thing about gingham is it never goes out of style. It's classic, even when you make it funkytastic as you've done here. I soooo covet those booties, Bella! ;-)

Spashionista (Alicia)

Unknown said...

We await your orders, O noble Queen of All Things Renewed and Roseate!
Very cool, also.

I so loved the pictures of you and your mum? Does she like being an international fashion icon, now? Adorable.

Hope to see you Wednesday!

Unknown said...

Oh I love a bold gingham and it looks great paired with the printed skirt.

Crystal Hammon, ABC, MLS said...

Oh, my, Bella! We're synchronized today...or sort of. In black and white. I'm in love with your gingham/print combo. You paved the way for me, dear!

Crystal Hammon, ABC, MLS said...

Oh, my, Bella! We're synchronized today...or sort of. In black and white. I'm in love with your gingham/print combo. You paved the way for me, dear!

CityScape Skybaby said...

I loved the jacket on you Bella then when I scrolled down and saw the skirt and boots I loved it all even more! xx

Willow said...

The red is such a perfect backdrop for your monochrome look, especially when paired with the red lipstick. Brilliant!

Curtise said...

The monochrome gingham and print work so well together, I love it!
Fabulous song too. xxxx

Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

those gloves: me gusta.

Unknown said...

your awesomeness has just blown me off this chair into a sprawling heap on the floor! xxx

Unknown said...

Lot of Khans, there! Love your punny humor. And all the layers...genius! Debbie @

Becky said...

This is cute!! Love the all the prints and proportions-- the volume on the skirt is lovely!
Becky :)

Megan G said...


I do adore your skirt! Totally cute.