Thursday, May 30, 2013

Picture Perfect: Gemini

Today I hit a modest milestone- I am now two years from the big FIVE-OH.  It's funny about living, and growing older: in your head you are the same, unchanging "ME," and feel like an eternally 25 year-old. I feel the same big eyed wonder-bumpkin I felt when I was in my twenties, only chubbier, saggier and more easily irritated by what the kids these days are calling music. 

There are some great perks with growing older- I guess it's called growing up. 
I'm a better person now. I know what suffering is like, so I now possess compassion for others. I've faced many of my fears, so while I'm not necessarily LESS FEARFUL, I am most certainly MORE COURAGEOUS. And, the present has presented some interesting situations, and the opportunity to meet some really awesome people. 

Unlike my 25 year old self, I'm now a better friend. Which may explain why I've been so fortunate to still have many of the same dear friends, as I did when I was 25. When I was 25, I didn't know it then, but I was crushing out on the man who is now my Seattle soul mate.  His smarts, creative and original thinking has still got me mesmerized. Doesn't hurt that he's still boyishly handsome and turns me into a giggling (albeit middle-aged) school girl.

I like how the photo above of my 48 year old self, looks very similar to my 25 year old self. This image has captured the unchanging quality about my nature. I am (still) curious, introspective and creative. Ever the dreamer. But the girl looking alongside the mirror is both the eternal and ephemeral self, grown together for a lifetime of shared adventure.

I'm joyful that life, even when served up with setbacks, offers so much to savor. You, dear readers, and dear friends, are a great part of what I savor in my life. Thank you for letting me share my life with you-  thank you for being ever gracious, respectful, and fun to blog with. 

Wishing us all the brightest candles on the biggest cakes.    -Bella Q


Ofelia said...

Feliz Cumpleanos!
I hope that you continue being 25 in your heart while experiencing the ups and downs of getting older because life and living is a beautiful thing especially if you are lucky (as you are) to have health, family, friends and love around you.
I believe that while your spirit stays happy and curious you will age but not become old.
Mil besos y que dios the de muchos anos mas, Ofelia

Penny-Rose said...

I think you look fabulous and your soul and heart are fabulous too.

Susan B said...

Happiest of Birthdays to you!!

Sue @ A Colourful Canvas said...

Brightest birthday wishes Bella. I too, am two years from the big Five-Oh, just on the other side.

You said it well; in our heads we are the same. It's only when I go to paint my toenails that I realize my physical body has changed. Somehow, either my arms have shrunk or my legs have gotten longer. I think one of the greatest gifts of growing older is living life more authentically. Something that you inspire me to do!

You look so fabulous!

Sue xo

Unknown said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!! You look beyond fabulous! Every Gemini I've ever met has been seriously awesome (I'm an Aquarius so it's one of those signs I totally get along with)! I'm always hoping when I meet someone new that they're a Gemini. They just never age, and are perpetually happy and wonderful people ... like you! ^_^

Shybiker said...

Happy Birthday! And, believe it or not, you're still a kid! 48 is young.

Sheila said...

Happy Birthday, dear Bella! You look gorgeous, and not a day over 25 - it's an inner glow.

Wishing you a year of blue skies, warm winds, and sun on your face (even if it is the liquid kind we get in this part of the world).

Anonymous said...

A very Happy Birthday to you Bella. I feel fortunate to have found you as a blogger friend. As you always say, 'bloom where you're planted" and it appears that life isblooming well for you. May the next year be filled with great promises.

Anonymous said...

May you have the happiest of birthdays--you share the day with my little sis!

Lovely meditation on aging. Here's to more giggles with the fella--there's some things youth DOES know.

Tilda E. said...

Happy Birthday, fellow Gemini! I am also two years away from the 5-0.
Scary, but also a great motivator---there is no time like right now, baby!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you! It's good to take some time to remember who we have been through the years, and how we've come to be who we are. I'm sure your 25-year-old self would have loved meeting you now!

Unknown said...

I had my 48 'th birthday on last Sunday and i do agree with you - i am a better me in so many ways!
And finally life is getting real good...
Wish you a great b- day!


Pull Your Socks Up! said...

A very happy birthday to you my dear Bella, it's wonderful to read about you at 25, compared to you now. We've never met, but I feel that deep in your heart you have always been the beautiful soul you are. Age makes us just better and you are living proof of that! xoxoxo

Curtise said...

Happy Birthday Bella!
Age? Not something I think about very much, can't do a thing to change it so it's a waste of time to fret. I'm bigger and creakier too but I know a hell of a lot more to compensate!
It's good to know that the Essence of Bella continues, only now with added compassion, courage and experience. That's how to do this getting older malarkey, add some good stuff into the already-excellent mix! xxxx

de|constructed said...

Happy Birthday Bella!!!

Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


Please may I? said...

Wishing you a fabulous birthday hun and as for the age it is but a number. You amaze me how beautiful and radiant you are, keep doing what your doing because you look fab on it. Huge hugs x x

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday beautiful Bella! May you be 25 forever :)

Patti said...

What a beautiful reflection on aging, dear Bella. We are one day and ten years apart, as I turn 58 today, but I too have a 25 year old living inside! Xoxoxox

Becky said...

Such a sweet post. You def look super young-- how luck for you :) I, too, have become a better person with age. The friend part in particular. I learned to really value and cherish my female friends in my 20s, more so toward the end. Maturity can bring amazing benefits :)

Lady of Style said...

Happy Birthday, dear Bella.
I turned 50 in October and I have to admit, it wasn't easy. The "5" was a bit frightening but it is getting better :-)
I have no doubt you will stay 25 in your heart!

Lady of Style

Anonymous said...

I had you pegged for 42, maybe 44! You look very young, sweetie. Don't be afraid of the big 5-0. Look at it as a challenge to see how much you can accomplish between now and then.

But today - PARTY! ;-)

Spashionista (Alicia)

Krista said...

Happy Birthday baby face!!!! Such a reflective time it seems in your life, this is when we grow the most. Keep on growing learning and loving. Never arrive but always enjoy the journey!

Megan said...

I wish you the very happiest of birthdays! MWAH!

Gabriala Brown said...

Happy Birthday Bella! Beautiful words from a beautiful soul. :-) xo

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Bella!!
May the coiming year bring you peace, prosperity and love.

My great-grandmom (who lived to be just shy of 105) used to say growing old ain't for sissies!!

Unknown said...

Oh Happy,Happy my Bella!!!!
My fellow Gemini.
I am so proud of you. I am so grateful to have been here to see what you have done and become in the short time I've known you. A generous soul who has indeed discovered the key to great karma! Super huge hugs today my friend <3

GeeGee said...

Happy birthday! You look like a fairy from a tail!

Vix said...

Happy Birthday, gorgeous!!
I honestly ever think about age, I'm too busy having a blast! xxx

Forest City Fashionista said...

Wishing you the Bestest Birthday! I remember when I turned 50 last year thinking that much of me was still the same as when I was 30, and the addition of more patience and compassion, less fear, and being better at choosing my battles made up for the weight gain, joint pain, and age spots. You have a marvelously warm and creative spirit that will be with you always!

Lucys Lounge said...

hi bella happy birthday, we are the same age and star sign!!! i'm 17 06 65. have a great year. lucy

Flora Cruft said...

A very happy birthday to you! That's such a lovely self portrait of you. Beauty (inner and outer) is timeless and ageless.

Flora Cruft said...

A very happy birthday to you! That's such a lovely self portrait of you. Beauty (inner and outer) is timeless and ageless.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!

Suzanne said...

You take the best selfies.

Happy Birthday!

We are almost birthday twins...only a year apart. My birthday is on June 5th.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bella Ax

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, kid! You're aging SPECTACULARLY !

Unknown said...

Oh happy happy birthday! You don't look even close to the big 5-0! I agree though about aging. I'm a better person, more comfortable in my own skin and appreciate more all that's good in my life. Plus even though I know it's true, I find it so weird to call myself middle aged!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bella! I hope you've had a fantastic birthday and wishing you a wonderful year.

Like Vix, I never think about age - I couldn't care less and it is completely unimportant to me!

Sarah xxx

thorne garnet said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Thrifted Shift said...

Happy Birthday! You are inspiring and wonderful.

A Matchy Matchy Midlife said...

Happy Birthday Bella!! You have so eloquently said what most of us in the +40 set feel. I hope I can learn to become more courageous like you!!


Ulla-Marie said...

I liked reading this post. Thankyou and happy birthday sweet Bella!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

A very very happy belated birthday to you and that magic portrait you've got hidden in a locked room. You don't look a day over 40 - max!

Antionette Blake said...

Yes, we do look good - I'll be 52 in September. Happy Birthday dahling!

No Fear of Fashion said...

we love you

Crystal Hammon, ABC, MLS said...

Your birthday, and I missed it! Belated happy birthday, Bella! You're a light in my life and I'm so glad you were born.


The Style Crone said...

Happy Birthday Dear Bella! Almost 50 and looking fine! Happy to hear that you continue to be mesmerized by the man who caught your eye at 25. A gift! But most importantly, you have grown into the deep, insightful, beautiful and creative woman that you are. You too are mesmerizing! Continue to bloom for all of us to see here in blogland.

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Bella! How are you 48? You look so young! This was such a gorgeous heartfelt post and I am so happy about your happiness. You deserve every bit of it. Cheers to you! XO, Jill

Sarah said...

Happy birthday, Citizen! Did I miss an entry with more about your Seattle soulmate fella, and the early years of the friendship? I just love romance, especially when it comes to people who are no longer, like, twenty.

Some things about the grown-up years: We can still do many of the things we thought were great fun when we were callow youths. With our decades of additional wisdom and perspective, we can excise the things that we thought were great fun but turned out to be dumb nonsense. We can try some things we longed to try when we were young but couldn't, because we have greater resources, experience, and connections.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, lovely fellow Gemini!! You look gorgeous here, as always. I wouldn't go back to being 25 for anything - sure, I still had collagen and amazing dancer's legs, but I was a messed up, self-UNaware chick with a mass of insecurities. Getting older has brought more wrinkles, but it's also brought self-acceptance, love, knowledge and all that other good stuff that you mention. Thanks for sharing. Xoxo

Claire Justine said...

Happy Birthday lovely :) hope your having a wonderful weekend ..

Jean at said...

Beautiful Bella!! You look eternally young. I think it's your birthright, as a creative soul determined to grow and love. I'm so happy to be able to join the party and wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!! Love you!!

sylvia @ 40PlusStyle said...

Congratulations Bella. You look as gorgeous now as you did at 25!

Unknown said...

My mom has always said that you never feel any different on the inside! Debbie @

bluehuewonderland said...

Happy birthday beautiful lady! 50 no way, it's just a number. You are looking gorgeous!

blue hue wonderland

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Shall we wish each other Happy Belated Birthdays? My b-day was on May 30th. Yes, inching my way to the big 5-0 too.


WendyB said...

Happy birthday!