Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Street Feet Product Review: Silver Linings

Rainbows, Summer Skies, and Kicking Studded Sandals All Call For Silver Linings.
 Spring and summer season means I go sockless whenever and where ever possible, whether it be pump kicking, sandal wearing or walking across town in my sneaks. I won't pretend my shoes smell like flowers, going sockless can sometimes mean your shoes can stink, and it's no rose bouquet. So, I am trying out a remedy, an easy to use shoe insert called "Silver Linings." The secret weapon? Anti-microbal silver-based technology. 

So far, so good. They are compact and slip right into your shoe- no need to trim. Each liner lasts a little over a month- and then you take them out and dispose of them, replacing with a fresh set. No harsh chemicals and no perfumes. Silver Linings Odor Absorbing Shoe Liners are sold in packs of 5, and cost under $20. So not too much of an investment for a healthier sole, and a less stinky foot. 

Here's the lowdown: Silver Linings are shoe liners for women who love going sockless. Perfect for the on-the-go woman who wants to feel confident and fresh without sacrificing style. Harnessing the power of silver, SILVER LININGS help keep feet fresh and odor-free while also preserving shoe interiors. 

Disclosure: I received product courtesy of Silver Linings via Brandbacker, a PR company connecting brands to bloggers, for the purpose of this review. No compensation other than sample product was given, and the opinion expressed is entirely my own.

A BIG THANK-YOU to everyone who participated in this month's Shoe Shine! Don't forget that Shoe Shine is now every 2nd Wednesday of the month, and the next one is Wednesday, June 12th. 


The Cranky said...

I am now lusting after your studded sandals...they are perfect!

Lynn Hasty said...

Hey Bella! I LOVE those sandals! Whoa! I always enjoy your product reviews. I must admit, if my toes were as lovely as yours, I'd go without socks as well! I have been trying to pay more attention to my feet! And I will try and get in gear for the next Shoe Shine!


Megan said...

Interesting! What I find weird is that they come in packages of 5 and not in even numbered sets. Odd!

Ulla-Marie said...

Life is better with pink toe nails!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty fascinating! I've never heard of anything like that. (Now I wish they'd existed back in 7th grade when the girl who sat in front of me in class kept taking her shoes off to air out her feet. Blech.)

Sharon said...

Hi my dear! A good honest review and I really love those sandals of yours, they look fabulous! Hope you're well and having a great week xx

Anonymous said...

I'm going to check these out!!
Those stuydded sandals are freaking amazing!! LOVE

Anupriya DG said...

Aah! That studded pair seems made for you, you rockstar chica!!! Shine on! :*

bohemian vanity said...

I've never heard of that but it seems to be a good idea!
Your sandals are a dream, really, and your pink toes are too cute :)
xxxx Tani

Flora Cruft said...

Those fierce sandals are amazing! Perfect for you!

Debra said...

I love your shoes. The Silver Linings sound interesting. Thanks for sharing.


Ofelia said...

Fantastic studded sandals and the Silver Linings shoes inserts sounds like a great idea.
And trust you are right about the smell of sandals and shoes not being a rose bouquet!

Unknown said...

Forget the silver linings...I'm in love with the sandals! Zippers...studs...awesome?...yes!!
Debbie @

Melanie said...

Thanks for this review. Great product. I am woefully lacking in summer shoe attire, so I hope I can participate in your next Shoe Shine.

Anonymous said...

Cooooool sandals! I'm going to have to try these liners. I wear sandals all the time in the summer, so these would be great. Besides the odor, it's nice to have something that stops my feet from sticking to the sole!

Megan G said...

Love love love those sandals! I used to be very anti-sandal, but I've finally come around.