Monday, July 29, 2013

Into the Violet

Full Spectrum +40: Our new +40 website, INTO THE VIOLET has launched!

YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I wrote these words when I created the first stand alone page for the +40 Blog Roll almost 4 years ago. You see, the blog roll had taken a life of its own, and had already outgrown my sidebar, and the post that I had written about it- so I gave it its own page. From the original handful of +40 fashion blogs, the roll is nearing 400, and I feel the need to give it a space where I can fully focus on the community that has sprung up from it- not just for women over 40, but for all women- who need to SEE that +40 is beautiful. 

The +40 Blog Roll now has its own website: INTO THE VIOLET: FULL SPECTRUM +40
Although it's still in beta and very much a work in progress, I'd love for you to check it out, and please share it with your friends. 

To celebrate the launch of the new +40 website, and to help raise funds for this project, I've created custom silicone ultraviolet bands, made courtesy of with the message that started it all: you are not invisible. you are beautiful. I've been wearing my custom UV wristband non-stop, and I love how I am reminded every time the band turns a deep violet purple, that just because I am over the age of forty, doesn't mean that I can't still have a positive cultural impact, and be joyfully present.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Take What You Need

TAKE WHAT YOU NEED. I loved seeing this flyer posted a few blocks from my house. It reads: Take What You Need, and offers the reader a some thoughtful choices ranging from Pep, faith, clarity and grace. 

I think I'm going to be taking some time off. But it's no vacation- actually I'm overwhelmed with a lot of work, and can't manage all my pokers in the fire so to speak. I normally take a Blog-cation in August, but this year it starts a little early. I'll probably post a few things in the coming weeks, but for the moment the blog-life needs to take a breather, so I can focus better on the business side of things. I can't even spare a few extra minutes to spell-check- so my apologies in advance for any typos.

Lots of love to you. Talk at youse, soon.       -Bella Q

PS: Don't forget I'll be busy listing new items for my online shops! 
For my best curated vintage be sure to swing-by Etsy, and for swanky pre-loved and bargains, you'll find some great buys on eBay

Be sure to use coupon code ROSEBUD15 at the Etsy check-out and get 15% off any order of $30 or more

Friday, July 19, 2013

Picture Perfect: Red Poppies

My neighborhood is in glorious full bloom; here's one of my favorite flowers just doing what it does best. 

Wishing you all a wonderful week-end!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Visible Monday: Pin-Up or Shut Up

This is an uncomfortable (to me) post. 

'Cuz it's ALL about the sexy. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Shoe Shine: Red Hot Summer

Red Hot Summer Shoes!

How many pairs of red shoes do you own? I'm at 5 or 6 pajrs and the temperature's rising. I can not get enough of summer red shoes! 

This week, my BFF is visiting and you know what she was wearing. RED SHOES. Gorgeous, comfy and walkable, some Hush Puppies number- in a berry red. So, you would have thunk that I'd have taken a picture of them to post for July's Shoe Shine, but nope. Didn't occur to me, until now. I may have to post them later!

Now it's time for YOU to share the shoes that make you a star. They don't need to be red. They just need to make you feeling sizzling hot. Add your link to the summer shoes that are doing just that- you have until Friday to join in!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Outfit Post: Fourth of July

#SHOPSECONDHANDFIRST 75% Thrifted. 80% Vintage. 100% American.

It was a mellow Fourth of July- but I did manage to wear my favorite color combo for summer. Red, white and blue, something vintage, something new. 

And visible enough to link up with the mesmerizing Patti over at Not Dead Yet Style

Don't forget Shoe Shine is this WEDNESDAY! 

So snap a pic of you in your favorite kicks and post them here on Wednesday, July 10th

Now Wearing: 
  • vintage 1950s red cardigan, available here
  • vintage metal flower brooch, listing soon
  • navy nautical cotton dress c/o E-Shakti
  • Lucky Penny red leather brogues, Goodwill

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sparkle with a SALE

SPARKLE WITH A SALE: Use coupon code ALLAMERICAN all day today, until Friday midnight, and get 20% off your order.

Have a happy and safe Fourth of July, peeps!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Outfit Post: American Made

#AMERICANMADE Styling for a Stronger America
First off, a big hearty thank-you to lovely Une Femme for including me in her wonderful post today about "Authentic Style." I loved her essay on being authentic, and was thrilled to see my visage amongst the inspiring quotes. 

MADE IN THE SHADE. I'm pleased, also, to be among the many stylish women who are participating in Jill's and Adrienne's monthly series, How I Wear My-, with this month being How I Wear My Sunglasses. They'll be posting the pics, July 2nd, so please check out all us "shady ladies" over at Everything Just So, and The Rich Life (on a Budget) then. Thank you, Jill and Adrienne for allowing me to join in on the fun!