Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blah-Blah Blog

Picture imperfect: I'm still working out the kinks in my makeshift photo studio, aka the "Gay-rage" There's lots of room for improvement, but I've just got to buckle down and get to work. There's plenty of things to list! 

Today, I had some fun prancing about, in front of, and behind the camera, trying to model various items, with mixed results.  Today's theme was "the need for Tweed," and I wore some spectacular specimens of tweed clothing, including the moto-jacket made from tweed, and this office-ready skirt. I'll be listing them soon. 

I've decided that I need to recruit some models! So I put the call out, and hopefully can get some fresh faces in front of the lens. I think it'll be easier and more fun for all. So maybe in a couple of weeks, I can have a fun editorial style spread for you, featuring lovelies modeling my "fresh picked vintage."

A year ago today I lived a whole other life, and the year before that, in a whole other different locale. It's kinda funny/cool/weird to see what's changed, and what's stayed the same.

That's about it for now- I'm feeling under the weather, and need to take easy this week. See you on the flip side!


Patti said...

hope you feel better very soon, B. I love the way your new studio is shaping up. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I agree with Patti, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. You did a great job of faking it while doing the photo shoot for your "need for tweed". Studio is looking fantastic, love the picture frame idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the frame! I recently popped for studio lighting equipment, but I'm fairly certain it will be winter before I set it up and master all the new bells and whistles. That's what I'm loving about the much to learn.

Meghan Edge said...

Love the new backdrop and frame, and I LOVE all of those looks! Especially the first one!

Suzanne said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you get better soon.

I love the backdrop idea.


The Style Crone said...

The frame is a brilliant idea. Looking elegant in tweed, and hop that you feel better soon.

Sue @ A Colourful Canvas said...

Take good care of yourself Bella. Hope you feel sunny soon. The studio, and you in tweed, are looking handsome.

Becky said...

Hope you feel better-- you look fantastic!!! Working with models should be fun :)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics, very artistic! I'm a sucker for tweed!

LV said...

I hope you feel better soon. I love the mix of patterns you are wearing and tweed has always been a favorite of mine.

Vix said...

Feel better soon! You certainly look gorgeous even if you're not feeling it! x

That's Not My Age said...

I like your new studio and the latest 'geek chic' look- I'd come and model, if only I could just pop round. Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll feel better soon! You look amazing and I can't wait to see all the work you are preparing in your gay-rage/studio! You look amazing with glasses and I love the tweed mix!

Peaches McGinty said...

delicious tweed, you look so good in it, hope you're resting well x x

Sewingadicta said...
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Sewingadicta said...

I hope you feel better soon. I love tweed, but in my island hot weather it is hard wearing. I love as outlined your new photo studio.

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

That top picture is so cool, Bella...I love the aesthetic you are going for here. I have been under the weather as is the pits...slows us go getters down...but do take care of yourself. You are doing some great work!

squidword said...

Feel better soon! I've missed you! Love your outfit, great mixture of patterns!
Romwe leggings giveaway on my blog!

Curtise said...

Hope you feel better soon, Bella. Love all the tweed and the photos, and looking forward to seeing your new models too. xxx

Krista said...

Tweed I have are you ready rainbow tweed!!! I think I will wear it just for you. You might feel bad but you look beautiful! Can't wait to see more of your stock.

Señora Allnut said...

love your new studio vibe!, such a good light!
and your 'need for tweed' is inspiring and bright!, so pretty pieces!
besos & novedades

Anonymous said...

How great to have a studio set up and ready for use! It looks nice and bright, and I love the single big picture frame. Great outfits, too. I get the feeling we're all ready for some tweed now after a long, hot summer.

I hope you feel better soon.

Forest City Fashionista said...

Nice studio space - I would love to have a place like that to use. It will be fun to dress up some other gals. Hope you feel better soon!

Tamera's Craft Palace said...

Love the new studio!!
It's been amazing watching your changes this past year or so!! You ROCK

Tilda E. said...

Liking the frame and the concrete background. Its so hard to get a good setup for listings pictures, but it looks like you're on your way!

Lynn Hasty said...

I hope you are feeling better. Regarding what you said about time passing and changes, one of the things I love about blogging is being able to go back and see my life in pictures and feel like I am right there again. Some of those places I like being in again, and some of those places I wouldn't do again.


Flora Cruft said...

Get well soon dear Bella. You look wonderful in those tweed outfits, I love it when you show off your gorgeous pins in mini skirts! Congratulations on your happy transformations over the years, here's to many more my friend.

Unknown said...

Get well Bella!
I love the backdrop, the frame
Models are a good idea, Izzy does the same, apparently sales go up when you hire models -


Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Pics look GREAT! I especially like the one with the umbrella.


No Fear of Fashion said...

Hope you are feeling alright again. Love your studio work. And tweed is very happening this fall. So you should sell them easily.
I wonder what it is going to be like with other models. Please let us see you from time to time as well. I love your serious-looking face.

Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

gorgeous photos. I hope you're feeling better by now, my pretty little friend!

doradadama said...

belleza of photos!Love the gold frame in the background. Te amo in tweed.


Anonymous said...

Feel better soon Bella, that black and white jacket is awesome on you!