Monday, September 16, 2013

The Grand Opening

Warning: PHOTO OVERLOAD. Last weekend's Grand Opening celebration at Beats and Bohos was a blast, and it was a thrill to see such a nice turnout of warm, friendly and super stylish people. We had snacks, sips and music to mingle to. I was so touched by how warm and friendly the crowd was, and how welcoming they were.

And what a good looking crowd! There was such a great display of snazzy dressers- they were quite a number of personal favorites- and it was a delight to see Seattle-ites turned out in so much color. Some bloggy pals showed up- what a treat to see foxy Jean ( of Jean of All Trades, Sunshine and Slaughter) and Catie (Fleur d'Elise) show up with their handsome hubbies in tow. It was a lovely mingle, and when I left around 10pm, let me just say, it looked like the party was still going strong. 

Looks like we're off to a great start!

You can see more pictures of the evening HERE

Beats and Bohos is located at: 7200 Greenwood Avenue, N
and is open Tuesdays-Saturdays from 1pm-9pm, Sundays 12-5pm.


No Fear of Fashion said...

Looks like a great party indeed. Hope you do some awesome business there. And have laughs in the meantime.

SeƱora Allnut said...

oh yeah, that sounds like a great partytime with lots of fun and funky people!, so glad you've enjoyed it!!
besos & business

Suzanne said...

I love the wall gallery.

Great pics. Looks like fun and hope the cash register was singing.


Helga said...

What a whole lotta funnage!!
So many gorgeous people, that chick in the pink frock rocks!!!
YAY, so glad it was awesome, sweetheart! XXX

Curtise said...

So pleased that the grand opening was indeed grand! It looks like a fun event, lots is gorgeous people and a really cool vibe. Good luck with it, Bella! xxxx

Anonymous said...

i just want to hop on a plane right this minute. What a fun place to hang out at. Best of luck there.

Patti said...

love it, love it, wish I were there. Best of luck xoxoxo

Becky said...

So cute, so fun!!!! I wish I could of been there!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks great!! Glad it was so successful, and I wish I could have been there.

Meghan Edge said...

That looks like a party I want to go to!! Everyone looks AMAZING and I just want to be friends with the girl in the freddy-striped sweater. That hair is amazing!

Ulla-Marie said...

Vinyls from Seattle ... feels rare!

Tamera's Craft Palace said...

How awesome !! Here's to much success!!

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Fabulous opening! Best of luck to you.


Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

what stylishly colorful people!

Thrifted Shift said...

Happy Opening! Catie and Jean look great! What did YOU wear?

Gabriala Brown said...

Awesome Bella Q! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the opening was a great success. What a kick to see Katie's face there.

Krista said...

Party! This looks fab! What a stylish bunch of folk! Best of luck here Bella!

Flora Cruft said...

Looks fun and oh so cool!

Unknown said...

Wish I could have been there! Looks like a great location and a grand selection. Would that we had shops like that here, or even close. I miss the hood.

Lynn Hasty said...

Looks awesome!!
