Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pattern Play: Checks, Dots + Spots

I Spy: Mixing in the Feline in a Bee-line for Spy Girl's 52 Pick-Me-Up

I know what you're thinking: how does she make it look so damn easy? When it comes to print mixing, I'm a veritable idiot savant, yeah?

 You're probably also wondering why I don't wear jeans more often. I am a DRESS GIRL, and really don't like wearing pants. I find them sloppy looking, and uncomfortable. But today, I was prompted to pull on a pair of Denizen by Levis because my silk dress is so short, and it is Seattle cold! I needed a layer, and I wanted to get outside my comfort zone so to speak. I really liked the way the jeans fit, and wore them the next day as well. The shoes, well, they are my favorite sneaks, are always on, whenever I'm home- think a Mr. Roger's cardi for the feet. The bags, are a mix of vintage and new. I love them both, but am putting them both up for sale. Here's to them finding a good home!
#SECONDHANDFIRST: 99% Thrifted. 100% Playful.
Now Wearing: 
  • vintage fuzzy wool hat with plummy velvet bow, $10, buy it HERE
  • new Sanrio reversible scarf, Goodwill
  • silk dotted dress, Buffalo Exchange
  • Denizen jeans by Levis, thrifted
  • new Elizabeth Arden tote bag, $12, buy it HERE
  • vintage gingham travel tote bag, buy it HERE
Linking to the fabulous Spy Girl for 52 Pick-Me-Up


Unknown said...

I love the print mixing. Thanks for pointing me to Spy Girl's Wednesday pick me up!!

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Checks, dots, spots...cute, cute, the pattern mixes!

Gracey the Giant said...

Oh, this is so great. Everything is just spot on. Pun intended!

Zickimicki said...

ha ha, very very nice:):):)
xxx birgit

Melanie said...

Love this! At first I thought your hat had cat ears. And I love those Sanrio characters.

Patti said...

fabulous! That is one gorgeous hat. xo

Tami Von Zalez said...

AND Hello Kitty is in the scarf! Touche ~

Sasha Maria said...

Your scarf! It's adorable!

Shybiker said...

Gorgeous. It possesses that flair we've come to expect from you.

Amber of Butane Anvil said...

Oh, fantastic hat! And everything!!! Fantastic you!

Anonymous said...

Love it all! That hat is gorgeous, and your outfit is just so damn cute!

Penny-Rose said...

I love everything about this outfit - the scarf, the shoes, the bags, the jeans, the dress!!! I could go on and on!! You can tell I like it by all the exclamation marks :-)

bohemian vanity said...

You look pretty in jeans aswell!!! First i thought you're wearing cat ears haha ;) xxxx

Vix said...

A glorious outfit, you're a work of art! x

Señora Allnut said...

oh, I thought your hat had cat ears, but anyway it's matchy with that kitties motif on your scarf and I love it!, because I love to wear a dress with pants, I love polka dots in black&white and love your doubled bag style!, you're fabulously talented!!

Curtise said...

Spots, double-bagging, and a bow that looks like ears? Genius! xxx

Jill said...

Dude, I'm cringing, I live in jeans! I don't think I look that good in a dress. A pencil skirt is okay though, as long as it's semi-tight. I am digging this picture of you, can Adrienne and I use it for our upcoming "How I Wear My: Jeans". Pretty please kitty kitty? XO, Jill

Krista said...

You look super cute honey and I'm thinking of you today as I wear my sweet unicorn barrette! Ya know I wore jeans for a day about two weeks ago and I felt so odd, kinda like I was wearing something frumpy. Jeans I am over but this outfit is really suit.

Suzanne said...

What a wild eclectic mix! Definately advanced pattern mixing.


ZalinaW said...

It really does work. I love the look.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...


I like all the mixed patterns :-)


thorne garnet said...

I do love a black dress with white polka dots.

Rosalind said...

The hat is the perfect (or indeed purr-fect) finishing touch here, and the double bagging (a la Desiree) is the cherry on the cake!

Unknown said...

You have the most adorable facial expressions. Oh, and the outfit is cute too :).

Unknown said...

yes you are an expert pattern mixing diva!
But you know what, my fav item is this adorable Hello Kitty scarf!

Have a great weekend


Unknown said...

What fun......that's what fashion should do, make you happy! x

No Fear of Fashion said...

Yes you are right, you are good in pattern mixing. And jeans and you are a good match. But hey.. if you are a dress girl, you will stay that way I suppose.

Tamera's Craft Palace said...

checks, dots, spots and FABULOUS!!!

citizen rosebud said...

You gals are THEE BEST!

Anne M Bray said...

I thought the hat was cat ears too -- haha! Leopards and kitty, oh my! Thanks for linking up AND for sending Lissy in my direction. xxox

The Style Crone said...

You are the pattern mixing guru, and today is no exception. You do make it look easy and I'm always taking notes from your compositions.

Beryl said...

Pretty cute - I agree with everyone who said they thought the hat had cat's ears. Nice spotted shoes.

Flora Cruft said...

A brilliant mix of patterns and oh I love the kitty hat on you so much! It was made for you to wear it Bella!

Forest City Fashionista said...

That hat looks so cute on you I think you should keep it! You are the QUEEN of pattern mixing, and I am in love with your Sanrio print scarf (great score!).

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Love the pattern mixing too!

Lynn Hasty said...

Bella, you are the mix master! I love it all!! And you totally made my WEEK with the sweet little photo. I mean it. I've shed some tears lately over the stresses of life, and that little photo was like a ray of sunshine beaming out at me!!
