Friday, December 6, 2013

Season's Feetings!

Winter has found me. 

It's cold here. And while I hide out in my warm little nest, my hands and feets are like beige-y icicles. I am dressed like a homeless person- willy nilly, whatever layers are warm, matching and clever pattern mixing be damned. Wearing my worsted wool cap($12, Wigwam Mills, made in the USA) my head is warm, but so very not fashion-able! All I could do to make myself feel worth of the "fashion blogger" moniker, was slip on these sandy suede beauties, a secondhand find from Seychelles (and now available on eBay,) with my angora cherry red fuzzy Christmas socks and shuffle around for a while. Memo to self: buy more warm and fuzzysocks!)

I hope my style can survive the season. Seriously, I'm in need of some better winter gear, here. 

Season's Feetings! Warming up the feet with some fab suede stacked heels and spicy socks

Shoe Shine for this month is next Wednesday! 
December 11th, make sure you've got on your best and brightest for the season, snap a photo of you in your favorite shoes of the season, and share it with us! Link-up will start 6 am, December 11th, and stay up until Friday, midnight. I look forward in seeing your kicky holiday spirit! 


Anonymous said...

It's crazy cold here too! We got about 8 inches of snow, and it looks like the temperature will stay below freezing for about four days. I need more boots, stat!

Please may I? said...

It might be cold but those red socks looks snuggly and warm.

As for unfashionable? That is a word that should never ever be muttered by yourself hun. You are style itself and we love you for it.

X x

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Those shoes are so can wear anything with them!! Stay warm, Bella!

Shybiker said...

Winter can challenge our fashion desires. You meet that challenge with this adorable combination of heels and sox.

Sue in Spain said...

I'm sure you look amazing, whatever you may say! I sympathise with you as I don't like the cold either. Spanish houses are built to stay cool - great in summer but not in winter! - and I am dressing in lots of layers. I even bought a woolly hat this week and there's no way that I look good in hats - it shows how desperate I am to stay warm! x

Patti said...

I think I've forgotten what cold feels like, but I do feel for you!! Socks with heels always looks sassy and stylish to me. I used to have a faux fur throw that was warm as the equator - if I still had it I'd send it right over. xox

Señora Allnut said...

I'm sorry for all of you, colder climates ladies!, and sometimes worried about weather conditions there!. Winter is not so cold here, even though it's used to snow!. So I'm a huge fan of comfortable waterproof coats and boots!
wish you a stylish and warm weekend!

Anupriya DG said...

Nothing like warm & fuzzy socks for winter!! ^_^

Beryl said...

I always thought that wool socks were key to surviving Seattle Winters! And cashmere sweaters as undershirts. I never pass up a good buy on cashmere, some of it so cheap that I slept in it.

Antionette Blake said...

Who doesn't love RED????