Friday, January 10, 2014

Flashback Friday: Floral Frenzy

FLASHBACK: This picture was taken and posted the week of January 19, 2012 (see original post here. That's nearly 2 years ago, yeah? This exact dress, and socks have been on regular rotation for the past 2 months- I still love the cut of the dress, and the colors- dreamy violet and turquoise against a midnight black cotton background. This is winter blooming at its finest.  The shoes are long gone, the gorgeous metal scaled belt has recently been sold, but everything else is still in my closet. And that feels good!

This outfit was 80 % Thrifted, but is 100% #SECONDHANDFIRST. 
Let me illustrate:

  • Vintage 1950s/60s wool floral sweater. Bought at Fringe, a vintage lifestyle shop in Sacramento. Owned by a lovely lady, this is me shopping local, and supporting a small, local business, as well as buying a secondhand sourced garment, that happened to be in minty fresh condition, and a bargain for just $32. 
  • Vintage cotton floral frock- purchased from Free Style Clothing, another Sacramento based business, owned by a woman. Kinda like Buffalo Exchange, they do a booming business of buy/sale/trade offering up a way to circulate your wardrobe. There are vintage items, some new items, but mostly a great way to make some room in your closet by trading your sartorial misses in, to be snatched up by another fashion-lover. The dress was on clearance- the zipper was broken, and I swooped on it for $12, and after the zipper replacement (which cost more than the dress,) the dress is still a bargain for under $30.
  • The belt was a score from the Goodwill probably nearly 7 years ago. I think I paid $15 for it, knowing that was worth a lot more than that. I've only seen one other belt like it, at an upscale antique/vintage boutique, priced for $65.
  • The socks were gifted to me- and I love them still! They are over-the-knee socks by Betsy Johnson.
  • The shoes- in reality cheap trendy things, but I loved them . They were purchased in a small local boutique, yet another Sac-town, woman owned business. I wore the shoes almost daily for nearly a year. Suddenly they didn't suit me, and I then donated them to a charity shop.  While I would have preferred to have bought better quality shoes made from a Union factory, at least the purchase supported a local business. We all do what we can, when we can do it.
Do you have items that you still wear on a regular basis that you bought years ago? What are your deciding factors in your purchases?

 REMINDER: Shoe Shine is next Tuesday! Looking forward in seeing what you'll bring!


Anupriya DG said...

I had absolutely loved this floral frenzy of yours!!! And I remember, you had work the HOWRAH BRIDGE necklace with this too! :))

Patti said...

Lovely! I see a lot of familiar pieces when I look at my old posts, like my fave black tulle skirt (thrifted for a couple bucks). xoxo

Curtise said...

A gorgeous floral bouquet of an outfit, Bella!
Oh definitely, I have old favourites which have been in my wardrobe for years but I still love and wear them. I will never understand why people don't like re-wearing clothes. If I like something, and look and feel good in it, I want to wear it over and over again! xxxx

The Style Crone said...

You are the gift of winter in bloom! Floral frenzy could brighten any season, as it does today.

I have items that I've worn since the 70's. If I wear something once in 20 years, it's a keeper. I may have to rethink that as the years pass by. But for now, it's the structure that I live by.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

I love floral frenzy! I think I'm going to try and put outfits together this weekend .. maybe mix/match some prints too ;-)


Becky said...

I LOVE this whole look!

Idee Fixe said...

Floral patterns so gorgeous on you, really make you bloom! Of course I have items I will never part with that get worn on a regular basis. My crazy 80s belt collection is an example of an item that gets worn at least weekly (and never ceases to garner compliments, so glad I held on to them!) So many other treasures I pull out from time to time, some never go out of rotation they are so well-loved! XXX

Helga said...

Every detail of this outfit is divoon!
You've just reminded me that a Recycle Boutique has opened up in town-it's our version of Buffalo Exchange, but were only in Auckland, wellington and Dunedin. I must go and check them out!

mispapelicos said...

Nothing I love more than a floral frenzy, my dear friend.
You look so perfect.
I buy nothing but second hand as you know
Love and sunshine always.
Thank you sooooooooo much to join Share-in-Style.

bluehuewonderland said...

Hi Bella, I love what you said on Catherine's post. Just wanted to let you know this. You are looking fab in the textures and colors of this outfit!

blue hue wonderland

Forest City Fashionista said...

You are exploding with Flower Power in this post - I love that dress on you, glad you've kept it and still wear it.