Thursday, January 23, 2014

Picture Perfect: Live Gratitude

Signs of the Times: Live Gratitude (Photo Credit: Bella Q)
Someone's been leaving around various hand painted signs around my neighborhood- all using scrap wood, and simple stenciled graphics. This one was was placed in front of an art gallery close to my home. I couldn't have said it better myself. 

What are you grateful for?


Susan B said...

Wonderful! Random acts of beauty.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

What a sweet thing to do!


Connie said...

Yep. Words of wisdom.

Patti said...

Love this! And especially the serendipity of finding it. xoxo

Lynn Hasty said...

How lovely!! I am grateful for my mother. Friends. The concept of thrift stores. Life. God.

Lynn Dylan

Sheila said...

I love random art like that. Someone in my neighbourhood was doing Bane (from Batman) portraits in stencil and sticking them to telephone poles. I took one! They're so cool.

I'm thankful for pizza, tonight's dinner.

Sasha Maria said...

This is beautiful. I love when people partake in such spontaneous acts of artful beauty.

Val said...

Very, very cool. I'm grateful for being healthy, and that our weather has finally cleared, and that I have enough to eat and a warm home and an online community to share cool pictures with!

Suzanne said...

How fabulously cool.

I'm grateful for my health.


No Fear of Fashion said...

I have so much I am grateful for. As Suzanne says: health! Firstly, but also because of all the happiness in my life: loving, humorful husband, security, nice house, good job, lots and lots of friends, sweet mother, having had a warm childhood etc etc. Really too much.