Heart the Hat: nothing tops off a nearly 100% thrifted outfit like a good ol' (Christian) boy's trucker hat. |
Maybe it was the slip-on shoes, paired with the wool men's cardigan that made me think I was dressed up like an old man- but I just went with it. I added some of my favorite recently acquired brooches, a Jesus lovin' trucker hat, and these amazing new-old stock vintage Levi's red, white and blue suspenders, and Grandpa'd out!
Quite possibly, it was this great vintage mid-century era portrait I scored from the nearby Goodwill, that reminded me how great vintage men's stuff is. This white haired gent reminded me of a school teacher I had, in grade school. Mr. Braaten, his name was. It think we called him "Rotten Braaten" under our childish breath. He was terribly patient with our shenanigans, one of which entailed stealing ice cream left over from a church Ice Cream Social, and sneaking off to eat it inside the baptismal.
He always wore a suit and tie, and these smart looking old school glasses. Wonder what he dresses like now that's he's long since retired, I can't imagine him relaxing in a pair of Bermudas, a golf sweater and a trucker hat. I just had to pose with the thrifted picture before it got listed on eBay. Here's hoping the painting goes to a good home that appreciates the fine charms of "bad" Thrift Store Art.