Friday, November 27, 2015


Boom. Just like that, the official holiday season commences. 
Thanksgiving dinner eaten, leftovers in the fridge, and we are off to the shopping races. 

Or are we? 

It seems the headlines is just as much about making the day after Thanksgiving a Buy Nothing Day, as it is the launch of the official holiday shopping season, Black Friday, where people form themselves into a mess of long lines and wait outside their favorite box store to work themselves into a frenzy of purchase power. 

Personally, I have mixed feelings about this. While I've never succumbed to the lure of Black Friday shopping, as a small business owner who relies on people to shop their goods to make ends meet, I understand that for many, Black Friday is as much a recreational past-time as it is a day to unfurl the Xmas shopping list and find the right gifts to put under their tree. 

Today, for me at least, I'm calling BLACK FRANCIS FRIDAY, because I'm staying home and just chilling with the dude and the cat, taking it easy. Unless you call opening up the fridge to pull out leftovers work, it's a day off for us. 

However, in honor of BLACK FRANCIS FRIDAY, we'll be offering 15% off today in our Etsy shops, so if you are in the mood for shopping today, you can do so from the comfort of your couch. Do check out the goods, if you'd like!

You can find us on on Etsy: 

CITIZEN ROSEBUD: a cultivated collection of vintage + pre-loved clothing for women with timeless appeal for day. Specializing in USA and Union label. All items are 15% off today, and for added savings, please use coupon code ROSEBUD at check-out for an additional 10% off.

CITIZEN NEST: fresh picks for the roost. Some of my best finds can be found in this shop! Here's where you'll find a clutch of one of a kind finds for the home. Ranging from thrift store art, antique dishes, unique knick-knacks to vintage books and vinyl, our Citizen Nest is a budding resource to feather yours.

CITIZEN NOIR: cultivated vintage for evening + special occasions. Our newest shop on Etsy is where you'll find our best vintage and pre-loves suited for evening and your special occasions. Here, you'll find plenty of shine and sparkle and lux fabrics including silk brocades, fine furs and velvet. This shop also offers a budding collection of vintage lingerie and lounge wear for the ladies. Presently, there's not a whole lot in this shop, as it is just starting up, but check back often, we are adding things daily, and if you're looking for something in particular, please message us and we'll see what we can do for you,

For today only, we've got all three shops marked down for 15% off, and you can use coupon code ROSEBUD at checkout for an additional 10% off. That's a total of 25% off for BLACK FRANCIS FRIDAY, and let your holiday shopping begin! 

If you'd rather just relax, and skip shopping today- no worries! Kick back, relax and enjoy the day! 


  1. That Francis...he's taken like a duck to water to this posing lark!
    Spending the day off with leftovers and a cat sounds like a perfect day to me!

  2. I just love your new Marketing Directer . You can't go wrong with Patrick in the helm.


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!