Wednesday, January 13, 2016

POETRY IN MOTION: Chrysanthemum in Silk

Poetry in Korean Silk: a vintage Hanbok cropped jacket in Chrysanthemum Orange. SHOP NOW.

Beside a Chrysanthemum

For one chrysanthemum to bloom
a nightingale
has sobbed since spring, perhaps.

For one chrysanthemum to bloom 

Poem by Korean poet Midang So Chong-ju. All photos by the Citizen Rosebud.

has pealed in dark clouds, perhaps.

Flower! Like my sister standing
at her mirror, just back
from far away, far away byways of youth,
where she was racked with longing and lack:

last night's frost came down
to bid your yellow petals bloom, perhaps,
while I could not get to sleep.
                                     -Midang Sŏ Chŏng-ju

Somehow the way a pale January sky reminds me of a watercolor sketch, a bright colored vintage silk jacket provides the antidote to the bloodless gray of a winter day. Like a spring bulb readying its burst through the soil, preparing her blaze of color as a herald of spring, I find wearing a vintage silk or satin Asian jacket to be just the right amount of jolt to liven things up. When I took these photos of a vintage Korean hanbok jacket (cropped and flattering to almost every waistline!) it reminded me of an orange chrysanthemum flower warming up the soul in the midst of a gray winter day. So it seems fitting to celebrate the poesy of bright silks with a poem.    

How are you adding color to your day?


  1. Like wearing fireworks!

    Here in the frozen mud of the Midwest, I've been using oil seed to attract color to my world in the form of jays and cardinals. You've inspired me to hunt out a heavy silver-and-red hapi coat to wear to an appointment with my masseuse. Its brocade is rather tattered, but this is mid-January in Indiana...

  2. Love the pairing of jacket with tutu!
    That poem...ahhh!
    Always love your writing, as you know.
    Xo Jazzy Jack

  3. Gosh, love the poem and the jacket - well paired! Maybe all clothes should be sold that way.


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!