Thursday, March 23, 2017

FTFW: How To Wear A Baseball Cap, Part 1


TIP: How To Wear A Baseball Cap, Part 1.

1) Put it on your head.

Arguably a fashion statement, baseball caps have of course been around for years. Lately, you've probably been seeing them on more on the streets, than the outfield. For whatever reason, I personally love to slap on a retro trucker hat or baseball cap on my growing out hair did and pretend I'm on some kind of trend. I've listed quite a few this past year, and nearly all of them have sold. In fact, I shipped out one of my favorites a couple of days ago, which made me think of a little selfie posted on Instagram last summer with me wearing it. 

Black hats with white logos look especially striking and stylish without much effort. Case in point, this lovely customer who send me of pic showing off their recent Citizen Rosebud purchase!

How do you feel about baseball caps? 
Do you have any fashion tips for wearing them? 
Do share in the comments!


Forest City Fashionista said...

Hi Bella! Personally, I am not a fan of baseball caps and have no desire to wear one, ever. I work on a university campus so I see the students wearing them all the time.

Señora Allnut said...

really cute that a client sent a picture enjoying this piece!
Baseball caps are not very popular in my neck of the woods!, we're kinda peculiar people!. I've seen them sported by teenagers, but not many of them!
I think you rock your caps, indeed!

No Fear of Fashion said...

Hats and me are a difficult combination. Sometimes I strike gold but not often. And a baseball cap looks hideous on me. Mind if I pass? Nice of your customer to send the picture though.